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AICN X3 Script Review (Here be DOG SHIT and SPOILERS)

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Tons of SPOILERS in the review and if you don't want to know SPOILERS about X3 why the fuck did you even click on this thread?

Some of the worst offenses:

The basic story is about Angel's father having this evil blue-glowing de-mutant serum. Yea. X3: The Secret of the Ooze!

Juggernaut is reduced to a Batman and Robin Bane-style role.

Gambit is basically a glorified cameo.

The muties who die? Moriarty was a little bitch and censored all of the names except for

Choice quotes from the review:
What’s not so hot? Well, the plot sucks, and that’s never a good sign. When the driving point of the plot is a blue serum derived from a useless mutant (read: Plot Device), I’d have to say the studio probably got its money’s worth out of the monkey assembly line in the basement.

Good luck to the director who takes on this project. Vaughn probably knew this one was about to blow up in his face, and that’s why he ran. Maybe a strong writer can come in and still make this an effective script, but the main plot, and the utter oblivion of [ONE OF THE CHARACTERS] especially, are currently a death knell in this project. And now that Ratner’s aboard, well, good luck X-Fans is more like it.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Well the script seems like a perfect fit for someone like Ratner...good god :(
Sounds like
Xavier also dies.

I liked the description of that Angel breaking free scene, but meh...not another demutantization plot.
Well, I don't care that the film is going to suck, as long as this comes true:

And to prove it works, we get a firsthand glimpse of our favorite pseudo-naked blue mutant, Mystique, as she is injected with the serum and she becomes a no-longer-blue version of herself – I just hope she’s still naked when the transformation occurs.

Quadrophenic said:
Sounds like
Xavier also dies.

I liked the description of that Angel breaking free scene, but meh...not another demutantization plot.

Actually givien the context of Moriarty's hint I actually think it's
who bites the big one.

Honestly, do these people even know what they are doing. They kill off
, despite having one of the most interesting backstories in the comics, do jack with him in the movies.

Then they bring in Cain Marko, Xavier's half-brother in a role that might as well be titled Mutant Thug #2.

With the Wolverine spinoff coming and this possibly being Jackman's last X-men movie. You think they would want to future proof the franchise by keeping popular and interesting charecters alive so they can be explored in further sequels.

Instead it looks like they want to kill the series with stupidity by trying to cut every corner they can think of in a mad rush to beat Singer's Superman, which is ironiclly a situation that Fox and according to Moriarty, Fox co-chair Tom Rothman specifically created. Hearing Moriarty's description of some of his decisions, he sounds just as bad that guy who wanted gay robots and polar bear guards in the Superman movie.
Yeah, sorry about that, I wrote it after visiting the AICN site where they had it out for all to see. In sight, out of mind, so to speak.


Marvel had better find a way to push this movie back or get it away from fox, before they destroy the franchise and they have to start over like batman.

Its time for avi to prove he has a brain in that big grey head of his.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
So is it official that Fox is the new butcher of all things Marvel?



Well I'm sorry, but this is the most idiotic telling of the
saga ever. So literally we have
The Pheonix/Jean
killing off both

Yeah, if this remains in the script for the final cut I will not be seeing it. That's just too ridiculous to stomach.


Hollywood Square
I've heard that this is an old script, but that certain things that FOX mandated, like mutants dying and the serum thing, are staying intact. Plus, they're keeping the same writers.


Hollywood Square
Bacon said:
Did Snake help write this script?

No. He never really had anything do with any of the X-Men films.

Zak Penn and Simon Kinberg wrote this script, who are the geniuses that brought you such cinema classics as "Elektra" and "xXx: State of the Union". Between the both of them, only Kinberg has one decent project and that's the recently released Mr. and Mrs. Smith, from which I heard that the writing was the weakest aspect of the movie.


