So, admittedly I hadn’t really had any interest in seeing this, did not watch the OVA/ read the manga and had no background knowledge. I didn’t really have interest until 4 nights ago while bored browsing and clicking the thread just out of bored curiousity.
This quote of yours, combined with trailer #3 definitely helped light a flame of interest and sell me on seeing this. I have you and your OT to thank for that!
The other quote of yours that helped me strengthen my desire to see it. Some of the most fun I have had with movies over the last 5-10 years are movies that tend to not be Hollywood films. I enjoy stuff that has a different source material than that purely of h-wood writers.
Understatement! There are one or two that are so-so, but the main group was dynamite IMO. Even with what is certainly too short of a time to truly form the relationship between the characters, the characters were so well portrayed and likeable (in most regards) that it completely made up for it!
Overall you guys can gather from my replies that I went and saw it. The replies in here and especially
@McCheese OT is what sold me, completely. I don’t go to the movies much, but decided to give this somewhat underrated gem a shot and ended up impressed. Not perfect by any means, but it was fun and felt fresh and certainly had the visuals and sequences to help really make it enjoyable.
Went and saw it in IMAX 3D, happy I supported a movie that did some cool stuff for people with prosthetics as well (thank you again GAF, another selling point for me to see it that I forgot to mention^).
Also I just want to say - I thought that the eyes were great!
Team #LeaveAlitasEyesAlone
Thanks for the awesome movie suggestion, GAF!