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Aliens Versus Predator Official Thread of Interspecies Carnage and Bill Paxton Quotes


Anyone having major freezing in the PC predator campaign? It seems like the game just stops during major animation sequences, like removing heads or sucking power from a human energy source. It comes to a complete standstill and then returns to normal about 20 seconds later. Any ideas PC GAF?
fiiiiinally got a perfect comparison shot of the first alien encounter.

i hope i don't have to say which is tesselated and which isn't!

oddly, a weird glitch i had in my earlier screens went away when i set CCC to use the ingame settings for AA and AF.

one on the left was CCC forcing AA and AF on. one on right AA and AF off. pay specific attention to the gun. ingame settings are both everything on highest.

i actually think i got better performance with AA and AF set to off in the menu. 45 to 55 in survivor. 30 to 50 in single player. could also have been turning off 'reduce mouse lag'. will have to test more.

check out the AA though! yay for DX11.

Bluemercury said:
well that's my gpu too, you're saying that with dx11 you get 45fps?thats low....

it's every spanking new graphical effect on, and everything set as high as you can at 1920 x 1200. 30 fps and above... is frankly awesome to me.


DrBo42 said:
Anyone having major freezing in the PC predator campaign? It seems like the game just stops during major animation sequences, like removing heads or sucking power from a human energy source. It comes to a complete standstill and then returns to normal about 20 seconds later. Any ideas PC GAF?

If you're using an NVidia card, I think it's in your best interest to use DX9 mode.


I did that but for some reason in that mode I couldn't see any effects like the predator laser or the gun effect. :(
@ plagiarize: I used your pictures for this comparison, hope you don't mind:

Insane Metal said:
@ plagiarize: I used your pictures for this comparison, hope you don't mind:

of course i don't mind. spent AGES trying to get two shots of that alien up close like that exactly the same.
Does anyone have an image of the alien side of the survivor edition cover? Not a picture of the cover but the image itself. I really want it as my iPhone wallpaper.


Insane Metal said:
@ plagiarize: I used your pictures for this comparison, hope you don't mind:


It basically gives the impression that many, many more polygons are used for the models. His head is very round with tessellation on. Definitely not something that would stand out as much in motion though.


Best Buy told me over the phone that it had 14 copies. I get there....they say it was a mistake and it's not out til tomorrow.

No AvP for me tonight.........*sob*

So when are you fuckers going to post some vids?!
TheExodu5 said:
It basically gives the impression that many, many more polygons are used for the models. His head is very round with tessellation on. Definitely not something that would stand out as much in motion though.
I find it very noticable, it's not just the head either. The alien does look fuller and more detailed in the arms and chest area. Fuck, tessalation is awesome. Please tell me that the Crysis 2 Engine uses it.
Sill4 said:
Best Buy told me over the phone that it had 14 copies. I get there....they say it was a mistake and it's not out til tomorrow.

No AvP for me tonight.........*sob*

So when are you fuckers going to post some vids?!

I wish that I had the ability to do that. I would love for people to see just how good this game looks in spots.


MisterAnderson said:
Is there only Direct X 9 and 11? No 10?
If you run the DX11 version with DX10 hardware it runs in DX10 mode
yankeehater said:
I wish that I had the ability to do that. I would love for people to see just how good this game looks in spots.
Tell me about it. This game has some fucking amazing lighting going on
MisterAnderson said:
Is there only Direct X 9 and 11? No 10?

Yes, it's only DirectX 9 and DirectX 11, but if you have a DirectX 10 capable video card then you can still run the game in the DirectX 11 client without the additional effects:

AvP2010 ReadMe said:
Under Windows Vista / 7 you have the option of using either the DirectX 9 or the DirectX 11 version of Aliens vs Predator. You can use the DX11 version even on DX10 hardware but the additional DX11-specific video options will be disabled. Provided drivers are up to date, any Vista / 7 users with DX10 hardware or better should therefore be able to run the DX11 version. Generally the DX11 version should provide superior performance over the DX9 version.
Gattsu25 said:
Tell me about it. This game has some fucking amazing lighting going on
The part at the beginning of the Predator campaign, after you go through the first locked door in the woods. The sunlight coming down through the trees just before dusk looks so fucking good. My jaw dropped when I first saw it.
crimsonheadGCN said:
Yes, it's only DirectX 9 and DirectX 11, but if you have a DirectX 10 capable video card then you can still run the game in the DirectX 11 client without the additional effects:

