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Aliens and UFOs

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Interesting how the CIA, FBI, and the Pentagon all have programs that study these things, and not just the US. All over the world there are confirmed agencies in other nations that study this specifically. And most didn't have any knowledge of each other yet have come to extremely similar conclusions.

It's all designed to protect us and keep us comfortable with our little lives.

You're the best johny.
USA #1
Humans are the rulers/shepherds of the planet.
Earth is the center of the universe. Man is the chosen one/blessed.

Nearly every culture/religion/nation has this propaganda that we're "the best" or chosen.

No fucking wonder they keep their distance. Any visitation would be a mass psychological breakdown of the human superiorty spirit that instantly sends the message that we're not remotely special.
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not tag worthy
Interesting how the CIA, FBI, and the Pentagon all have programs that study these things, and not just the US. All over the world there are confirmed agencies in other nations that study this specifically. And most didn't have any knowledge of each other yet have come to extremely similar conclusions.

It's all designed to make us feel comfortable with our little lives.
You're the best johny.
USA #1
Humans are the rulers/shepherds of the planet.
Earth is the center of the universe. Man is the chosen one/blessed.

Nearly every religion/nation has this propaganda that we're "the best."

No fucking wonder they keep their distance. Any visitation would be a mass psychological breakdown of the human superiorty spirit that instantly sends the message thar we're not shit.

I need to read after disclosure that book deals with this.
Interesting how the CIA, FBI, and the Pentagon all have programs that study these things, and not just the US. All over the world there are confirmed agencies in other nations that study this specifically. And most didn't have any knowledge of each other yet have come to extremely similar conclusions.

It's all designed to protect us and keep us comfortable with our little lives.

You're the best johny.
USA #1
Humans are the rulers/shepherds of the planet.
Earth is the center of the universe. Man is the chosen one/blessed.

Nearly every culture/religion/nation has this propaganda that we're "the best" or chosen.

No fucking wonder they keep their distance. Any visitation would be a mass psychological breakdown of the human superiorty spirit that instantly sends the message that we're not remotely special.
Yeah, nature tried sending us that message and 70,000 years later we had wiped out 90% of the species on the planet. If we level up and take on aliens, we will win.


Yeah, nature tried sending us that message and 70,000 years later we had wiped out 90% of the species on the planet. If we level up and take on aliens, we will win.

I forgot exactly the estimate for military power, but distance traveled and ease of travel, logistics is a good indicator of technology. If a species can routinely travel to something we understand, like from earth from our moon, they're like 60-90 years ahead of us in terms of technology. If they're traveling routinely from Mars, 140-300 years ahead of us. The problem is they're not coming from those places. It's likely thousands or millions of times further than Mars. So, they could literally be millions of years ahead us at our peak. At a best case scenario someone put it that anything traveling to our planet routinely from outside outside our solar system would be the technological equivalent to an Apache helicopter against a tribe with bows and arrows. Best case.

So yeah, it's best we downplay and suppress those possibilities for our own frail psychology lol. It's like my dad's submarine boss told him about the insanely fast sonar hits they'd get zooming by them underwater. "Just don't worry about it, and pray they're not aggressive, because theres nothing we could do."
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I forgot exactly the estimate for military power, but distance traveled and ease of travel, logistics is a good indicator of technology. If a species can routinely travel to something we understand, like from earth from our moon, they're like 60-90 years ahead of us in terms of technology. If they're traveling routinely from Mars, 140-300 years ahead of us. The problem is they're not coming from those places. It's likely thousands or millions of times further than Mars. So, they could literally be millions of years ahead us at our peak. At a best case scenario someone put it that anything traveling to our planet routinely from outside outside our solar system would be the technological equivalent to an Apache helicopter against a tribe with bows and arrows. Best case.

So yeah, it's best we downplay and suppress those possibilities for our own frail psychology lol.
I know what you're saying. While technological advanced races may beat us in a traditional war, the rules of which only exist within our collective minds (how do we know that Aliens would descend from space with spaceships and laser beams?), there's a lot more to it. May be war only exists within homo sapiens? If you look at the animal kingdom, there are territorial battles and some primates have been seen to attack and kill neighbouring primates to gain resources, no species in the history of all documented species have gone to war for the sake of an ideology, which is all of our wars.

