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Aldnoah Zero Season 2 |OT| Inaho or Out, It's All The Slaine

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Thinking of how they are going to fight back... I finally realized why the series is called "Aldnoah Zero". I didn't give it any thought before. The zero surely will come from a "model 0" or prototype Aldnoah alien mech that they will find on Earth and fight back with it. Or some bullshit like that :p.


I suspect this will be the case in some part. If any side in a war is being helped out by ancient technology from a civilisation long since gone, you can bet your arse that said civilisation is going to crop up at some point... (although potentially they'll be benevolent, I guess?)

I don't think they need to explain what it really is, keeping it ambiguous is better. What it does to people or civilization should be on the front, like the grail in fate/zero or the monoliths in Space Odyssey, something like that. The moment you start showing up aliens coming back for something it all goes away in a bad way. I don't want this to be another Valvrave, it looks like it can be one easily...


They have a different timeline so I guess stuff like UAVs weren't really developed in their universe in favor of mechs. We do see the battleships and they seem pretty ineffective. As to nukes, well the issue is that a number of the Castles landed in their own cities.

Let's put it this way; if you're nuking your own cities, you've already lost.

That doesn't make a lot of sense though. The mechs are a very recent thing. They were mass produced in the last 15 years as a direct response to Heaven's Fall. They shouldn't have any impact on the divergence of the alternate history. UAVs is a pretty old tech, they've been around since the 60s afaik. There's nothing to really indicate there is a difference in tech progression other than the hypergate on the moon allowing humans to get to Mars and colonize it in the 80s.

Don't forget, they have F-22s in ep2, and that's a pretty recent tech, so yeah I don't buy any excuse that there are no UAVs. :p

Thinking of how they are going to fight back... I finally realized why the series is called "Aldnoah Zero". I didn't give it any thought before. The zero surely will come from a "model 0" or prototype Aldnoah alien mech that they will find on Earth and fight back with it. Or some bullshit like that :p.

Are you suggesting that the humans could find this ancient relic in a cave somewhere, maybe worshiped by natives as a god or idol of some sort, which turns out to be an unstoppable weapon of destruction created by an ancient civilization, equal in power to the misguided army from the moon who refuse to listen to a princess trying to forge peace?


That doesn't make a lot of sense though. The mechs are a very recent thing. They were mass produced in the last 15 years as a direct response to Heaven's Fall. They shouldn't have any impact on the divergence of the alternate history. UAVs is a pretty old tech, they've been around since the 60s afaik. There's nothing to really indicate there is a difference in tech progression other than the hypergate on the moon allowing humans to get to Mars and colonize it in the 80s.

Don't forget, they have F-22s in ep2, and that's a pretty recent tech, so yeah I don't buy any excuse that there are no UAVs. :p

Well UAVs as we use them now have only taken off in the past 10 years or so(really the last five). The technology in of itself has been around for awhile but policy shifts has prioritized it to the forefront in recent times. It's very possible in an alternate universe that UAVs were pushed aside for something else. There's nothing in the show precluding the use of them but I'm also not surprised that they didn't use them in the opening wave either.


what UAVs can actually accomplish here anyway, they don't have any long range communication during the attacks either, unmanned stuff would just fall off :b
when they can't fail proof their comms, they're not gonna accomplish anything... unless they go up close and fight like a man with fists and punch!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's not really important whether or not they're useful, because they probably aren't against Vers' ancient space magic, but that they aren't present at all.

It's like having a story set in 20XX where no one has cell phones.
Episode 3 preview



Hey dude that's some better hair style for you
Translated timeline (from another forum!)

1969: Apollo 11 moon landing is successful.

1972: Apollo 17 finds remains of an ancient Mars civilization on the moon's surface. In the remains an instantaneous teleportation device, using previously unknown technology is uncovered, giving humanity the ability to travel between Mars & back.
This device came to be called a "hypergate".

