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Alec Baldwin Kills Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins With Real Gun


Gold Member


From the new article posted above:

The actor has maintained he did not pull the trigger and only drew back the hammer of the pistol.

He has also argued he is not at fault for Ms Hutchins' death because he did not know the weapon contained live rounds and because no live ammunition was supposed to be on set.

But special prosecutors in New Mexico said in October that they had commissioned forensic experts to reconstruct the weapon, after it had been broken during FBI testing.

They said doing so revealed that the incident could only have taken place if the trigger had been pulled.

"Although Alec Baldwin repeatedly denies pulling the trigger, given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver," their report concluded.

Called it back in August. This new evidence is far more relevant because it proves he was lying, greatly damaging his case. He would be in a much better position had he admitted pulling the trigger.

I get why an attorney would counsel him to say this at the time though.

I think that his attorney advised him to say that he did not pull the trigger very very early on, which has come back to haunt him. Because it caught him in a lie.

He may have been better off admitting he pulled the trigger but calling upon other mitigating factors, but they bet wrong.



A grand jury in New Mexico has charged Alec Baldwin with a count of involuntary manslaughter over a fatal movie set shooting in October 2021.
I just read the article, and it sounds fair. His lying bullshit "but I didn't pull the trigger" was never believable. It's pretty obvious that he didn't go to the set that day to kill somebody, but his actions and partial negligence led to a death, so he should be charged as such. Maximum sentencing looks like 18 months. Instead of being a shithead on social media, he could have accepted his actions at the beginning and at least I (and probably jurors) would have empathized with his situation. As it stands, I wouldn't be against him serving the full 18.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Dean Winchester Facepalm GIF

Its worth checking out Jensen Ackles' police interview on YT, as although he was basically a bystander on the day of the shooting, his observations throw quite a bit of light on the general situation.

Biggest thing for me is that although he didn't have any direct complaints about Gutierrez, in his past experience he stresses that production armourers are generally take-no-shit hardass ex-LEO's and military types. The inference being that although he was doing his own safety checking, the overall handling regime was light on protocol, and especially enforcement.

Which given what we know about Baldwin's temperament, especially on a day where most of the camera crew had staged a flash walkout over where they were being housed... it doesn't take much of a leap of logic to see what probably happened!


Guys I just read it’s actually another guy named Alec Baldwin and not the one we thought when we clicked this thread.


Gold Member
Wow, there must have been just gross negligence all across that set. Just like the Midnight Rider director from that train accident in 2014. That guy got a few years in jail for IM as well.


Gold Member
how much years is that in jail.
Sounds like 18 months, I doubt she will spend more than 6-12 months in jail though, maybe not even that. Probably has a pretty significant ban on working on set in verious capacities as well.

She cleaned up quite a bit, given what she looked like around the time of filming. Who would hire someone who looks like this for a serious professional job with potentially fatal consequences? Redefines the term "danger hair"....



Gold Member
Sounds like 18 months, I doubt she will spend more than 6-12 months in jail though, maybe not even that. Probably has a pretty significant ban on working on set in verious capacities as well.

She cleaned up quite a bit, given what she looked like around the time of filming. Who would hire someone who looks like this for a serious professional job with potentially fatal consequences? Redefines the term "danger hair"....

Looks are one part perception, and one part performance.

As my good buddy who is a VP exec at a bank, one time we talked about this kind of thing for laughs. Weird hair, tattoos, piercings and whatever other wacky shit, he made it clear nobody would ever get hired for a decent position looking unprofessional. People got to realize it's not even just about that hiring manager, but who is above them. He even said if he had someone in a big meeting looking weird, the CEO would ask him what the hell are you doing hiring someone like that.

Hey, you never know. Maybe that oddball is the best finance guru on earth. But perception is often reality. Got to look the part too. Just as nobody looking for a mortgage or needs to hire a lawyer would pick one if the guy showed up in a tshirt and sweatpants.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
She cleaned up quite a bit, given what she looked like around the time of filming. Who would hire someone who looks like this for a serious professional job with potentially fatal consequences? Redefines the term "danger hair"....