Well this is pretty dissappointing. I figured the series would eventually go down the shitter but I really wanted to see some good stuff beforehand. Nothing we actually want to see in a plot, recycled bullshit is what we get. The really bad thing is I read a few good things in there which would make me not totally hate this movie. I don't quite see Maggie Grace as
Kitty Pride
, maybe an older version but where is Collusus, they need him back for this. I actually like the whole
take and the that whole scene sounds very awesome. I didn't really have a problem with
Wolverine and Storm getting it on, because that does actually happen in the comics. So does her leading the xmen after Cyclops fell apart after Jean Grey died. The only problem is she's never been a real compelling character in the comics or on screen
I do have major issues with
the whole Dark Phoenix they are trying to do. I could stomach it more if they reveal she doesn't really kill Cyclops and Prof. X and thats what spins her into the Dark Phoenix, that would be ok

I'm just kind of confused by the script I guess. I really don't like the main plot but there is enough there that I do like to make me drawn between hating it and wanting to see it. I suppose a simple change from the main plot being about
a stupid de-mutant serum
to being about
but keeping everything else in place would have made it just better enough to cancel out the hate.


Hollywood Square
You don't have any problems with
Wolvering getting it on with Storm?!?
Regardless of that happening in the comic, there's been absolutely nothing leading up to that in the movies.


Willco said:
You don't have any problems with
Wolvering getting it on with Storm?!?
Regardless of that happening in the comic, there's been absolutely nothing leading up to that in the movies.

See, thats pretty much how it happens in comics too.
Wolverine is like the bad boy that attracts the women and he gets laid alot. Storm is a woman and has needs too so who is she most likely to hook up with for casual sex?
I don't think they need a backstory on that so no i'm not really concerned about that part.


Willco said:
I've heard that this is an old script, but that certain things that FOX mandated, like mutants dying and the serum thing, are staying intact. Plus, they're keeping the same writers.

why are movie studios always so hellbent on fucking with the source material of anything they license...i know a crazy human with "mutant begone" is a cheaper villian to bring to life than say apocalypse ot the sentinels, but damn will it make for a disappointing movie.

at what point can marvel start taking franchises away from studios that fuck them up?


Ponn01 said:
See, thats pretty much how it happens in comics too.
Wolverine is like the bad boy that attracts the women and he gets laid alot. Storm is a woman and has needs too so who is she most likely to hook up with for casual sex?
I don't think they need a backstory on that so no i'm not really concerned about that part.

but thats not right...in the current comics wolverine and storm did not start getting closer until wolverine was helping her to rehabilitate after a serious injury, the "relationship" has slowly developed from there in stops and starts...depending on who is writing.


Hollywood Square
G4life98 said:
why are movie studios always so hellbent on fucking with the source material of anything they license...i know a crazy human with "mutant begone" is a cheaper villian to bring to life than say apocalypse ot the sentinels, but damn will it make for a disappointing movie.

Really, it's only FOX at this point pulling this shit. Rothman's antics are the reason Whedon didn't accept the gig. It's usually a cycle. A hotshot gets awarded a senior position, makes a couple of movies that make a lot of money, get more control, goes overboard, makes some shitty movies and gets ousted. It happens to many studios over time.

at what point can marvel start taking franchises away from studios that fuck them up?

Really, it matters how long the licensing contract is with that particular studio. In this face, I don't think Marvel can do anything.

At least Sony seems to be giving Raimi & Co. a lot of creative control with Spidey, though.

Warner Bros. seems to be the place to be for superhero movies at the moment, and they've attracted guys like Whedon, Singer and Nolan to give them some credibility.


Hollywood Square
G4life98 said:
but thats not right...in the current comics wolverine and storm did not start getting closer until wolverine was helping her to rehabilitate after a serious injury, the "relationship" has slowly developed from there in stops and starts...depending on who is writing.

Not only that, Wolverine and Storm have at least had a relationship in the comics, at least as teammates and friends. I think Wolverine and Storm have maybe spoken 10 lines to each other in both films combined. I don't even remember many scenes with them together.


Willco said:
Not only that, Wolverine and Storm have at least had a relationship in the comics, at least as teammates and friends. I think Wolverine and Storm have maybe spoken 10 lines to each other in both films combined. I don't even remember many scenes with them together.
Yeah, the focus was entirely on the Jean + Cyclops + Wolverine love triangle. Storm was not involved period.