1975: Under international guidance, plans to colonize Mars were drawn up, and the Mars Treaty was made. The treaty was ratified by all the U.N member countries, and they agreed to not use military forces on Mars, and such. Following this, the Cold War was for all intents and purposes finished. This same year, the First Mars Survey Corps was deployed.
Prof. Leylegaria (unsure of the right romanization) followed with them as the official overseer.

1980: Immigration starts and 340,000 settlers are sent to Mars.

Starting in 1982, Rayregalia starts inciting anti-Earth sentiments among the Martian settlers, calling for an armed uprising. The UN immediately moves to suppress the situation, but the situation escalates. They later arrest Rayregalia, but a mob attacks and breaks him out of jail.

1985: Vers Empire formed, with Rayregalia named as the first emperor. In fear of the empire, the countries of Earth form the Earth Federation and enter a cold war with Mars. Things are relatively peaceful for the next decade.

1996: Martian terrorists bomb several cities, killing 3,267 people, causing hostilities between Earth and the Vers Empire to increase rapidly.

1997: Rayregalia steps down as emperor due to illness, and his son Gilzeria takes the throne.

1999: Gilzeria declares war on the Earth Federation. The Vers Empire fights using mechs called Cataphracts. During a battle on the moon the Hypergate goes out of control and destroys half the moon. Pieces form the Satellite Belt around Earth, and some crash into the Earth in an event called the Heaven's Fall. Earth is still rebuilding from that. During the battle Gilzeria is killed in action, causing Rayregalia to retake the throne and is still emperor as of the series' start. Gilzaria's daughter Princess Asseylum is born.

2000: A ceasefire is signed by both signs, and a demilitarized neutral zone is formed.

2003: Earth finished developing its own Cataphracts and first uses them to quell the rioting caused by Heaven's Fall. The riots are stopped in 2007 and things return to relative peace. Steps are made between Earth and Mars for peace.

2007: Post-war clean-up on Earth finishes. Conditions continue to stabilize.

2010: 10 years after the war. In every Earth country memorial ceremonies & top-level meetings are held, as both sides begin to march toward peace.

2014: In the name of peace, Earth takes a growing interest in the Vers Empire. The peace negotiations are expected to continue.

Pretty hilarious. if you think about it, any person over 35 years in the "Vers Empire" actually was born on Earth.

But... and possible spoilers of a twist that would explain things,

One possible explanation for the rather swift change from Terran to space-sneering Martian comes from a Ray Bradbury short story, Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed where settlers from the US who live near ancient Martian cities, are gradually transformed into Martians themselves. Possibly, not only does the Prof. discover the ancient technology of Aldnoah but also the rest of the settlers' mental states are rapidly changed.


in first episode princess' loli explains that they've become a separate race living on Mars

Maybe it's the effect of the artifact that has turned them into space nazis and brainwashed them but not everyone is like that, it's actually implied the emperor is a good guy and peaceful so is the princess, his son started the war. Slaine has been up there for some years and he's still not racist. The knights also operate on their own.

I think they wanted to create something like the independence of America and then turn it into post war Korea but screwed it up.


"Aldnoah" is probably more than just the relics left by the ancient Martian civilization. There's likely some sort of secret relating to Earth and space which they discovered on Mars and were desperate to keep out of the reach of Earth governments. Maybe it even relates to the origin of the humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if back on Mars there's a whole religious sect built around it too.


man, that preview pic/video pretty much spoils how they take it down, this is not how you do a preview....

"Aldnoah" is probably more than just the relics left by the ancient Martian civilization. There's likely some sort of secret relating to Earth and space which they discovered on Mars and were desperate to keep out of the reach of Earth governments. Maybe it even relates to the origin of the humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if back on Mars there's a whole religious sect built around it too.

15 again lol.


Aldnoah Zero - 03

Best episode so far. Really loved everything about the episode. Some stuff (a particular scene) were bit over the top and not really fitting with the overall tone of the series but was still cool.

I wasn't so sure about Inaho in first two episode but after episode 3 I think he could be a good protagonist.
Episode 3

Holy fucking shit this was fucking awesome!!!!!!!

"This is for my friend" then BAMBAMBAMBAM. This is where Inahos robotic personality really shined. Cold blooded bastard.

