All 16 mainline Final Fantasy games are now available on Steam PC

I wish I could get the PSP remaster version of FFIV on Steam, That's the best version of FFIV. While I could still easily emulate it but I'll rather have it on my Steam list.

Final Fantasy IX with the Moguri mod is still the best FF game to me.
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Obligatory "But still not Tactics, somehow" post

I want some of your other golden era classics too, Squeenix, come on. Bring on Valkyrie Profile. Bring on Xenogears. You already ported VP too, multiple times, just not to PC. :(


That's great but what I personally really want are old Dissidia, Theatrhythm and Tactics. Basically the only FF games they aren't releasing on PC lol.


Neo Member
I'm playing FF IX right now, about 20 hours into the game. The other FF games I've played are FF7 (Steam, completed) and FF4 (SNES emulator, not completed).
It's quite good if you're into unexplained Japanese weirdness and character and plot depth which is targeted more at 12-16-year-olds than adults. The variety and fun design of locations is so enjoyable! In-game card game is disappointing.


13 superfluous
Actually surprised to see it lower than 16 in the Steam user reviews, but the awfulness of the port probably helped.

If you sort them by Positive reviews rate excluding remasters:

- Final Fantasy I (94%)
- Final Fantasy IX (94%)
- Final Fantasy III (93%)
- Final Fantasy 7 (92%)
- Final Fantasy IV (91%)
- Final Fantasy VI (90%)
- Final Fantasy XII (92%)
- Final Fantasy X (89%)
- Final Fantasy V (88%)
- Final Fantasy VIII (87%)
- Final Fantasy XIV (87%)
- Final Fantasy XV (83%)
- Final Fantasy II (80%)
- Final Fantasy XI (79%)
- Final Fantasy XVI (78%)
- Final Fantasy XIII (74%)
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