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Alien Anthology Blu Ray Official-Oct. 25

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war of titties grampa
Dead said:
Alien 3 gets a shit load of hate, but it does one of the most iconic moments of the franchise: Badass.jpeg

I liked Alien 3, i thought it was an interesting setting for an alien film =/
Then again, I also didnt mind Alien 4 either. It was cheesy but with scenes like this, whats not to love?


:lol :lol

Aliens will always be my favorite tho, as a kid I had all the toys and would go out whenever it rained with friends and guns and play Marines. :D


One of the reasons why I like the series is that it's four completely different takes on the Alien concept. I don't like Resurrection but I've seen it a few times and can at least appreciate that it in no way tries to recapture what Alien and Aliens did. Nowadays, after a misstep in Alien 3, studios would play it safe and try to remake one of those movies for the fourth.

Anyway, I watched Alien from this set last night and it looks amazing. I'll watch Aliens tonight.


well not really...yet
Aliens is never going to look as good as Alien, due to the film stock that it was shot on, that's just an unfortunate fact. But the fact that the new Aliens transfer looks as good as it does, with an incredible amount of restored detail is nothing short of miraculous.
demosthenes said:
So what was the original Alien 3 like?

Which original? They had countless writers and directors attached the the project each pulling it in different directions. The closest we'll ever get to Fincher's version is the workprint edition, and even that is heavily compromised. Fincher wasn't happy with anything through almost the whole project. He wanted all the film to burn up at one point, just so he could start over.

Yet I still like the movie a lot, so I'm not too interested in what could've been.


Mr. Sam said:
I think, somehow, Alien is actually fresher looking than Aliens. They both look great though.
I'm watching Aliens now and it doesn't have that made yesterday look of Alien but it's still pretty damn impressive and as good as we could have hoped. Sounds awesome too.

This is probably my favourite Blu-ray set yet. So much stuff on here, and I like the little touches like how you can watch the extended version of Aliens with an icon in the corner that pops up when you're watching one of the added scenes. Really nice packaging too.
Gary Whitta said:
I think that tagline is less to do with the science of soundwaves in a vacuum and more to do with the fact that space is remote and there's no-one around to help you. Nice pedantry, though!

Actually even on a pedantic level it fails. When does the movie ever have sound in the vacuum of space? Everything either happens aboard the Nostromo or in the atmosphere of LV426.
The explosion of the Nostromo as well?

What about when the shuttle's door is opened and the alien is outside by the thruster?
Scullibundo said:
Poly's got it right. J.J is our new lord and Sci-fi saviour. Forget Ridley guys.
Alien had mad lens flares going on though... REAL ones from an actual lens at that. So Ridley has JJ beat in that arena.
Dead said:
Aliens is never going to look as good as Alien, due to the film stock that it was shot on, that's just an unfortunate fact. But the fact that the new Aliens transfer looks as good as it does, with an incredible amount of restored detail is nothing short of miraculous.
Yup, JC loves him some Super35, ugly as it is.
polyh3dron said:
Yup, JC loves him some Super35, ugly as it is.
Peter Jackson as well. Super 35 has its advantages and its disadvantages. Of course, now Cameron has gone all digital so I think we have seen the last of his Super 35 days.


Scullibundo said:
Poly's got it right. J.J is our new lord and Sci-fi saviour. Forget Ridley guys.
I haven't watched Star Trek in a couple of months but IIRC after that one guy getting sucked out into space in the opening scene, there were plenty of moments with sound in space. I figured that it was just Abrams sort of saying, 'Yeah, we know that there's no sound in space, but we're just making a kick-ass action movie so from now on we're doing what we like.' Just an acknowledgement.


Cool. Am tempted when it gets a bit cheaper. Still, as awesome as Alien was for its time, it's not a particularly re-watchable film, IMO.
Hmm I wonder how long that price will hold for? I'm getting 50 bucks in Amazon credit (hopefully) this week and I could say the considering I like 1 and 2, hate 3, and view 4 in the same way I do the AVP films (fun trash), 20 bucks isn't a bad deal.
Templar Wizard said:
i am loving the hi def massive bush reveal of Weaver in Aliens.
looking forward to the HD tittyball sqeeuze in jedi.