I hope this has been a very sobering experience for her. And she takes what is clearly an accident, with a very tragic result and is able to rebuild her life later. But in the end she cost a woman her life and she has to live with that. She should also never be allowed to work as an armorer on a movie set.

Looks are one part perception, and one part performance.

As my good buddy who is a VP exec at a bank, one time we talked about this kind of thing for laughs. Weird hair, tattoos, piercings and whatever other wacky shit, he made it clear nobody would ever get hired for a decent position looking unprofessional. People got to realize it's not even just about that hiring manager, but who is above them. He even said if he had someone in a big meeting looking weird, the CEO would ask him what the hell are you doing hiring someone like that.

Hey, you never know. Maybe that oddball is the best finance guru on earth. But perception is often reality. Got to look the part too. Just as nobody looking for a mortgage or needs to hire a lawyer would pick one if the guy showed up in a tshirt and sweatpants.

Yes a good lawyer has their client present themselves in an empathetic manner.


Gold Member
Yes a good lawyer has their client present themselves in an empathetic manner.

And funny how being in court standing in front of a judge will make just about every person on earth suddenly dress better, act more chill, and look like they actually showered and combed their hair that day.


Looks are one part perception, and one part performance.

As my good buddy who is a VP exec at a bank, one time we talked about this kind of thing for laughs. Weird hair, tattoos, piercings and whatever other wacky shit, he made it clear nobody would ever get hired for a decent position looking unprofessional. People got to realize it's not even just about that hiring manager, but who is above them. He even said if he had someone in a big meeting looking weird, the CEO would ask him what the hell are you doing hiring someone like that.

Hey, you never know. Maybe that oddball is the best finance guru on earth. But perception is often reality. Got to look the part too. Just as nobody looking for a mortgage or needs to hire a lawyer would pick one if the guy showed up in a tshirt and sweatpants.
Isn't the same as hiring a black just bc is a minority or something?


Gold Member
Isn't the same as hiring a black just bc is a minority or something?
I would suggest that affected markers of rebelliousness and defiance of authority; such as wildly colored hair, piercings, crazy tats, and grotesque make-up are VERY different from inherited superficial traits like skin color. Despite some folks attempting to confabulate the two, they are quite different conversations...



I would suggest that affected markers of rebelliousness and defiance of authority; such as wildly colored hair, piercings, crazy tats, and grotesque make-up are VERY different from inherited superficial traits like skin color. Despite some folks attempting to confabulate the two, they are quite different conversations...

Only for grandparents 😂
Is like believing in phrenology...
The developer hidetaka suehiro (swery65) have a full body crazy tattoo (even the ass) doesn't seem fair that someone could treat him like a punk and doesn't seems fair for anyone else...like companies with the minorities


To me her looks where pretty darn normal in court and i looked at her as equal.

Until i saw the footage and she walks around with tattoo's piercings, purple hair, completely scuffed, being a complete mess in general.

Looks do play the role. but her personality was also heavily lacking.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I kinda feel bad for Gutierrez. Which isn't to say she should be spared punishment or ever be allowed to work in a similar role again, just that she evidently was in over her head.

Ackles' in his interview is pretty diplomatic and nice about it, but the subtext of what he's saying is plain as day: Armourers are expected to police their domain with absolute authority. It doesn't matter how big the stars are, how respected and experienced the director is, when it comes to firearms and specifically ammunition, they have absolute and total control.

Which makes total sense because a bullet sure as hell doesn't care about what it hits.

In this instance a charge of involuntary mansalughter was completely justified as regardless of the specifics of how this tragic shooting came to happen, it was on her watch. And when the entire premise of her job rests on ensuring such accidents cannot ever happen... there's not a lot of space for argument.


Gold Member
Only for grandparents 😂
Is like believing in phrenology...
The developer hidetaka suehiro (swery65) have a full body crazy tattoo (even the ass) doesn't seem fair that someone could treat him like a punk and doesn't seems fair for anyone else...like companies with the minorities
See, this is cultural. And I thought the japanese made DAMN SURE no tattoos would show in a buisness suit because those kinds of tats were so associated with the yakuza.

But anyway, within banking, corporate culture, crazy hair, outlandish make-up, or extremem dress are indicators of "hey, look at me, I'm a rebel!!" and they can make a judgement about whether or not that is the type of person they want to deal with.

