Tons of SPOILERS in the review and if you don't want to know SPOILERS about X3 why the fuck did you even click on this thread?
Some of the worst offenses:
The basic story is about Angel's father having this evil blue-glowing de-mutant serum. Yea. X3: The Secret of the Ooze!
Juggernaut is reduced to a Batman and Robin Bane-style role.
Gambit is basically a glorified cameo.
The muties who die? Moriarty was a little bitch and censored all of the names except for
Choice quotes from the review:
Tons of SPOILERS in the review and if you don't want to know SPOILERS about X3 why the fuck did you even click on this thread?
Some of the worst offenses:
The basic story is about Angel's father having this evil blue-glowing de-mutant serum. Yea. X3: The Secret of the Ooze!
Juggernaut is reduced to a Batman and Robin Bane-style role.
Gambit is basically a glorified cameo.
The muties who die? Moriarty was a little bitch and censored all of the names except for
Choice quotes from the review:
Whats not so hot? Well, the plot sucks, and thats never a good sign. When the driving point of the plot is a blue serum derived from a useless mutant (read: Plot Device), Id have to say the studio probably got its moneys worth out of the monkey assembly line in the basement.
Good luck to the director who takes on this project. Vaughn probably knew this one was about to blow up in his face, and thats why he ran. Maybe a strong writer can come in and still make this an effective script, but the main plot, and the utter oblivion of [ONE OF THE CHARACTERS] especially, are currently a death knell in this project. And now that Ratners aboard, well, good luck X-Fans is more like it.