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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.

Ok without any spoilers please guys:

I am just on the start of Chapter 15. I am playing on Hard difficulty. Is there a lot of distance to go to the end of the game?

I am asking because I only have 2 days with limited time before I have to leave for a trip that will last a week and I really dont want to leave the game on a cliffhanger note. So are the final 4 chapters big?

Again pls no spoilers :)

Nope. At most, three hours left.
on mission 10 and now the Alien is everywhere. I use the flamethrower, it goes into a top vent but comes back 40 seconds later. Rinse and repeat ad naseum. Shouldn't use the flamethrower, but it feels good to burn that motherfucker.

Oh I and love how the Alien
doesn't give two shits about the androids.

I don't think you're doing it right. Having the weapon doesn't mean you should be looking to use it. It's a last resort to try and save your life long enough to build a new plan. You should still be trying your best to hide and avoid it at all costs. When you light him up you piss him off too it seems so he comes back fast and with a good idea of where you are. The only two times I used the weapon on the alien so far were to get me the space I needed to run for the level exit.


What's the story behind this? Why the change?

I think the Alien has been redesigned in every movie.
Its only in the original movie that the Alien has the dome on his head translucent and you can see his human skull (although I dont think you can actually see it in the movie due on how dark it looks).
Then Cameron completely changed the Alien's dome in Aliens (and other parts of it). His explanation was that the Aliens in his movie are more grow up or something like that.
Then in Alien 3 they took the original dome back but it wasnt translucent anymore. Same in Resurection.

EDIT: Beaten. And didnt know that the ridges were on the originalGiger design under the dome!
It's an excellent encounter but when I came across
the generator that I couldn't interact with, I instantly knew that the power would shut down at some point and I would have to come back.
Yeah, they should patch it so
it doesn't have the little pop-up "generator active" notice when you first encounter it.

I just felt that section, and the
one where you jettison the first alien into space
were the purest in the game mechanically, and two of the most frightening.
Picked this up last night. Didn't have Internet so is there a day 1 patch? The atmosphere is amazing. But there's alot of shimmering aliasing. The cutscenes are super jerky and the NPC's voices were horribly off and lifeless.

Either way I'm a huge wuss and went to bed after my first encounter last night haha. I'm in for a rough few days with this game

the aliasing/shimmering is one of the worst things about the game IMO.. whatever AA method they are using sucks balls to the point that it is distracting. the cutscenes are also super jerky, but thankfully doesnt impact gameplay

i didn't have a problem with the voice acting personally, thought it was pretty good a a whole
Yeah my main problem now is just that because I backtracked to a save point, I now have to enter a room of enemies from the worst possible entry point and I literally have no other choice. Thus far I've managed to make it upstairs once without dying, but they did see me anyway and waited outside the vent I crawled into to just kill me.

Guess I'll just have to keep trying until I can somehow get past this one spot because this encounter cannot possibly have been designed taking this possibility into account.

I did the same thing. I see you've already gotten past this but you could have thrown a flare into the room as a distraction, then proceeded upstairs without being seen. There is one person upstairs that you will need to deal with. You can easily sneak around him or distract him with another flare. I guess you could also kill him but that might attract the others and there is an achievement for not killing any humans.

It is possible to completely sneak around all of them without any items but it's incredibly difficult. I did experiment with the speaker system some which would lure some of them out of the main area, and there are probably some other options but the flare method was the easiest.

One of the biggest strengths of the game is the variety of ways you can accomplish an objective. I've even skipped some current objectives by activating a future objective.
Uh, I've been the biggest proponent of this game but I've been stuck on this one part in mission 16 for days. I took a day break between the last time I played and coming back to it like this my interest in finishing it is plummeting. I shouldn't have taken that day off...

It doesn't help that there's some loading issue for me in this mission meaning every load time after I die (which is over and over at the same bit) means I gotta wait for ages.

Don't bum me out right at the end, game....I'm gonna take 20 mins to chill out and come back to it.

EDIT: Okay, I was just rusty. Cleared that section out flawlessly...onto mission 17.
Unfortunately i encountered a gamebreaking glitch between mission 15 and 16. There is no mission objective and the transit stations don't deliver me to the correct locations. On top of that the right analogue stick isn't working properly.