I'm not entirely sure why Moriarity bothered to remove bits of that, because from the rest of it it seems INCREDIBLY FUCKING OBVIOUS that

I don't usually venture into these threads because I'm really not a big fan of comic book movies. But I really liked X-Men 2 and it's really disappointing to see the series is heading in a bad direction. Still, with a year to go you can always hope this was all bullshit and everything will be OK! Right? Right...? Right...


Willco said:
Not only that, Wolverine and Storm have at least had a relationship in the comics, at least as teammates and friends. I think Wolverine and Storm have maybe spoken 10 lines to each other in both films combined. I don't even remember many scenes with them together.

In the comics they were engaged for awhile, after the whole Phoenix saga thing. Before that I remember them getting it on. Like I said before it was more of a casual sex thing, friends with benefits. If they play it like that in the movie I really still don't see how that's a stretch. So far we aren't talking full blown relationship here, do you really need to see a back story everytime Bond gets it on with a girl? On top of that there is just so much else wrong with the plot and script that this should just be a minor thing if that.

I still can't see how sentinels should be a money issue to include in the movie. Anyone ever see those commercials for the Xmen Legends game? Even the sentinel in the commercial looked pretty damn good.


The only thing that can save x3 is a "Lex ltuthor is an alien ??????????" type fan revolt, so grab your pitchforks and torches its angry mob time.


whose with me? :D


Hollywood Square
Ponn01 said:
In the comics they were engaged for awhile, after the whole Phoenix saga thing. Before that I remember them getting it on. Like I said before it was more of a casual sex thing, friends with benefits. If they play it like that in the movie I really still don't see how that's a stretch. So far we aren't talking full blown relationship here, do you really need to see a back story everytime Bond gets it on with a girl? On top of that there is just so much else wrong with the plot and script that this should just be a minor thing if that.

Yeah, it would be a stretch. This isn't Bond. They're not even friends in the movie, which they were in the comics beforehand.

I still can't see how sentinels should be a money issue to include in the movie. Anyone ever see those commercials for the Xmen Legends game? Even the sentinel in the commercial looked pretty damn good.

FOX is just stupid.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That scene with Jean killing Cyclops sounds impossibly dumb.

Making Mystique a human by way of a simple fucking serum? Horrendous.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Storm plus Wolverine is DUMB
. There's about as much potential chemistry in that as there is when a drop of oil falls into a glass of tepid tap water.

Also, Halle Berry has been nothing but dull, flat and uninteresting in all these films. Perhaps it's because she hasn't had any interesting scenes? Maybe it's just that she's the wrong actress for trhe part. Storm is a strong and classy African woman in the comic. Halle Berry comes across too frail to play her. A middle ground between Halle Berry (too girly) and Grace Jones (too manly) would've been perfect.

Sentinels or an Apocalypse story (probably too hard to write into a 3 hour flick) would rock. The Cyclops death seems dumb and I doubt Xavier is dead for good. They only wrote 2 acts remember. Juggernaut and Xavier not playing on their relationship seems a missed opportunity.


Mutie who loses their power:

Muties who die:
Cyclops and Xavier. The third is unclear right now.

And anyone who thinks Ratner is a good director who will "save" this piece of shit is an idiot who has no fucking clue what they're talking about.


I haven't bothered to analyze this as a whole, just as a rabid Jean fan...so from that perspective...
things definitely sound kinda weird, re: the Scott/Jean scene at the lake ("don't worry, I can hold back your optic blasts...oops, you're dead"). Things that sound cool though are the origin sequence with Xavier and Magneto showing up at Jean's house when she's a 13yo girl...and Jean already able to bypass Xavier's mental defenses and read his mind, as well as levitating a whole street block's worth of cars, Awesome :^_^: . I like that they seem to be getting into the mental block thing from the comics, again showing that Jean's power is her own(not that we were going to ever see a "Phoenix Force" entity in the movies, but just glad it's still tied to her innate power). The "pure energy", and "wave after wave of telekinetic energy" scene at the lake sounds beautiful, and I hope there's some kickass CGI for it. The "Psi-War" between Jean and Xavier also sounds kickass, and hope they make a hot astral plane CGI to do a psychic battle of their caliber justice....just hope it isn't Jean that ends up dying :(

Not sure about the rest of the movie though...Storm moving up to field leader is cool, but NOT if Halle is back...Mystique being demutantized sucks! They could have used some 5th rate mutie for that(like some random Morlock).

