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Aliens Versus Predator Official Thread of Interspecies Carnage and Bill Paxton Quotes


i give the game a solid 7, just finished the Marine campaign and its your basic FPS stuff. The MP is a blast though (when you can get a game with ppl in it)


Jezus christ, played this yesterday on the pc in a very dark room with headphones and sound full open as a marine, i was scared shitless. Seriously, i was scouting every nook and corner for collectables just to have a reason to not move forward, fucking aliens :lol .
Beat the Marine campaign, was standard FPS shooter stuff, had a lot of fun.

Then you get to the part where it moves to the Alien stuff and that stuff is unplayable.

Fuck this game.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
BradVanDam said:
Beat the Marine campaign, was standard FPS shooter stuff, had a lot of fun.

Then you get to the part where it moves to the Alien stuff and that stuff is unplayable.

Fuck this game.
The Alien campaign was the easiest, imho. In fact, I wish it was longer.

The temple maze in MP is a weird idea for an MP map. Too dark and way too much having to look for your opponents. But, I do love the fact it's almost just like the pyramid in the first AVP movies, with it's shifting walls and doors. This should really have been used for the SP campaign.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Naeblish said:
Jezus christ, played this yesterday on the pc in a very dark room with headphones and sound full open as a marine, i was scared shitless. Seriously, i was scouting every nook and corner for collectables just to have a reason to not move forward, fucking aliens :lol .
i was doing that - going down clearly empty corridors to check for items/doors (even though the doors were obviously locked) 'nope... nothing here.. hmmm...'


Loves Robotech S1
The more I play MP the more I love this game. Played for the last 2 hours in a full room and it was awesome. Tons of Species DM and infestation. My 15 kill streak as a marine says they are definitely not underpowered. :D

I don't think many gameplay tweaks are actually needed, besides maybe reducing the stealth kill range DRASTICALLY (like, you should have to be touching the guy's back to get the prompt). After extensive play sessions with people who really know how to play there is no race with a clear advantage over the others. Our many species DM games were extremely close.

However, if this game is to really go anywhere it NEEDS more maps...desperately. Too many jungles and temples, not enough scary cramped industrial maps. Sega needs to wise up and release those exclusive hunter ed maps to everyone sooner rather than later. This isn't CoD, you can't get away with coaxing buyers to get the pricier set with extra MP stuff. All it does is cripple the community.

Other thoughts regarding lack of weapons compared to avp2. I don't see that as a bad thing. Single player-wise, avp2 was loaded down with weapons you almost never even got to touch (lol sniper rifle), and all of the crazy weapons they had and spawned with (rocket launcher/smartgun/sniper) created some serious balance issues that no one really knew how to deal with. There are no such issues in avp3 and even the preds' 1 hit kill weapons make them sitting ducks if you're paying attention.


Play have sent me this out after I thought I canceled my preorder which is annoying caus I definatly do not want this game.

*hugs bad company2*


Loves Robotech S1
FunBoy said:
Play have sent me this out after I thought I canceled my preorder which is annoying caus I definatly do not want this game.

*hugs bad company2*



MattKeil said:
Don't. I don't know what the people in this thread are smoking, but it's distinctly mediocre. Multiplayer is horrible.

Just go pick up one of the PC games. They're infinitely better.

I'm amused my enjoyment of multiplayer must clearly be the cause of mind altering substances :lol

Rat Salad

Are either the alien or predator campaigns any fun to play through? I've beaten the marine part of the game,thought it was pretty damn good overall,though the final boss was umm sorta....bland?

Hoistering those huge guns from the films with auto lock on,seeing those big headed freaks burst like balloon of spewing acid is so satisfying though. I can't imagine the alien nor predator campaigns being anywhere as fun next to the marines. Maybe just to try out for a few minutes but otherwise....

Question,what is survival mode? Is it some sort of offline multiplayer? Splitscreen perhaps? Would be nice since I'm not a Live Gold member.

Great game overall. Bring on the sequel.

Rat Salad

Thats it eh? I dunno if that works for me. I mean sure I'll give it a spin I suppose. But the fun of the encounter is advancing in those dark areas,hoping to hell youre not caught off balance by aliens.

I wouldn't mind a VS. encounter with the predator in survival though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm really hating the way damage and ammo seems to be managed in the Marine campaign.

There's such limited ammo for everything except the pistol, and the pistol is a pea shooter. Maybe I'm playing poorly, but its really killing a lot of the combat for me. I dont know if they made this decision to make it seem like a survival horror, but in my opinion it doesnt work at all due to the nature of the levels and alien speeds.

You end up wasting too much ammo on only a handful of aliens and then end up stuck with the POS pistol, back peddling around maps, a trail of aliens behind you, occasionally turning around to pop rounds into them.