Neo Member
Finished(hard), ending spoilers;

This ended up being a bit of a rant, apologies in advance.

Was my definite GOTY right up until the last section, they seriously pissed me off with that bullshit.
Firstly they completely remove player agency for Rip to get captured via scripted event where I have no control over her.

Considering the care I always took (as a player) to ensure I was safe before I did any task I really felt betrayed by that one, plus the fact that it negated the hard work I had done to get to that point.
I know this isn't fantasy-happy-happy land but there is such a thing in storytelling structure as pay-off, and I feel like mine was snatched from me right at the last second completely unreasonably.
Maybe a live sequence wouldn't have left such a sour taste in my mouth.

Next, I find the escalating thrill of the Nest->BlowReactor->Escape sequence completely deflated by a frustrating series of face-hugger shooting gallery sequences where they seemingly teleport to my face.
I play any online FPS and RTS games with M&K but for everything else controller suits me fine, for this sequence the controller was an obstacle to my immersion.

Then a pretty WTFish ending where:

  1. For some reason the controls to blow the umbilical were the exact same as the ones that turned the Nostromo into a giant thermonuclear cloud because fan-service?
  2. The Aliens are now all engineering experts and show up at this exact place to stop you for some reason.....I guess to serve as a climax.

I would have liked to see Rip at least get on the ship, since (unless it was a WT lie) they state in Aliens that she survived into her 60's. So again, denied closure/payoff.

Overall this was probably the best gaming experience I've had all year. I need to wrap my head around how much I hated the last few bits but it will probably be GOTY.

Not Spaceghost

I just finished it too, and I mostly agree with you. Played on hard.

The only section in the game where I just went nuts with shooting and blowing shit up was entering and exiting the reactor core, where I just hunted down the (I believe 15 in total) androids. The rest of the time I didn't really need anything but the flamethrower.

Lol if you're referring to the
rubber suit wearing guys on the way to the APOLLO core, I actually had to 100% sprint past every single one of them, it was a little bit embarrassing because I basically just died a whole bunch to figure out exactly where I had to go and what I had to do, once I did I just dashed past everything flawlessly without really getting hit.
If you just meant the
reactor core with the overloading the cores and purging the hive then yeah I also killed everything there, it looked impossible to sneak through.

I also played the game on hard, though I'm not really sure how much harder it made the game. Honestly the most challenging parts of the game were the
med bay, the APOLLO core and the part where you have to capture it and eject the component into space.

Finished(hard), ending spoilers;

This ended up being a bit of a rant, apologies in advance.

Considering the care I always took (as a player) to ensure I was safe before I did any task I really felt betrayed by that one, plus the fact that it negated the hard work I had done to get to that point.
I know this isn't fantasy-happy-happy land but there is such a thing in storytelling structure as pay-off, and I feel like mine was snatched from me right at the last second completely unreasonably.
Maybe a live sequence wouldn't have left such a sour taste in my mouth.

Next, I find the escalating thrill of the Nest->BlowReactor->Escape sequence completely deflated by a frustrating series of face-hugger shooting gallery sequences where they seemingly teleport to my face.

Honestly this shit really bothered me as well, that sequence of rip getting dragged away by the alien AT LITERALLY THE LAST MINUTE should have increased tension but it didn't it just felt out of place and unnecessary, I didn't really feel like the ending was a proper pay off, I would have rather had Ripley jettison the alien but still been attached to the Torrens and when she gets back on she finds the rest of the crew with their chest burst and is forced to self destruct the ship and escape on the life boat and then give a message that was a nice little homage to her mothers message in the original as she just floats through space. If I had been given that sequence instead of the alien napping I think the whole thing would have felt more satisfactory.

Also I too fucking hated the face huggers, they were damn near invisible unless you were actively looking for them, trying to use your motion scanner to track them down always felt futile because, well for one aliens are running around the vents and the face huggers are so small so it feels like a waste of time trying to look for them with the scanner because you'll just assume they're aliens in the vents, secondly they're a very BS 1 hit KO. You should at least be given a tiny QTE to try to catch them or swat them away as they leap on you.