Thanks for the info. I haven't yet loaded the game (although Steam just finished downloading). In the demo there were no AA options...did they add AA in on the final version or am I going to have to force it? Am I going to have issues forcing it with my ATI card like I did with ME2?
TheExodu5 said:
It basically gives the impression that many, many more polygons are used for the models. His head is very round with tessellation on. Definitely not something that would stand out as much in motion though.
it isn't an impression... that's what actually happens! it adds a ridiculous amount of polygons to the aliens, and it does so in a smooth, invisible to the eye LOD fashion.

it doesn't stand out a tonne on the aliens, but on the parts of the environment it does it on... it looks great. the aliens look perfect. even if that's compared to nearly perfect.
MisterAnderson said:
Thanks for the info. I haven't yet loaded the game (although Steam just finished downloading). In the demo there were no AA options...did they add AA in on the final version or am I going to have to force it? Am I going to have issues forcing it with my ATI card like I did with ME2?
DX11 only. you can see it in my screens. having your CCC set to force it on seems to hurt frame rate AND IQ.


Yeah I can't see any gunfire effects at all in DX9 mode. Tried to get back to DX11 (forced DX10 for me) and now the game looks incredibly dim. DX11 mode looked fine to me earlier. What the fuck is going on? :(
played the game SP and MP on 360 today and it lived up to my hype, those on the fence that are fans of the movies owe it to yourselves to at least rent this bad boy


MMaRsu said:
That is such bullshit. I haven't had a single framedrop at all, and I've been playing for hours on 360.

Those comments directly after this image is what befuddles me. Texture work is really really good in this game.

Overall, I did agree with his breakdown of the Single player experience (in the video review). There's already the mappack with the Limited Edition of the game that adds an additional TWO survivor maps, so his gripe about that will be easily fixed, along with another 2 maps included in the Limited Edition. Soon to be DLC for the rest of us.

I think for the sequel they could introduce SOMETHING for players as they increase in rank online besides just skins... Maybe quicker Trophy kills, (new) taunts?

I really try not to complain about reviews to much, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I dont agree with a lot of what this review says. Firstly I have finished the Predator campaign now, and I did not feel that their was a steep learning curve at all. I thought that the Pred controls great, and has a ton of variety in the way that it tackles enemies and obstacles. I also totally disagree that the Pred basically only uses melee, I found myself using both the disk and the combi-stick a ton. I thought that all of the gadgets were useful and had there place in the game. It sounds like the reviewer just ran through the game spamming melee attacks, and then complained that it isnt fun to play that way.

I also dont get why reviewers insist on comparing games that have almost nothing in common. To complain that AvP doesnt match up to CoD or Bioshock is silly to me. All three games are trying to do different things, and they all succeed in their own way, imo. I just wish that people would stick to reviewing the game in front of them. It is great that he liked CoD MW 2 better, but tat really doesnt tell me anything about AvP.
So far pretty much no review has actually played it for its merit, which is the Multiplayer. That is obviously the intended focus of this game, to solely review its single player portion is doing it a large disservice and even going so far as to be "reviewing it wrong" so to speak. It's like reviewing the Multiplayer of The Darkness and ignoring the singleplayer. Maybe to a slightly lesser extent but the point still stands.


I should be doing hw said:
So far pretty much no review has actually played it for its merit, which is the Multiplayer. That is obviously the intended focus of this game, to solely review its single player portion is doing it a large disservice and even going so far as to be "reviewing it wrong" so to speak. It's like reviewing the Multiplayer of The Darkness and ignoring the singleplayer. Maybe to a slightly lesser extent but the point still stands.
Yup. Story there to get you used to the different characters. Prepare you for the multiplayer by introducing you to mechanics, weapons, and locations.
Unicorn said:
Yup. Story there to get you used to the different characters. Prepare you for the multiplayer by introducing you to mechanics, weapons, and locations.

this is the truth, i just finished the refinery level in the Marine campaign and now feel supremely confident about defending and countering Alien melee attacks in MP


TheVisualizer said:
this is the truth, i just finished the refinery level in the Marine campaign and now feel supremely confident about defending and countering Alien melee attacks in MP
Countering your first xenomorph is so satisfying. I just marveled at the squirming defenseless bug for a split second before unloading my pulse rifle into it's iridescent dome. The warbled elephant scream echoed like a banshee through the rotted hallways of the refinery.