The aliens dont seem as fast as they should be (for most part), and they very, very rarely get a chance to sneak up behind you.

My ideal combat for the Marine is that aliens go down relatively easy, the pulse rifle is the primary weapon which you can keep a relatively steady amount of ammo for, but you constantly need to watch your back, and make sure you hit things quickly due to how fast they rush at you.

Also, there really seems to be a severe lack of Predator in the Marine campaign. Slights references here and there, but nothing like AvP2, which had a good balance of the two.


EatChildren said:
I'm really hating the way damage and ammo seems to be managed in the Marine campaign.

There's such limited ammo for everything except the pistol, and the pistol is a pea shooter. Maybe I'm playing poorly, but its really killing a lot of the combat for me. I dont know if they made this decision to make it seem like a survival horror, but in my opinion it doesnt work at all due to the nature of the levels and alien speeds.

You end up wasting too much ammo on only a handful of aliens and then end up stuck with the POS pistol, back peddling around maps, a trail of aliens behind you, occasionally turning around to pop rounds into them.

The aliens dont seem as fast as they should be (for most part), and they very, very rarely get a chance to sneak up behind you.

My ideal combat for the Marine is that aliens go down relatively easy, the pulse rifle is the primary weapon which you can keep a relatively steady amount of ammo for, but you constantly need to watch your back, and make sure you hit things quickly due to how fast they rush at you.

Also, there really seems to be a severe lack of Predator in the Marine campaign. Slights references here and there, but nothing like AvP2, which had a good balance of the two.

I played on hard and I had a shitload of ammo with me most of the time. Use the rifle, it's a killer.


I wish this was a more open Game. ie You get dropped into the colony to find out what happened but being able to go anywhere in the colony, as long as you've turned the power on/hacked the doors etc.


The Aliens don't react to getting shot, the aiming feels 'off' somehow. The aliens in the SP are too fast. It just ends up spray and pray some times, but most of the time it feels like FPS streets of rage.

I've no complaints with the graphics, I think they are good.

I haven't tried the Alien and Predator missions yet, but based on the Marines - Id give it 6/10 so far.

The Original PC AVP was my favorite multiplayer. The survival mode was awesome as well as predator tag. We had some fun times. Hopefully this will redeem itself in the multiplayer.


Started right off with the Predator campaign, the only thing I don't like is that after the few initial opening areas, there doesn't seem to be alot more places to stealth kill, it's just really wide open sections with not a lot of climable points, or barring that, tight corridors. I played until the predator shrine/temple, so maybe the levels branch out a bit more again.

What's really funny to me, is that a Predator can have 3 aliens slashing up his asshole, but still has the nerve to slowly caress and snuggle up to a marine's spinal cord, while I'm going, "Turn around, you dreadlocked dickhead! The entire hive is killing you right now!"

It's a flaw for sure, but one I find pretty amusing.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
MMaRsu said:
I played on hard and I had a shitload of ammo with me most of the time. Use the rifle, it's a killer.

I'll have to crank the difficulty then. Either that or maybe I'm just a shitty shot :lol.

Swittcher said:
Started right off with the Predator campaign, the only thing I don't like is that after the few initial opening areas, there doesn't seem to be alot more places to stealth kill, it's just really wide open sections with not a lot of climable points, or barring that, tight corridors. I played until the predator shrine/temple, so maybe the levels branch out a bit more again.

You're using distract, right? What I'm loving about the Pred campaign at the moment is the 'arena' like areas. Its pretty easy to stealth kill every marine without getting caught if you lure them away from the group.


EatChildren said:
I'll have to crank the difficulty then. Either that or maybe I'm just a shitty shot :lol.

You're using distract, right? What I'm loving about the Pred campaign at the moment is the 'arena' like areas. Its pretty easy to stealth kill every marine without getting caught if you lure them away from the group.

Yeah, I use it....but it makes it a bit too easy. If I really can't fine another way around, I'll distract.

"Yooouuudon't mmrrttyherrrr....motherrrr fuckerrrr."

"Alright, I'm coming!"


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Swittcher said:
Yeah, I use it....but it makes it a bit too easy. If I really can't fine another way around, I'll distract.

"Yooouuudon't mmrrttyherrrr....motherrrr fuckerrrr."

"Alright, I'm coming!"

Well...thats kind of the point. The game isnt going to set you up for stealth kills without luring people. That would be even easier.


Loves Robotech S1
EatChildren said:
I'm really hating the way damage and ammo seems to be managed in the Marine campaign.

There's such limited ammo for everything except the pistol, and the pistol is a pea shooter. Maybe I'm playing poorly, but its really killing a lot of the combat for me. I dont know if they made this decision to make it seem like a survival horror, but in my opinion it doesnt work at all due to the nature of the levels and alien speeds.