I can't decide if the ending felt rushed or poorly thought out, but there were definitely issues with it.


Neo Member
If you just meant the
reactor core with the overloading the cores and purging the hive then yeah I also killed everything there, it looked impossible to sneak through.

I managed to sneak through there (hard)
As long as you run and hide the instant you kill an egg/FH it's fine, though I did have multiple aliens walking around briefly.


Wait, so
putting power into ventilation disables ventilation? Huh?

What is "unstable system"?

I'm not sure if this is spoiler-ish, but more a run down on how the rewire system works (or at least how I understand it). Fuck it, I'll spoiler tag it anyways.

Basic shit: You put and take away power from various nodes. Map on the right shows where that node physically is in the level. Rewire stations, like computer terminals and hacking, is in real time. I've been slaughtered a couple of times because I fucked around too long deciding what to rewire.

Putting power to Unstable System will turn some random crap on in another part of the room. Creating noise or havoc. From my experience it has been the least useful.

Air Filtration creates a temporary "smoke" screen in a specific area. Early on it tends to be in the same spot as the rewire station.

Sound System turns on/off the speaker system in another part of the room. Supposed to create distraction (maybe makes Ripley's noises less noticeable?), but I haven't seen it make an obvious difference.

Lights...yeah. Should be obvious. :p

There are door lock related nodes as well that require powering on/off.

Cameras...I'm not sure. If they are already powered on, I usually turn them off, thinking they help humans spot me. I don't know, though. Someone confirm?

So many black lines.
I'm not sure if this is spoiler-ish, but more a run down on how the rewire system works (or at least how I understand it). Fuck it, I'll spoiler tag it anyways.

Cameras...I'm not sure. If they are already powered on, I usually turn them off, thinking they help humans spot me. I don't know, though. Someone confirm?

So many black lines.
When cameras spot you, they emit a sound that attracts the alien, so I turned them off whenever I had the opportunity to.


The DLC seems to be about a thousand times more difficult than the main game. What's going on there?

Played through on hard and never ran into trouble, but I'm dying all day here.

Not Spaceghost

daaaamn is this really true???

I just got to medical and am facing the alien.


Thinking of dropping it to medium, no sure though.

Does crafting make any noise?

Yeah if you get spotted by the camera you should hide within 5 seconds the alien will be in your face in no time.

Dropping it to medium doesn't really change much if you ask me. I raised the game to hard and the only thing I noticed was that it took an extra shot to drop things with the revolver and I died a bit faster to androids.

The AI is a bit more clever but not by much. Since most of the actually dangerous things in this game kill you in one hit anyways it doesn't really change anything. Things aren't anymore scarce on hard than they are on medium as far as I noticed.


Not according to the lore established in the Director's Cut of Alien. A single drone can start a new hive by using eggmorphing.

Yeah but that was for cocooning hosts in a large egg, these are small eggs...plus that would take weeks to produce that amount of eggs, there must be at least 30.


The game becomes much more manageable once you get the flamethrower. I can actually explore the ship a little bit without worrying so much about the Alien. Mission 11 now and still really enjoying it.
These damn Working Joes are creepy.
Really awesome design by CA on those things.

I hope there aren't many instances where I have to deal with them AND the xeno at the same time. :/
Beat it loved it. Does get a tad long in the tooth...did hate the
facehuger section
I however do wish the Aliens would kill the androids...would be awesome to use the alien against them to clear them out in some sections.


Currently stuck on where to go next, can anyone help? Spoilers for after mission 10/11:

I'm in the place called the galleria, right after ripley calls waits about opening the shutters but an android kills him. I need to find an alternative route but I'm not seeing it anywhere.

Edit: Nvm found it, there was a door in plain sight I somehow missed lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
dammit, I was forced to use the(weapon spoiler)
because I was found by the alien and I did not want to redo a certain long stretch again. oh well lol.

that's what it's for, don't stress!

his tolerance to it builds every time you use it, but seems to reset between levels.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Just finished mission 6, and unless it changes, I don't think the game is that scary. IDK, I think it's cause you can pretty much always here the Alien, or use the motion tracker to know exactly where it is.