Its a shame he wasnt able to kill him then but at least Slaine managed to finish the job.

I really liked how the princess really got into the operation. She seemed so giddy
to fire those smoke rounds. I hope theres more to her besides "I want peace bla bla"


Aldnoah Zero - 03

Much better in terms of portraying the protag. Funny how 1 episode has flipped my perception of him. The
"this is for my friend"
line has me eating my words, that's for sure (then again, I was giving the show 1 more episode to prove me wrong).

I think people might claim a deus-ex machina-type scene with
the rescue team appearing just as the civilians left the tunnel but the signal flare covered that pretty well. I can't think of any other reason why they'd launch that.

Now my problem lies with how cartoony the villain of this episode is. I mean, did he seriously
blab about the assassination attempt to someone who wasn't in the know and think he could walk away? I can forgive that perhaps he didn't know how close Slaine was to the princess but come on.
. I hope this is the end of incompetent villains otherwise I won't be able to take this series seriously.

Wonder if Slaine's
murderous devotion to the princess
will be explored.


Episode 3

Ooooh yeah. I like where this is going. Japanese fans already figured out the "trick" behind the barrier in episode 2, so it was a bit redundant for me to see it explained in detail, but I guess that's good for people who didn't pick up on the details or read blogs dissecting the clues they dropped. I think the episode did a pretty nice job of setting up and executing a plan to show that the characters are supposed to be smart, educated, and capable. It was pretty "anime" in how smooth things went, but it's definitely entertaining to watch it unfold.

Nice to see more and more military females showing up too. Definitely a Gundam influence, and one that we can all do with more of in mecha anime. :)

But Sawano... PLEASE STOP EAR ABUSE. That insert vocal was sooooo bad. I couldn't stop rolling my eyes how each break of the chorus was keyed to something DRAMATIC about to happen. This is the worst and dumbest sort of music direction for action! Lame lame lame.

The post-ED scene. So good. This is pretty much the best thing Urobuchi is at doing (maybe the only thing he's good at doing!) and since this is the last episode he'll be writing for a while (maybe forever if we're lucky!) it was one hell of a send off. :D


Really good Episode 3, one would expect an OP hero mech to be used already but wasn't necessary in this episode.


I really hope this series is about beating OP Martian mechs with
simple Earth mechs and proper planning

It won't be :(
Episode 3

Really good episode, I really like Inaho already. The plan was really good but I cant believe the military coudnt have any competent commanders.

Cant wait to see the reveal of the princess being alive impact the martian forces. And dat ending was so good.

And yeah the insert vocals are totally unecessary. Sawano should look back to what he did in Gundam Unicorn.
Episode 3 was quite something and I feel so stupid for only figuring out a portion of the trick behind barrier
especially about the sole, but I totally missed the part about the pilot being blind and rely on external cameras and other parts like the receivers that wouldn't have any barrier.
Also what the hell was up with the choice of music during the operation it felt off or awkward but that post ED scene was so delicious and fitting. :3
I just dont think its fitting having people singing during a military operation its totally different from the chorus when Inaho destroys the martian mech.


Another great episode! but I agreed with some of you concerning OST, I feel the OST is really lacking and out of place with the overall theme.


I started laughing when the other Duke straight up didn't care about the Count. I didn't expect the internal backstabbing stuff to happen this quickly.
I think if they had just kept the music that was used during the bridge from the very start of the operation it would have been better, also it took me a while to realize that Inaho was the one yelling at Inko.


Aldnoah Zero - 03
Now my problem lies with how cartoony the villain of this episode is. I mean, did he seriously
blab about the assassination attempt to someone who wasn't in the know and think he could walk away? I can forgive that perhaps he didn't know how close Slaine was to the princess but come on.
. I hope this is the end of incompetent villains otherwise I won't be able to take this series seriously.

At that point, Mr.Rat Crusher had to. The proper thing in a scenario like that would be to report back to your superiors that the Princess is still alive. In which case, it's possible the Knights would call off their attacks and talk to the Princess(who had been in contact with one of the traitors). He either had to kill Slaine or bring him on board, and I'm not sure Mr. Rat Crusher knew how to pilot the air carrier.

