10,000Hz Legend > The Virgin Suicides
i like both albums. The 10,000Hz Legend has a bit more of a darker electronic feel to it, but retains the trademark light and spacey tone of Air. The second half of 10,000Hz Legend is really my favorite, with Radian, Lucky and Unhappy, and Sex Born Poison as my favorite tracks. The Virgin Suicides works better as a soundtrack to the movie than as a standalone album, but there's a couple of gems in Dirty Trip and Playground Love.
On the note of Daft Punk, Discovery aside, they don't really have an album i could sit down from what i've heard and listen to in its entirety. Human After All was a little too gimmicky for me, but it started to grow on me. Technologic and Robot Rock stand out, and The Prime Time of Your Life and Make Love grew on me, but the album overall relied too much on voice synths and the classic Daft Punk singular sample reliance really showed on this disc. (Robot Rock got tired after the first minute.) Discovery is probably their most accessible album, with a good range of styles. Homework was mostly miss, outside of the tracks that got radioplay (Da Funk, Revolution 909, and Around the World).