You end up wasting too much ammo on only a handful of aliens and then end up stuck with the POS pistol, back peddling around maps, a trail of aliens behind you, occasionally turning around to pop rounds into them.

The aliens dont seem as fast as they should be (for most part), and they very, very rarely get a chance to sneak up behind you.

My ideal combat for the Marine is that aliens go down relatively easy, the pulse rifle is the primary weapon which you can keep a relatively steady amount of ammo for, but you constantly need to watch your back, and make sure you hit things quickly due to how fast they rush at you.

I dunno. I never had to resort to the pistol at all past the beginning and the first and second levels. I don't really know what to say about that. If you're not the best shot maybe you should just get really good at the melee system and wait for them to get nice and close? :|

Then again I'm playing with a mouse so...

Also, there really seems to be a severe lack of Predator in the Marine campaign. Slights references here and there, but nothing like AvP2, which had a good balance of the two.

In avp2 didn't you only fight a single predator in the marine campaign as well? In avp1 you fought 3, but there was like no buildup to them. They just kind of appeared.

Swittcher said:
Started right off with the Predator campaign, the only thing I don't like is that after the few initial opening areas, there doesn't seem to be alot more places to stealth kill, it's just really wide open sections with not a lot of climable points, or barring that, tight corridors. I played until the predator shrine/temple, so maybe the levels branch out a bit more again.

What's really funny to me, is that a Predator can have 3 aliens slashing up his asshole, but still has the nerve to slowly caress and snuggle up to a marine's spinal cord, while I'm going, "Turn around, you dreadlocked dickhead! The entire hive is killing you right now!"

It's a flaw for sure, but one I find pretty amusing.

It's not REALLY a flaw. Just don't trophy kill when other enemies are around. I think the ease of stealth/trophy kills does kind of hurt the game. It's so tempting for most people just to go around hitting E on everything, but there are only so many animations and it gets old quickly, not to mention makes you totally vulnerable. Just...don't do it. It's just as quick to let off a couple of light attacks and kill something and doesn't make you a sitting duck.

The alien's 'harvest' on civilians is the biggest offender. That animation is horrifically long and isn't even amusingly violent. There is an achievement for harvesting every civilian in the game, but fuck if I'm ever going to have the patience for that. The focus on these quicktime kills is the worst design decision Rebellion made with this game, but thankfully it's a pretty easy one to disregard.


Neo Member
They better release the Hunter Edition maps as free DLC after a month or so. Fragmenting such a small community (especially on consoles) would be doing a huge disservice to fans. This game has great potential.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
luka said:
I dunno. I never had to resort to the pistol at all past the beginning and the first and second levels. I don't really know what to say about that. If you're not the best shot maybe you should just get really good at the melee system and wait for them to get nice and close? :|

Then again I'm playing with a mouse so...

PC here as well and pretty good at shooters. I must be doing something wrong.

In avp2 didn't you only fight a single predator in the marine campaign as well? In avp1 you fought 3, but there was like no buildup to them. They just kind of appeared.

Correct, but it doesnt need to be a fight. All I want is presence. I'm not finished yet and I'm hoping I see much more, but so far all I've had is a Predator's laugh and some splattered blood. AvP2 really did a good job of making it seem like the Pred was watching, or at least active in the game world.

Here it feels missing.
EatChildren said:
Correct, but it doesnt need to be a fight. All I want is presence. I'm not finished yet and I'm hoping I see much more, but so far all I've had is a Predator's laugh and some splattered blood. AvP2 really did a good job of making it seem like the Pred was watching, or at least active in the game world.

What level are you on in the marine campaign? The third level has a part early on that
has a skinned body dropping from the sky and the predator right in front invisible and takes off in a different dirrection
. I have yet to complete the marine campaign but there is 6 missions and that happens in the third. I don't know how the presence is in the remaining three levels yet but that one I mentioned in the spoilers I thought was pretty bad ass.


Loves Robotech S1
Yeah, the one you end up fighting has indeed been tracking you from the start. You can hear him in the first two levels and see his skinned corpses around in a few places. In the third he actually makes his presence known.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
luka said:
Yeah, the one you end up fighting has indeed been tracking you from the start. You can hear him in the first two levels and see his skinned corpses around in a few places. In the third he actually makes his presence known.

I actually managed to get a headshot him in the level with the
skinned corpse that drops down in front of you when he appears later in the base area where he kills the alien on the window.
Sadly, it did little other than piss him off.
Anyone else having trouble getting their 360 controller to work with the PC version? I've enabled it and the pad vibrates with the action but the buttons don't do anything!?