Neo Member
Just finished mission 6, and unless it changes, I don't think the game is that scary. IDK, I think it's cause you can pretty much always here the Alien, or use the motion tracker to know exactly where it is.

Do you have the gamma really turned down till you can barely see it?
I found the game pretty scary in general.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Do you have the gamma really turned down till you can barely see it?
I found the game pretty scary in general.

Not sure, if there are no lights on in the hall/room etc I can't see anything without the flashlight. Don't think it matters though, You pretty much always know where the Alien is.

Edit: the vents are pretty scary, hence I never use em unless I have to in order to progress.
Some questions.

In what capacity do items like smokebombs and flashbangs become useful? I have a feeling that a smokebomb would do anything to a xenomorph,

Next, does this game have some aliasing and shimmering issues? Its not too bad and the game looks great overall, I just want to make sure my tv calibrations are not off.

And lasty, should I put the game on normal. I plyed the DLC on hard.... And it was tough. Maybe anyone with experience can tell me. I just got the scanner, loving the game so far.


I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love that it is an playable Alien game that captures the look, sound and feel of the movie. I hate the fact that, because I suck at stealth/horror games, progress i so slow. It succeed in making me fear the Alien and making every area with an Alien really tense. I do feel that, even at easy, the Alien appears to quickly and without warning too often. In mission 10
where I have to seal off the stairwell I died many times because it suddenly appeared behind me when I was busy locking down the last door. I understand that the Alien can't take into consideration that I'm busy, but it is really frustrating. In that section I felt that the Alien was on speed and moved at a much higher speed around the area than usual. Are there many sections like this in the remaining missions?


Some questions.

In what capacity do items like smokebombs and flashbangs become useful? I have a feeling that a smokebomb would do anything to a xenomorph,

I use flashbangs/smokebombs on the Alien to distract. Like explosive noisemakers when I don't have any actual noisemakers. Just get that asshole to go investigate some corner while I peace out the opposite direction.

For direct, defensive situations where he is on your ass, it seems anything fire related is your only option.

I stopped the xenomorph from chasing me down by throwing a molotov in front of it in a panic. This still resulted in a hilariously inept death on my part, because I was walking backwards and wound up stuck between a wall on my left, a crate to my back, and another human I didn't see who ran up to my right and started firing at the monster. I could only walk forwards into the flames/Alien. Obviously, when the fire blew out, we were both dead as shit.

And lasty, should I put the game on normal. I plyed the DLC on hard.... And it was tough. Maybe anyone with experience can tell me. I just got the scanner, loving the game so far.

I haven't played the DLC yet, but I am well beyond the half-way point in the normal game on Hard and it hasn't been a difficult experience...yet(?).
Yea, it kind of makes no sense.
Especially since it's already established in the movies that the Aliens have no problem killing androids.
Only time it's ever done that is because Bishop was in the way. The alien has never been shown to actually hunt an android like it does a human.
I got struck down like a bitch from a really nasty bug earlier. I beat chapter 14 last night and stopped at a save point early in chapter 15. Started it up again today and worked my way through the 15th and got to 16 but something seemed wrong. I started at the scimed transit station coming off a transit which seemed out of place. I also didn't have any waypoint. I tried an elevator and got stuck in a loading screen.

So rebooting didn't help at all. I looked up a video walkthrough of the level and it seemed I was supposed to start at seegson comms. I made my way there and the dialogue triggered but a lot of my controls broke, most importantly the right stick no longer worked and the only way to turn was to hold L1 which would turn me 180 for the duration it was hold whilst locking all body movement. Far from ideal obviously.

This happened every time I hit that point so I decided to restart from the beginning of the mission. Then I noticed mission 15 was the only place I could start from so it seems it never counted the mission as complete despite getting the trophy. Least it's only a short and easy chapter I need to redo. Odd bug though.
Minor mid game spoilers below:

I finally finished
Medical. That was by far the hardest part of the game thus far. Ripley now has a flamethrower, but I'm not sure if it actually has been that much of an assistance thus far. I've torched the alien a few times, yet he only leaves for a bit and then returns, angrier than ever.
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