For a on set armorer that as to both enforce strict rules and be METICULOUS with lethal hardware, I want this guy

doing that job 1000000000000000% more than some purple haired goth chick, even if she has a strong family pedigree. She may have had the knowledge, but she clearly lacked the maturity, on-set presence, and discipline to enforce safety rules and a woman paid for it with her life. Her style of dress/appearance belied her poor capability for the job, it just is what it is. Not sure I would want my armorer looking like they just walked off the set of a gangland biker flick either. Professional appearance is the thing I'm looking for after vetting their credentials.


Gold Member
See, this is cultural. And I thought the japanese made DAMN SURE no tattoos would show in a buisness suit because those kinds of tats were so associated with the yakuza.

But anyway, within banking, corporate culture, crazy hair, outlandish make-up, or extremem dress are indicators of "hey, look at me, I'm a rebel!!" and they can make a judgement about whether or not that is the type of person they want to deal with.

For a on set armorer that as to both enforce strict rules and be METICULOUS with lethal hardware, I want this guy

doing that job 1000000000000000% more than some purple haired goth chick, even if she has a strong family pedigree. She may have had the knowledge, but she clearly lacked the maturity, on-set presence, and discipline to enforce safety rules and a woman paid for it with her life. Her style of dress/appearance belied her poor capability for the job, it just is what it is. Not sure I would want my armorer looking like they just walked off the set of a gangland biker flick either. Professional appearance is the thing I'm looking for after vetting their credentials.
Perception is reality in a lot of cases.

Most respectable jobs and industries frown on weird looking people. Thats not to say maybe some offices or banks or law offices may let some low level jobbers freedom to streak their hair purple here and there. But holistically, most places with decent jobs dont allow that. And if someone does that (tattoos), you cover it up with a long sleeve button shirt.

The more professional someone acts, the higher the chance of getting a better job. That's why when you see people on TV representing a company or an earnings report, they look and speak pretty clean cut. Its not often you see someone slum it on camera with wacky hair, a halter top and shorts.


Perpetually Offended
Perception is reality in a lot of cases.

Most respectable jobs and industries frown on weird looking people. Thats not to say maybe some offices or banks or law offices may let some low level jobbers freedom to streak their hair purple here and there. But holistically, most places with decent jobs dont allow that. And if someone does that (tattoos), you cover it up with a long sleeve button shirt.

The more professional someone acts, the higher the chance of getting a better job. That's why when you see people on TV representing a company or an earnings report, they look and speak pretty clean cut. Its not often you see someone slum it on camera with wacky hair, a halter top and shorts.

What is clean cut to you? What is "wacky hair" to you?

And present non-white examples... I think most of us know what the examples would be for a white office worker (we see that all the time on TV and movies and commercials). I'm not talking about "danger hair", either.


Gold Member
"Clean cut, professional, looks like a billion dollars, would do business with her again"

"I dunno, may not hire for complex job requiring advanced skill set and authoritiy without IMPECCABLE credentials"


"Willing to compromise depending on attire (tats easy to cover)"

"I'll be in my bunk....."



Gold Member
What is clean cut to you? What is "wacky hair" to you?

And present non-white examples... I think most of us know what the examples would be for a white office worker (we see that all the time on TV and movies and commercials). I'm not talking about "danger hair", either.
See Jason's post to get a decent idea.

If you're still not sure, just see what people where on TV ads or in real life for your typical office job.


Perpetually Offended
See Jason's post to get a decent idea.

If you're still not sure, just see what people where on TV ads or in real life for your typical office job.

I think in the last picture he shared, that could still pass muster in IT or some creative focused business. The first one... I would think all she does is bad interpretive dance.

This discussion should go to the $20 thread... So I'm stopping it here.


I've always been of the opinion that intent matters and incompetence is more forgivable than maliciousness.

Definitely in favor of her getting out of jail as early as possible like 6-12 if the opportunity is there.

But also to NEVER be allowed near a role with such responsibilities again.

Similarly if a driver for example isn't drinking or breaking traffic lights or other rules but unfortunately unintentionally kills someone on the road, extended jailtime doesn't benefit anyone in that scenario.
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