I like to equate it with South Park: intentionally offensive, but with method to its madness.
Just wanted to say I really appreciate your informative and timely posts here. Will probably pick up this version eventually!
I like to equate it with South Park: intentionally offensive, but with method to its madness.
Uh . . . OK.
You Japanophiles can be a bit strange. Undead and Undressed?
They're pretty much all real -- some of the bigger chains are edited to avoid trademark issues, but they got most of the local shops and locations to sign off on it. It's kind of nuts.Are the stores in the game made up or do they actually exist in Akiba?
There are hidden layers of subtlety and meaning I'll never be able to understand, aren't there?
Fusing is well worth the money, but not with most of the drops. You'll want to buy most of your fusion fodder and sell most of the drops you pick up.Is fusing really worth the money, or should I rather sell my unused equipment and keep that money for other things instead?
Still trying to figure out the leveling up metagame of this game, it's not too obvious...
How worthwhile is it to do these sidequests? Is there much point to doing them all?
How does this game run on the PS4? I bought it on release day but can't play it until FedEx finds my PS4.
Are the stores in the game made up or do they actually exist in Akiba?
So, it's not only the commands that this game uses in order to make use of the PS4 Live Streaming features, it also gives you a 10% off sale "in honor of the live stream".
Is fusing really worth the money, or should I rather sell my unused equipment and keep that money for other things instead?
Serious question- Are there any benefits for getting the PS4 version over the Vita's? I assume the latter has got to be tons cheaper...
Faster loading time, some additional features, all the DLC (both free & paid) is included on the disc, more people on-screen & don't take as long to load in (seriously, this is annoying when looking for people on missions), and some of the post-game stuff you'd have to unlock is available from the start.
Only $10 cheaper. And the PS4 version is definitely superior -- it runs better (much better, in fact), it's more detailed, it has additional clothing items, it has all the DLC from the PS3 and Vita versions built in, it has a "Toybox Mode" that lets you start the game with one of every weapon and clothing item (in exchange for earning no trophies and unlocking nothing upon completion), it has a Visual Editor that lets you mess around with the game's appearance, it has livestream chat commands that let viewers mess with you, plus a couple other little tweaks here and there for good measure.
If none of that sounds like a deal-maker for you, though, you can absolutely play the Vita version instead -- the base game is exactly the same.
The strongest weapons and clothing items you can buy in stores don't even hit 100 attack or defense, and the strongest items you can get as enemy drops only go slightly above that. Through fusion, however, you're able to get up to 999, so if you want to actually achieve even a fraction of your potential, you'll definitely want to spend some time fusing.
You don't NEED to in order to complete the game, however, unless you're on Gamer or the unlockable Otaku difficulty -- especially Otaku, which I'm not even sure is beatable without super-strong weapons and clothing items.
I'm playing on Gamer too, because fuck this game calling me a casual, because an anime game like this can't be hard.
I was so wrong.
I'm casul.
Clear the arena on Easy and then try to fight Antoinette. The game literally calls you a casual; it's pretty funny.
Clear the arena on Easy and then try to fight Antoinette. The game literally calls you a casual; it's pretty funny.
Not that I'm aware of. You can do the battle arena really early though so it's easy to pop over for new game+ with a different difficulty.You can change the difficulty during the game? I didn't know.
I'm tempted to accept my casul nature now.
Technically no, but there's different endings based on which girl you hang out the most with/which dialogue you choose. Don't worry, after your first play through (or maybe it's available from the start on PS4), you can select the option to show you which dialogue options will have an affect on certain characters to help you when you're aiming for different there dating in this?
So are there any actual tips for playing this game on higher difficulties or is it just going to continue being kinda unballanced and broken?
Bat. Fast, strong, simple.any tips on what to buy early or what to aim for that is useful and powerful ?
A little worried I'm going to have to redo at least one route for the unison strip trophy. Totally forgot to do it with. I actually don't use the move very much at all.Sakaguchi
Good to hear.I'm pretty suredoesn't have a Unison Strip move.he
I'm enjoying it quite a bit as well. Spend a lot of time explaining to my SO why something like "Truly, we were the demons" is funny.The localization cracks me up
I am terrible at this game so far I regret the purchase
I punch and kick just fine but I am just mashing buttons when it comes to strip
Did you read the tutorials? Stripping involves pressing and holding the button. So if you want to strip a shirt, you wait until it's been beaten down and is glowing, then you get in range and *hold* the O button. Tapping it won't do anything.