I should be doing hw said:
So far pretty much no review has actually played it for its merit, which is the Multiplayer. That is obviously the intended focus of this game, to solely review its single player portion is doing it a large disservice and even going so far as to be "reviewing it wrong" so to speak. It's like reviewing the Multiplayer of The Darkness and ignoring the singleplayer. Maybe to a slightly lesser extent but the point still stands.
I think it's fair to say that the majority of console players are buying this game for the singleplayer more than anything.
Why would it be fair to say that? I thought that MS a while ago said more then 50% of 360's are connected online. It seems like online is becoming bigger and bigger every year.


Gattsu25 said:
I think it's fair to say that the majority of console players are buying this game for the singleplayer more than anything.
Ever hear of Modern Warfare? 5 hour campaign, but countless hours can be invested online. Largest online community on Live, along with probably Halo 3.


I think it's funny when reviewers accuse this game of having low production values and proceed to say the exact opposite with Halo 3 and ODST.
Gattsu25 said:
I think it's fair to say that the majority of console players are buying this game for the singleplayer more than anything.
Well then they are going to be disappointed, its their own problem for being uninformed. Game 'journalists' are supposed to be informed enough to know how a developer is angling a game and what they intend to achieve with it, in order to make an insightful, unbiased review. Pretty much no review I have read for this game has done this though and proceed to compare it to CoD4 in terms of controls and SP, but oddly not MP. As the people on the 'front line' getting the information that we currently know about AvP, I find it extremely strange that they are ignoring the fact that this is a multiplayer focused game. Or I could pull the "It's not even real journalism" card and its not so strange after all.
Unicorn said:
I SHOULD be doing homework, but I'm too addicted to AvP... fuck my GPA and graduating college. I've gotta tail whip some more marines.
I need a name change, I'm out of High School now. But Uni is in 2 weeks so it will no doubt become relevant to me once again very soon :lol

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Finished up the Marine campaign in a couple sessions this afternoon and tonight, enjoyed it a lot. Started a bit of the Predator campaign but the first level after the tutorial was glitching out on me (minimizing the game, switching it to window, making the screen black). I guess I'll wait on that and start the Alien campaign next. I can't wait till a pick up a new videocard in summer (a DX11 one obviously) so I can actually max the game out with all the neat features and maintain 60 fps.


Neo Member
Quick impressions after just 3 hours of play:

Playing on 360.

Single player - started with the Alien Campaign. Really enjoying the atmosphere and lighting. Completed the first two mission. Great fun despite a fact that I got lost a couple times and I'm an AVP1/2 vet and not easily lost in FPS's.

Highlight so far: I was taking my time taunting an unarmed human before harvesting him and low and behold he blew him self up with a grenade before I could get to him.


Species TDM - Great times with this mode. The maps are great. Refinery is a fine map but I can only imagine how well received the demo would have been on the jungle map. I was beastly as the Alien hugging the cliff walls and corralling the enemy. Good times.

Pred Hunt Mode - Rebellion had good foresight here. A pred has about 80 seconds to get a kill or the game will reassign the pred to someone else. No getting a lead and camping. This mode is basically the movie Predator and is great fun.
HooCares said:
Quick impressions after just 3 hours of play:

Playing on 360.

Single player - started with the Alien Campaign. Really enjoying the atmosphere and lighting. Completed the first two mission. Great fun despite a fact that I got lost a couple times and I'm an AVP1/2 vet and not easily lost in FPS's.

Highlight so far: I was taking my time taunting an unarmed human before harvesting him and low and behold he blew him self up with a grenade before I could get to him.


Species TDM - Great times with this mode. The maps are great. Refinery is a fine map but I can only imagine how well received the demo would have been on the jungle map. I was beastly as the Alien hugging the cliff walls and corralling the enemy. Good times.

Pred Hunt Mode - Rebellion had good foresight here. A pred has about 80 seconds to get a kill or the game will reassign the pred to someone else. No getting a lead and camping. This mode is basically the movie Predator and is great fun.
Sounds great. Good thing zavvi shipped my copy. Hopefully the post delivers swiftly.
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