just saw this. it was great! really fantastic. cyberpunk as hell with shades of film noir and Blade Runner/sci fi. some really amazing moments in this. some really gory violence as well, tho they are cyborgs for the most part, so it is more sci fi than gorey. SPOILERS!
one of the best parts was when they kill the dog and she walks up and takes the blood and paints her face with it before destroying the bad guy. so good. also the part where she is fighting that guy with the tentacle razor arms, and they cut her into pieces. she is laying on the ground with only one arm left. but she lifts herself up on one arm, then, uses it to launch herself into the air, and with her one arm, punch through the face of the bad guy.
Alita was a cool character, with many sides to her. at first she is childlike, very curious, excited about the world. soon she slides into business mode, and is delivering one liners to giant robots before slicing them all into glowy neon halves with her hyper sword. the villains were really detestable, sort of emblematic of a dystopia where cyborg body parts are a hot commodity.
the lead actor was very good, and i really bought her emotional scenes, her relationship with her bf, as well as the hunter who brought her back to life, the old guy who goes around with a 5 foot sickle killing evil cyborgs. i thought the end of the movie was perfect. the stuff w Alita and her bf were quite moving, when she is hanging from her sword and he is barely holding on and his arm is slowly breaking. really this film gives it's hero a very sad, but bittersweet ending. the final sequence where she is getting ready and then heads out to the crowds was well earned sequel bait IMO. really well made film all around! im there for the next one.