Got it this morning. Completed the Alien campaign in around two-and-a-half hours, not bad and it's pretty much the same length as the same campaigns in the first two games. Started the Predator one and loving it so far, the stealth kills are brutal :lol

Tried some multiplayer, the survival mode is awesome, pretty much what horde mode was meant for. Love the smart gun.


I did a Predator Hunt and dominated. Everyone else kept using the Pred as a tank, and rushing into a group of Marines.

I jumped around in the trees. Spent most of my allotted time gathering weapons, then with 10 seconds left I started picking them off.

Marines were blasting every tree in site. They would group up, but always one would stray away and I'd blast him. After my cannon was out, I used the spear. So good. I won with a score of 10. Nobody else got above 3.


yankeehater said:
That is great news. I hope this game does really well sales wise. I love the mp so much. TDM is the best thing ever. I am going to be so sad if the mp community ever dies off.
They really, desparately need to do something to fix the MP. Just patch it to allow "friendly" matches to earn XP and trophies/achievements. "Ranked" is dead in the water on PS3 with that god-awful match-making system.

Leaderboards are also corrupted. Personally speaking, I earned the 6000 XP MP trophy while playing through the Predator campaign. Now I'm rank '29' despite never having under 100 total XP. So yeah, bugs are not helping either. Start with patching the "friendly" matches and just do away with "ranked"...seriously, and before people stop playing.


brain_stew said:
Anyone else having trouble getting their 360 controller to work with the PC version? I've enabled it and the pad vibrates with the action but the buttons don't do anything!?

Works fine for me.

I use it for the preds and the aliens. kbm for marines. Love the flexibility.
nyong said:
They really, desparately need to do something to fix the MP. Just patch it to allow "friendly" matches to earn XP and trophies/achievements. "Ranked" is dead in the water on PS3 with that god-awful match-making system.

Leaderboards are also corrupted. Personally speaking, I earned the 6000 XP MP trophy while playing through the Predator campaign. Now I'm rank '29' despite never having under 100 total XP. So yeah, bugs are not helping either. Start with patching the "friendly" matches and just do away with "ranked"...seriously, and before people stop playing.

I agree totally that there shouldnt be 2 different types of matches. Just killed one and give people xp for what ever type they are playing. You can play ranked with friends anyways, right? So there is no point having 2 types.
nyong said:
They really, desparately need to do something to fix the MP. Just patch it to allow "friendly" matches to earn XP and trophies/achievements. "Ranked" is dead in the water on PS3 with that god-awful match-making system.

Leaderboards are also corrupted. Personally speaking, I earned the 6000 XP MP trophy while playing through the Predator campaign. Now I'm rank '29' despite never having under 100 total XP. So yeah, bugs are not helping either. Start with patching the "friendly" matches and just do away with "ranked"...seriously, and before people stop playing.
There's a good chance that there are in fact not many people playing on the PS3 version or that there might be yet another bug involved, but did you open your ports correctly and such? Having anything less than Open NAT can be problematic (when searching by yourself at least) in some matchmaking driven multiplayer games.
Anyone remeber this one?


Shit was ace!

Anyhoo, so this turned out to be decent? Might have to pick it up on a Steam sale as I can't fanthom doing the alien bits without a KB/Mouse =/


AgentOtaku said:
Anyone remeber this one?


Shit was ace!

Anyhoo, so this turned out to be decent? Might have to pick it up on a Steam sale as I can't fanthom doing the alien bits without a KB/Mouse =/

AgentOtaku said:
Anyone remeber this one?


Shit was ace!

Anyhoo, so this turned out to be decent? Might have to pick it up on a Steam sale as I can't fanthom doing the alien bits without a KB/Mouse =/

Dude this was one of my favorites back in the day. I remember it totally gave me that feeling of being in an Aliens movie. Then AvP did it. Now this new one does it again with its upped graphics. :D


I remember the aliens not acting very alien in Alien Trilogy. No sneaking up on you, only walking on the floor. Still was decent fun for the time.


MicVlaD said:
There's a good chance that there are in fact not many people playing on the PS3 version or that there might be yet another bug involved, but did you open your ports correctly and such? Having anything less than Open NAT can be problematic (when searching by yourself at least) in some matchmaking driven multiplayer games.
I'm not even sure how to check this.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
luka said:
I still have alien trilogy for dos. :D

On a somewhat related note: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/2010/02/18/alien-anthology-coming-christmas-2010/


Is it just me or does the music in that remind anyone else of Perfect Dark?

Anyways, picked up AvP yesterday, heard the gfx were average but work well/generate good atmosphere but my biggest complaints for the Marine is no crouch, no looking down the sight of the guns and the walking feels like he is sliding on ice or you're controlling a fly by cam.

As for the MP, shet man, why take so long to find games?
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