Secondly, we did have sticks and stones against natures apache helicopters. Beasts, diseases and natural disasters that were well ahead of our technology, understanding and intellect. Yet we killed, ate or enslaved every last one of them.

IMO, our frail psychology is why we would win, as a species, we have never known loss. We have known hardship, conquering and triumph, we have never lost. Nothing in the known universe has ever beaten us.

But, like all of this topic, it's really fun to talk about, but there's so little evidence to know one way or another!


I know what you're saying. While technological advanced races may beat us in a traditional war, the rules of which only exist within our collective minds (how do we know that Aliens would descend from space with spaceships and laser beams?), there's a lot more to it. May be war only exists within homo sapiens? If you look at the animal kingdom, there are territorial battles and some primates have been seen to attack and kill neighbouring primates to gain resources, no species in the history of all documented species have gone to war for the sake of an ideology, which is all of our wars.

Secondly, we did have sticks and stones against natures apache helicopters. Beasts, diseases and natural disasters that were well ahead of our technology, understanding and intellect. Yet we killed, ate or enslaved every last one of them.

IMO, our frail psychology is why we would win, as a species, we have never known loss. We have known hardship, conquering and triumph, we have never lost. Nothing in the known universe has ever beaten us.

But, like all of this topic, it's really fun to talk about, but there's so little evidence to know one way or another!

Some good points, but I think some of it is a very human way of thinking "we're the best!!!"

I just look at that point differently, the only reason we're still around is we're just smart enough to survive what nature threw at us, and we spread across the globe to inhabit more docile regions while disasters hit, repopulated somewhat fast to keep the lineage going and spread out again.

Aliens could win in several easy ways that have been discussed without being super powerful. But then again, we have no real examples to know. The problem is if they exist, they've likely endured their own hardships as a species, and if they're real and traveling here they've likely endured them on a galactic scale, not just planetary. We still struggle to travel to our own moon. I mean just trying to compare us to a space-faring species is incomprehensible. We're much closer to animals.
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Gold Member
FBI doc describes a species thar visits from another plane of existence and can disappear at will



This video has been removed several times from youtube btw. One of them had in millions of views. And the verbiage he uses about being in intelligence is very credible, as is he himself. So, he's either an old dying lying pos, or telling the truth.

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Talking about disclosure project, what the fuck even happened with that? Dr. Greener ended up high as fuck in the desert calling aliens and no evidence ever came to light despite him repeating over and over again that they had lots of it. Very disappointing.


Can’t Git Gud
This video has been removed several times from youtube btw. One of them had in millions of views. And the verbiage he uses about being in intelligence is very credible, as is he himself. So, he's either an old dying lying pos, or telling the truth.

Just because someone is old, does not mean he is not full of shit and credible because of age.
He does sound believable but it's still just talking


Gold Member
This video has been removed several times from youtube btw. One of them had in millions of views. And the verbiage he uses about being in intelligence is very credible, as is he himself. So, he's either an old dying lying pos, or telling the truth.

I thought for a second that was Boyd Bushman ..another old "insider" whose ultra realistic alien photos that were def true turned out to be a toy you could buy at walmart..this guy looks different though



Yeah it is really compelling especially with refusal to release information until.... 2072. lol.

So what's going on with that is hard to say but I still suspect if it is real, it's man-made.

Edit: is there somewhere where I can read the account by the hikers and/or the villagers?
Man made using anti gravity technology patented in this patent.

EDIT: FBI on greys.
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Imagine in 100-200 years looking back to see alot of humans thought that out of billions of galaxies, they were the only intelligent life that ever evolved. They believed this, while being able to view far less than 1% of the universe. Arrogant asf.
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UFOs and aliens will end up being extradimensional, and luciferian in origin. Bank on them coming when mankind reaches it's lowest moral point (from a critical race theory/feminist/globalist perspective). They'll probably promise an evolution of humanity via technological means, then our brains can be uploaded to Facebook and Twitter and we can be fact-checked into perfection.