If he didn't know how to pilot that carrier, he made the only call available to him.


Episode 3

Lame, cartoony villain aside, it was a pretty decent episode. Only thing that's got me curious know is what'll happen to Rayet when she is inevitably found out to be party to the failed assassination of the princess and party to not only killing of innocents at the parade but also in part, no matter how small, responsible for the events that unfolded after. If she gets a pass on all of this, I'mma be annoyed.

Of course, I fully expect her to get that pass.



Some kept on whining and whining on Inaho while the opposite was very obvious, have some eggs err crow

what UAVs can actually accomplish here anyway, they don't have any long range communication during the attacks either, unmanned stuff would just fall off :b
when they can't fail proof their comms, they're not gonna accomplish anything... unless they go up close and fight like a man with fists and punch

Loool you too have some loooool

princess of mars is goddam Homura riding shotgun with that grenade launcher so good

So good Iike everything about it, this better stays this way, no sign of snowflake super robot so far thanks much.

Girls, boys und mecha for goat.


At that point, Mr.Rat Crusher had to. The proper thing in a scenario like that would be to report back to your superiors that the Princess is still alive. In which case, it's possible the Knights would call off their attacks and talk to the Princess(who had been in contact with one of the traitors). He either had to kill Slaine or bring him on board, and I'm not sure Mr. Rat Crusher knew how to pilot the air carrier.

If he didn't know how to pilot that carrier, he made the only call available to him.

This scenario has played out much better in other shows of this ilk, though. Slaine had no idea Ratkiller was connected to the assassins and could have just went back with him saying they have to report. The war could still go on because no one knows Vers loyalists set it up except for that survivor. As far as anyone can see, it was simply a failed attempt and that still constitutes an act of war.

I mean, obviously the truth would eventually come out but this just screamed impatience due to incompetence. The only good thing that comes out of this is that
Slaine is in the know from the get go
and this sets up an interesting dynamic.

I'll be interested to see how it plays out, either way.


I don't think there's any need to read into the psyche of Rat-Catcher. He's just one of the many over the top racist pigs who seem to have grown up with their brains in their butts and have such a low opinion of Terrans that they really believe their Martian "superiority" protects them from anything that Terrans could do to them. Spoiled Prince Syndrome!


Episode 3

Much better episode. One of my main grievances last week was the MC, but this week it somewhat showed that he is impacted by emotions. Maybe they were going for a character that can keep his cool but yet is still losing it, but they didn't do a good job of showing that. The other was the stupid characters doing stupid things, but I didn't see much of that this week, I think. Also the OST is so unbefitting of this show, god damn. Like I said keep these sort of over the top OSTs for shows that are meant for it like KlK or AoT.

The action is great as always. I'm glad that they went with
earth mechs beating mars mechs
and hope that they stick with that. I'm really loving the direction for this show too. This was Urobutcher's last episode writing right? Hope they can find a good writer.

The villain was terrible, but yes to Slaine for having the courage to
put a bullet straight through him. Multiple bullets at that, hah
. I'm wondering what they'll do to Slaine's character now.
He could go team up with the main cast now that the princess is with him. Or he could escort the princess back to the Count and hope that they'll have a ceasefire, which is what I'm guessing will happen. This episode showed us though that the other knights don't give a shit about each other with the Duke not caring about the Count, so it looks like backstabbing is sure to happen soon. Even if the princess is back, these dudes are looking for war and will do some sort of sabotage to have an attack again, or maybe they won't even listen to a ceasefire and will still keep attacking.

This show has me really interested.


This scenario has played out much better in other shows of this ilk, though. Slaine had no idea Ratkiller was connected to the assassins and could have just went back with him saying they have to report. The war could still go on because no one knows Vers loyalists set it up except for that survivor. As far as anyone can see, it was simply a failed attempt and that still constitutes an act of war.

I mean, obviously the truth would eventually come out but this just screamed impatience due to incompetence. The only good thing that comes out of this is that
Slaine is in the know from the get go
and this sets up an interesting dynamic.

