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So does this game play like yakuza? It seems like that to me. Im pretty interested in this game.
yeah, it's kind of a Yakuza-lite.
So does this game play like yakuza? It seems like that to me. Im pretty interested in this game.
Well thats enough for me. Im buying this.yeah, it's kind of a Yakuza-lite.
Some tips:So are there any actual tips for playing this game on higher difficulties or is it just going to continue being kinda unballanced and broken?
You can change the difficulty during the game? I didn't know.
I'm tempted to accept my casul nature now.
So does this game play like yakuza? It seems like that to me. Im pretty interested in this game.
Yeah I did that side quest, at least I think that's the one. Still it seems only useful against a player, fighting one on one isn't difficult. Group fights is what really kills me. Thanks for the suggestions though.BEWARE OF THE CAT PAWNS:
Idoldisaster is the perfect exemple of the POWER OF THIS WEAPON , you can break the game with it , it's merciless , especially upgraded
Know this is the ps4 version thread, but it finally got a sale on the european psn so I got it there. 19 euros.
Played yesterday a little and had a blast. The writting is really funny (the mc responses are godly).
I have a problem with it though. I have a problem with talking with people through akiba. The majority of the time the text dissapears before I can finish reading it. Tried the options but there doesnt seem to be a way to change it.
That happened to me a few times too, I just assumed it's because I can't read english as fast as native speakers.
Know this is the ps4 version thread, but it finally got a sale on the european psn so I got it there. 19 euros.
Played yesterday a little and had a blast. The writting is really funny (the mc responses are godly).
I have a problem with it though, talking with people through akiba. The majority of the time the text dissapears before I can finish reading it. Tried the options but there doesnt seem to be a way to change it.
Oh, I had no idea this came out. Shit, this would've been a perfect game to play on our channel.
I'm gonna have to pick it up soon, it seems like the right mix of ridiculously oversexualized and well-made gameplay.
I am really terrible at this lol
I'm doing a mission early on and I have to fight a few people at once and they get my clothes health down very fast and I just can't win. And when I try to attack the legs my character does some plank dive and it's annoying the hell out of me. Sometimes he does it and sometimes he doesn't, I don't know what I'm pressing to get him to do different things lol
I would highly suggest staying away from heavier, 2 handed weapons like monitors. It sounds like you're using one based on the "plank dive attack" comment. They've very slow which results in you being open after trying to attack. As stated before, something like the bat is much faster and won't leave you as open.
I bought the arcade board because come on, it's a freaking arcade board, how awesome is that for a weapon. Kamiya would approve.
Probably going to regret it soon.
The sad part is, we actually had the length of time NPC text bubbles stay on the screen lengthened to account for this! But we eventually hit a point where the delay couldn't be extended any farther without potentially disrupting AI behavior, so the devs cut us off.
There is, in fact, no way to change this, I'm afraid. The game was created with fast readers in mind, at least for NPC interactions. (Fortunately, all plot-relevant dialogue and side quest text stays on the screen either for a REALLY long time or until it's player-advanced, so you only stand to miss casual NPC banter... the downside being that some funny stuff can be found in said banter!)
Just got the platinum earlier today. Had a lot of fun and will probably continue to grind out more gear on and off. Wasn't expecting it, but I had the most fun just collecting crap. Found I prefer to play on Easy so I don't have to worry about combat, though collecting and using the different styles is enjoyable. I actually tend to just rip enemy clothes to save time, unless I'm specifically looking to collect them. Otaku mode wasn't too terrible, but the last boss did tear a 999 headpiece that was at full durability in the first second of the fight. Good stuff.
Is it possible to lower the difficulty after having started the game? Or do I need to start all over?
ThanksYou need to start over. You can new game plus it at any time by heading to the train station and leaving town.
How's the replay value in this? Looks like a fun zany title and I'm just about at the edge of picking this up this week but just wondering if it's got legs.
So if you rip the clothes you can't collect them? Thought that was how it worked and was getting some that way.
Yeah, if you see the clothes being shredded, you didn't get it, but if you see them float away after you take them off, that means you collected it. Once you've tore off enough of a certain category/reach 100%, then you'll always collect whatever clothing it is you removed.If you hear it tearing sound while stripping, it's gone. If it get stripped off intact you keep it. Chances of the latter happening increases when you level up.
I don't mind the outlandish story but is the game's gameplay/combat actually fun?
I don't mind the outlandish story but is the game's gameplay/combat actually fun?
The combat is not that intricate, but the stripping combos are really fun to pull off (heh), and are very satisfying IMO.I don't mind the outlandish story but is the game's gameplay/combat actually fun?
Fuck da police, I can't do side missions in peace-_-
Unlocks a variety of palette-swapped second player character models for use during avatar setup, each based on one of the existing six heroines.
Also includes 26 individual palette-swapped clothing items for these characters, obtainable in-game for 5,000 yen apiece from the '5Day's' shop in Electric Town Plaza after download. These items are named identically to the default gear for each character, but with the appending of a Dark indicator for Shizuku, Imperial for Rin, Fiery for Tohko, Bright for Kati, Expository for Shion or Loving for Nana.
Palette-swapped versions of each characters tanline-inclusive Sunburnederwear underwear item will also be made available at 5Days for 5,000 yen apiece, but only after completing the game at least once on Casual difficulty or higher. Note that completing the game in Toybox Mode will not unlock these items.
So I just picked up a copy with the GameStop sale and it takes at least 2-3 minutes to get from the initial PS4 splash and Loading... screens to the piracy warning screen. Is my copy of the game/PS4 messed up or is it from the PSN outage? I figured it could be waiting for the server to respond or something.
EDIT: Nevermind! Looks like it's the PSN outage! Tried turning off my Internet connection through the settings and the game loaded up fine after that. I've got a few days off this week so I'm excited to try out the game!