Overall there doesn't seem to be a strong villain presence though...Warren Sr. and blue serum just doesn't work for me. I hope there's something else...Sentinels...but something tells me it won't happen due to budget.

And regarding Storm/Wolverine...there was a scene in X2 that could kind of connect to that. The scene were Mystique goes into Logan's tent, posing as Jean, then after he realizes it's really Mystique(which he should have already smelled her[/comic nerd]), she shifts into Storm(and he doesn't recoil or anything)...then Rogue and Stryker(to fuck with his mind I suppose).


Hollywood Square
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp
10201 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90035
Mail: P.O. Box 900, Beverly Hills, California 90213
Phone: 310-277-2211
Fax: 310-203-1558
Web: www.foxmovies.com

primary press contact
Florence Grace, Senior Vice President
Corporate Publicity
Phone: 310-369-5634
Fax: 310-369-8825

Have fun!
has there ever been a superhero franchise that has succesfully made it to part 3? Batman and Superman both fell off bigtime on their third installment. Xmen looks like a turd with part 3. Raimi better have his shit on point for Spiderman 3.


Hollywood Square
Ninja Scooter said:
has there ever been a superhero franchise that has succesfully made it to part 3? Batman and Superman both fell off bigtime on their third installment. Xmen looks like a turd with part 3. Raimi better have his shit on point for Spiderman 3.

There really haven't been that many superhero franchises to begin with. I'm confident Raimi will pull out the stops for Spidey 3, but we've also never had the same creative team stick with a superhero franchise for more than two films. It'll be interesting.

X-Men 3 is headed for disaster, though. FOX wants this out in May 2006. They start shooting in August. They're not even decided on all the rewrites, nor have they begun pre-production work for visual effects on a lot of things because it's dependent on what they keep or throw it.

This is going to be a fun trainwreck to watch.

And I'm glad Singer is able to watch it from his comfortable run on Superman.

J2 Cool

So um, I'm not reading this, but how is it? Really as butchered as is said or does it have potential if Ratner were to magically become a good director?


Hollywood Square
J2 Cool said:
So um, I'm not reading this, but how is it? Really as butchered as is said or does it have potential if Ratner were to magically become a good director?

Ratner would have to become a good director, rewrite the script and tell Tim Rothman to fuck off for this project to have any promise.


Hollywood Square
boutrosinit said:
I've asked before and I'll ask again...

Wilco - you work in film?

I answered you before...

Willco on 06-07-2005 said:
I used to!

I'll elaborate. I worked for Warner Bros. short a short period of time (production assistant! grunt work - yay!), but not in a film capacity (television), but had access to the film operations. I've worked on independent features and have made some connections in my prior visits to Los Angeles, as all my friends (and soon to be roommates) work in the film industry out there. I'm moving to the North Hollywood/Studio City area next month myself to start wriggling into the mainstream. You guy will probably be seeing a lot less of me when I move, which I guess could be a good or bad thing depending on your opinion on me.

And I look forward to showing off a personal project, dedicated to and created because of GAF, sometime next May.


Hollywood Square
J2 Cool said:
Woohoo, someone with a life! Make sure you still stop by though Wilco.

Definitely. This place was my inspiration for getting what looks to be my first original project off the the ground, and one that was entirely my creation. I'll probably be doing grunt work for studios and working on friend's projects (especially if one of them sells a project in particular, which is a very real and likely possibility) to pay the bills until then. If I'm lucky, I'll be helping on a screenplay or two with some dialogue washes if plans go through.

Fucking California is expensive.


Hollywood Square
Actually, there will be a veiled Space Jam reference if my scripted stuff stays intact, but it may be cut and the final project will have nothing to do with Michael Jordan.
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