I'll be interested to see how it plays out, either way.

Yea Slaine didn't know but Mr.Rat Crusher can't have the Princess leaking anything out. In order to keep it quiet, she would have to be killed right then and there. She could have gone with the Terrans and one quick video is all it would take. We also don't know how big the conspiracy is, but judging by the fact that Mr. Rat Crusher said it was just his clan, I'm guessing it's not a big one.

Of course, I'm not sure whether the Martians are worried about their PR.
Episode 3

Much better episode. One of my main grievances last week was the MC, but this week it somewhat showed that he is impacted by emotions. Maybe they were going for a character that can keep his cool but yet is still losing it, but they didn't do a good job of showing that. The other was the stupid characters doing stupid things, but I didn't see much of that this week, I think. Also the OST is so unbefitting of this show, god damn. Like I said keep these sort of over the top OSTs for shows that are meant for it like KlK or AoT.

The action is great as always. I'm glad that they went with
earth mechs beating mars mechs
and hope that they stick with that. I'm really loving the direction for this show too. This was Urobutcher's last episode writing right? Hope they can find a good writer.

The villain was terrible, but yes to Slaine for having the courage to
put a bullet straight through him. Multiple bullets at that, hah
. I'm wondering what they'll do to Slaine's character now.
He could go team up with the main cast now that the princess is with him. Or he could escort the princess back to the Count and hope that they'll have a seize fire, which is what I'm guessing will happen. This episode showed us though that the other knights don't give a shit about each other with the Duke not caring about the Count, so it looks like backstabbing is sure to happen soon. Even if the princess is back, these dudes are looking for war and will do some sort of sabotage to have an attack again, or maybe they won't even listen to a seize-fire and will still keep attacking.

This show has me really interested.

They mentioned earlier that the Knights are all in competition with each other.
So all they really need is a reason to start killing people, and they dont give a shit if some of their own get killed in the process.


Episode 3

This was a fun episode. The villains are still scenery-chewing jerks, but by putting the focus squarely on this operation, it brought the show's strengths to the fore. Less worldbuilding, more action and characters reacting to events. I like how the end of this battle built off the earlier "emotionless" moments for Inaho, and the stinger with Slaine was also really satisfying.

A lot of the disparate factions have been gathered together thanks to the awesome power of coincidence, and there's a pretty clear aim going forward. I'm looking forward to more.

This scenario has played out much better in other shows of this ilk, though. Slaine had no idea Ratkiller was connected to the assassins and could have just went back with him saying they have to report. The war could still go on because no one knows Vers loyalists set it up except for that survivor. As far as anyone can see, it was simply a failed attempt and that still constitutes an act of war.

I mean, obviously the truth would eventually come out but this just screamed impatience due to incompetence. The only good thing that comes out of this is that
Slaine is in the know from the get go
and this sets up an interesting dynamic.

I'll be interested to see how it plays out, either way.

That would last only until
the princess contacted anyone on Mars, at which point she would out the whole conspiracy. Keep in mind, he spotted her coming out of the truck driven by the last surviving member of the conspiracy he was trying to eliminate to cover his tracks. He has to assume that she knows the assassins were supported by Mars.

If he doesn't report that the princess is alive, it'll buy enough time for the meteor to drop and cover his tracks for good. That's his only chance at long-term survival.


am I the only one who like Sawano's over the top music in the series?
I've only seen his work on Gundam Unicorn and his work was amazing in it. However, his work in this show has abit of a mixed bag. I now understand what people mean by his 'obnoxious' music. The vocals were abit too much.

As for the episode it was rather good. Some Lelouch level of planning there which is always welcomed :p I didn't expect the Princess to reveal herself to everyone though. I guess this is what sparks Slaine's, and possibly the guy that he served, investigation on the upper echelon of Martians. Will this be 1 cour or 2?


They mentioned earlier that the Knights are all in competition with each other.
So all they really need is a reason to start killing people, and they dont give a shit if some of their own get killed in the process.