I've watched Aliens plenty of times but I don't remember that. I would remember something like that.
thats a rog and once you see i, you cant miss it.
just like the boob sqeeze, i discovered it for myself in 97 and i was amazed i had never seen it

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Templar Wizard said:
thats a rog and once you see i, you cant miss it.
just like the boob sqeeze, i discovered it for myself in 97 and i was amazed i had never seen it

What boob squeeze are you referring to?

Edit: Nevermind, I found it.

Harrison Ford you dirty dirty man.
Did anyone else see this?

French filmmaker Jean-Pierre Jeunet, director of Alien Resurrection, has revealed on his personal blog that, unlike Ridley Scott for Alien and James Cameron for Aliens, he wasn't invited to supervise the remastering of his movie, included in the Alien Anthology Blu-ray. Jeunet has said that the BD of the fourth Alien installment has the picture quality of "a very mediocre DVD."

Jeunet sarcastically cites the tagline for the new box set: "On Blu-ray, everybody will hear you scream" only to add: "They got that right - scream with rage!"

Blog Post

Didn't he work on the DVD and isn't the Blu-ray just the HD master created when the DVDs were done? Then again I doubt it will be a huge issue for me.
Blader5489 said:
Moot point, no one is going to watch Resurrection anyway.

I'd probably watch it more than Alien 3. Resurrection, at least from what I remembered from enjoyable schlock (like the AVP movies). Then again I just hated watching the Alien transform from the dog in 3...but isn't it a cow in the workprint (man what an odd and massive change to do). Maybe with not having to watch that along with not having to deal with WTF they killed Newt and Hicks off screen for the first time I'll enjoy it more.
Got the set in the mail today from Amazon. I was watching AVP on the train (yes I like both of the AVP films) back so I'm all in the mood to unwind and watch a crapton of Alien films this weekend.:D


This set is phenomenal. I've spent today watching Aliens and all of the related docs. I started around noon and I'm still not done. This set is the set to beat, and the one which I will compare all future boxed sets.


Subconscious Brolonging
I've rewatched all of these films over the past week or so.

Alien: Looks amazing, still easily the best film in the franchise. The only one to really nail Ripley's character as well.

Aliens: Looks so much better but I'm kinda tired of JC's formula. It has its moments and is pretty good for what it is, but I still hate what he did to the aliens. In Alien, they're almost mythical creatures and carry an aura of mystery and dread. In Aliens, they get mowed down by the dozens and are fairly boring. The whole queen thing is also much less interesting than the reproductive cycle that they hinted at in the Alien Extended Cut. Ripley's character is also a bit off. Newt is incredibly annoying and only there to showcase Ripley's maternal feelings. I greatly prefer the awkward, loner Ripley from Alien but maybe that's just me.

Alien 3: The extended cut is pretty good. It looks great and has a lot going for it. It's the closest any of the sequels get to nailing Ripley's character and it's wonderfully bleak and depressing. It has some amazing visuals as well, the few shows of the planet's surface are amazing.

Alien Resurrection: Not an Alien movie. It's goofy and comical, it's fucking stupid, it's just not an Alien movie. I don't blame Whedon or Jeunet, they just did what they do. I blame the studio for hiring two guys whose style does not fit the Alien franchise in any way. This plus AvP prove that Fox had no idea what the series was or how to manage it.
Note: The BD set is much cheaper on Amazon.co.uk. It's the exact same set, region free and such, and buying/shipping to the US is painless.


petethepanda said:
Note: The BD set is much cheaper on Amazon.co.uk. It's the exact same set, region free and such, and buying/shipping to the US is painless.

Yup. Ordered from Amazon.co.uk in the past and they were flawless with my CD order.
Thanks for posting this - $36. 72 Canadian for the Alien Anthology [Blu-ray] is to sweet a deal to pass up.
Thanks for the update.
I've never seen an Alien movie, so I was waiting for them to come out separately to avoid spending so much on something I might potentially not like.
_dementia said:
Thanks for the update.
I've never seen an Alien movie, so I was waiting for them to come out separately to avoid spending so much on something I might potentially not like.
WHAAA!? How old are you? I am genuinely curious.
I had planned on waiting for the individual releases, but Amazon had a pretty good deal one day. And then I would have only gotten Alien & Aliens. I would have missed out on the actually pretty good Alien 3 assembly cut. Alien Resurrection still sucks though.
I keep thinking this thread is about Alien Ant Farm - ANThology.

Those BluRay covers are pretty sexy though. I'd probably even buy Resurrection just for the complete set.
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