The best argument I've seen is a spotlight, but without seeing light shining from the ground? And the point ar which the light hits the clouds doesnt seem to be from below, it looks above the clouds. Idk



Count of Concision
Did anyone archive this? It was deleted.

I was wondering the same thing lol. It wasn't recently deleted either. I check this thread fairly often, and even within a day or two of when that was posted, when you went to the link the pertinent info no longer existed. I was curious.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Remember the Phoenix lights event? Below is the governor's real take on it. Back when it happened he made jokes about it to calm people down, but he actually saw it.

They were told to joke about it I am sure. That has been the governments public MO when it comes to UFOs for a long time. What is interesting is that seems to have changed for some reason...I wonder why.


Apparently satellite imaging shows this has been there for years. This is pretty wild.

My thing is, okay it's probably a fake, and maybe it was done decades ago. But why even bother doing it when it will be quickly disproven? Just seem like a waste of time. Whoever put it there is obviously not a complete dumbass if they can figure out how to build a structure to last that long and cut through the rock.


not tag worthy
That's probably the most fascinating stories I've seen when it comes to UFOs. I watched the movie and didn't think it was that great. It would've been better had it fully been focused on the kids grown up and talking about their experience
How the hell did a group of kids all suddenly know about Greys? Makes you think.

John Day

I would be terrified of what they know that we don’t. After all, they had the tech to reach us first.

Then again, I truly believe in the Fermi Paradox. So...


Pretty wild looking. I'm posting the original which is pretty shaky because of the distance, then underneath I'll post the same but stabilized for you to see. I recommend the stabilized version.


He mentions a couple of times in Spanish how large it is.
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One of the most bizarre stories ever. Mass sighting where beings were seen up close in the middle of the day at a school.

A team of Oxford psychologists were sent out to interview children of various ages(64 total) that all gave an extremely similar account. They concluded the children were telling the truth.

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OP be trippin'

Em, UFOs in the popular conscious are projections of our less explicable flaws. I think it's hugely hubristic for us to expect Aliens would adhere to concepts that we've spawned obviously, on our own.

I'm entirely certain life exists out there, but i don't believe it has any bearing to our concepts of life.

.. so if i saw an alien.. I'd probably just wonder how they're going to handle our oxygen and nitrogen rich atmosphere. Shit is reactive.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Man made using anti gravity technology patented in this patent.

EDIT: FBI on greys.
Can someone do a TL;DR on the FBI files?

From what I read on that Reddit, they say it mentions the Greys are extradimensional?

However the OP post on Reddit was deleted so I'm guessing fake?


Can someone do a TL;DR on the FBI files?

From what I read on that Reddit, they say it mentions the Greys are extradimensional?

However the OP post on Reddit was deleted so I'm guessing fake?
Reddit is cancer and full of commies. Go to 4chan.
Who knows about greys but the strange thing is cultists / satanists / Alistair Crawley followers claim that they can summon in "beings" that do look like greys.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Reddit is cancer and full of commies. Go to 4chan.
Who knows about greys but the strange thing is cultists / satanists / Alistair Crawley followers claim that they can summon in "beings" that do look like greys.
Meh 4chan or at least /pol/ is the other end of the fringe spectrum. Too many "6 garillion" and "Jewish Question" types.

Regarding Crowley, yeah I've heard about that. There is a being in particular he communicated with that he drew and described that looks very similar to a Grey.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've personally in my later years have become more skeptical btw but I'm leaning more towards the idea these aren't extraterrestrials and more likely extradimensional. I think Jacque Valle (sp?) has been on that too and calls them ultraterrestrial.

Regarding what V4skunk V4skunk said, it's also possible these things are here because we grabbed their attention/opened the way for them. Less 'Close Encounters' and more 'Half-Life' so to speak.

Edit: speaking of Half-Life, some of the inspiration for Black Mesa is the alleged Dulce alien base under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico. If memory serves me right, stories claim there was some kind of fight between alien beings and military/black ops in Dulce. Wild stuff. Sounds like it'd make a great video game, huh?
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