Yeah, that makes sense. All they're doing is waiting for a reason to go on a killing spree.
I'm wondering if the only thing that can stop them is an order from their king. If the princess comes back, will they get an order to stop, and will the knights listen to that and stop? Idk.

Will this be 1 cour or 2?

Split cours. As in it ends this cour, skips fall, and finishes up in the winter.


Where on the site is that? I've looked through what seems to be everything there but can't find it.

Looks like it was there for a limited time after episode aired, right on the front page with login there was a download picture button. It appears they some kind of message like this every week, i don't know about last week or before, there is another production frame like that of inaho accessible through qr code on one of their unlockable images they're doing with their semi viral marketing thing.

Actually there was a 'radio transmission' button too that i didn't try, now gone. Should probably check it every week quick if you're interested in this stuff.


Aldnoah.Zero Episode 3:

Yes, yes, the show is slowly yet steadily improving by the episode, but dear god, the MC really needs to develop an emotion other then Dull Surprise. Still the supporting cast is coming along fairly nicely even though I could do without Sazaku. That reminds me, this show overall just give me such a discount Code Geass vibe.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
We're finally getting a true heir to Code Geass.
Just need Slaine not to be as annoying as Suzaku and we're golden here.

I kind of expected allied supermech to show up and stupid-EVA-battle the other supermech, but instead all the barrier-clues were actually pointing to something, and characters analyzed\reacted to them in a a fantastic way.

Definite upward spiral here.


Aldnoah Zero - 03

Much better in terms of portraying the protag. Funny how 1 episode has flipped my perception of him. The
"this is for my friend"
line has me eating my words, that's for sure (then again, I was giving the show 1 more episode to prove me wrong).

I think people might claim a deus-ex machina-type scene with
the rescue team appearing just as the civilians left the tunnel but the signal flare covered that pretty well. I can't think of any other reason why they'd launch that.

Now my problem lies with how cartoony the villain of this episode is. I mean, did he seriously
blab about the assassination attempt to someone who wasn't in the know and think he could walk away? I can forgive that perhaps he didn't know how close Slaine was to the princess but come on.
. I hope this is the end of incompetent villains otherwise I won't be able to take this series seriously.

Wonder if Slaine's
murderous devotion to the princess
will be explored.

This episode did paint the vibe that he was considered an incompetent "bottom of the totem pole" type of Martian. Makes sense he would be the guy you would use to assassinate the princess, since if things went south he and his clan would get all the blame

I enjoyed this little note from Yuki to Inaho


I didn't like how he just casually tore it out. :(

I'm still iffy about his true personality, but I'll still wager he's got a serious dark side to him.


Aldnoah Zero 3

Yeah this much better, and had my interest all throughout the episode. The set up/exucution of the plan when attacking Bowl haircut guy was really well done. I'm glad the students seem to be smart and capable. Even if that is pretty common in animu.

Glad there is some female military representation. They come off as being very competent , so I can only expect good things from them.

My qualms with the MC were actually pretty much rectified this episode. He has emotions I mean just look at that smile! Nahh, but seriously that ending line he finished with was great.
"This is for my friend"
If he had been all emotional it wouldn't have that much of an effect. I'm 99% sure I've heard that said before in other anime, but this may be the first time were I actually really liked hearing it.

Slaine was really great, and can't wait to see more of him now. Overall my biggest gripe with this episode was the music direction. The singing during the attack was not pleasant at all. Perhaps it's just me not liking her voice, but the power vocals just didn't work for the attack scene.

Also got a good laugh in how Inaho
just tore off that note from his sister
I mean at least leave it for good luck or something.


Some posts on Animesuki pointed out stuff I was thinking about. First off there was a shot of the cameras launching in episode 2.
http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=5186317&postcount=1170 said:
The other was about why doesn't the mech appear black all the time. Apparently there are projectors on the front(which is what I had assumed but nice to see there is visual evidence). The mech does go black initially when booting up but the projectors kick in.
http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=5186508&postcount=1225 said:
So yea they did put some thought and work into the mech weakness other than it being an asspull. Bravo.
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