Why not choose a better yet cheaper device than iPad?
Also I doubt they need a high performance tablet in the first place...
Also I doubt they need a high performance tablet in the first place...
Why not choose a better yet cheaper device than iPad?
how many of these ipads will get left in a cafe/lounge thus leaking government documents?
This happened in Poland 3 years ago.
Of course, what could have gone wrong
I guess most use them in an appropriate way though
Why do they even need tablets anyway? I'm really confused by this.
Apple's security record does not fill me with a lot of confidence...
When I worked in local government around ten years ago, our Head of IT went to a big conference with IT companies and other IT guys from other local governments across the region. When he attempted to network he got dismissed and even laughed at by some attendees because he had some dinky PDA and some other tech considered to be a chisel and slate in the Era of Blackberry.
As soon as he got back to the office he essentially went into a rage and shouted down everyone around him until an emergency finance request was granted to get him the best possible Blackberry, laptop, and other peripherals with the quickest delivery possible.
And then taxpayers wonder why said government ran up a £6 million debt.
This is the thread where people on GAF at work say how terrible it is that politicians are on Facebook at work right?
The Prime Minister already has a bespoke real time news data and reporting app that is literally developed JUST FOR HIM on iOS, which seems a much poorer use of resource than this. Of course MPs need computer equipment. That is an entirely reasonable expense for the public to pay for, and the iPad Air 2 is competitively priced for a tablet of that size (and crucially has a biometric scanner, which is probably a non-negotiable requirement).
I'd actually much rather many MPs were paying attention to what their constituents were saying in real time on Twitter et al than listening the schoolyard braying of the other MPs around them during debates.
I love the idea of him going into the conference the next year with his shiny new Blackberry, and everyone else is carrying iPhones.
Why not choose a better yet cheaper device than iPad?
Also I doubt they need a high performance tablet in the first place...
First of all this is £200,000 of taxpayers money during the age of austerity.
Then you ask why a person earning over £60,000 a year can't buy one for themselves.
Then you also take a look at these MPs who already fiddle the expenses system to pay for - amongst other things - flats in London from one of their relatives/friends before selling them on for a personal profit.
Then you also take into consideration the other wondrous joys of how taxpayers money is spent by all these wondrous human beings for them to do whatever they please.
Whilst I understand the innate benefits of technology for making working easier. I also understand the innately disgusting nature of how a lot of these MPs work the system for every penny that they can.
Lol, iPads. Not a big scandal, it's something they could even maybe use for work related stuff. Maybe.
Here in Italy they get a barber shop inside the building, I don't think they have to pay for it.
Parliament barber dude makes 99,000 yearly. Capisci?!
how many of these ipads will get left in a cafe/lounge thus leaking government documents?
Why do they even need tablets anyway? I'm really confused by this.
My mom's fifth grade students received Chromebooks. I think that is far more egregious.
Why do they need £67,060 a year?
Why do they need to claim taxpayers money to pay 89p for a bath plug?
If you're going to bring that up atleast bring up the most stupid, a bird bath. haha.
It does when public services are being cut left, right and center, my local council has a disproportionate level of funding and has had to cut back on bus service subsidies meaning a lot of the routes that used to run which ran regularly now no longer exist and it is difficult for me to get to where I need to go without having to change 3-4 buses. My local library now is only open 3 days a week when it used to be open 6. Street cleaners rarely venture out when they used to come weekly meaning the walkways around my area have so many dead leaves it makes it slippery and dangerous.Oh don't be stupid. It is an entirely reasonable expense. "Age of austerity" is a stupid buzzphrase, it doesn't mean anything. It is important for a government to spend responsibly. That means that sometimes they do need to buy things however.
Why should they for a work system? Should an office worker who earns £60k have to buy their own desk?
The days when MPs decided that stuff led to the expense scandals, they didn't want to be seen voting for pay hikes and a culture of using expenses to bump their income developed.
It would need a grown up press and public for it to work. Giving the power to outside bodies is a strange British habit that I agree is unhealthy.
Yet these millionaire toffs get £200,000 to spend on equipment they don't need and can probably afford to buy themselves.
Why does it have to be a £400 tablet, Android L has Samsung Knox built in that has Enterprise level mobile security, surely they could pick up a sub £200 Android Tablet.
Why do they even need tablets AND laptops anyway?
Afaik Bertha at the local office block doesn't use tax payer money and the business she works for already bought the desk.
16gb won't be able to store very much child pornography.
You should see what councils all around the country shell out for their Councillors. The figures dwarf this cost and are eyewatering.
Well if the country has no debt, no homeless and it's people are looked after then why not buy some toys for the poor soles.
2009 called, it wants its post backThen you also take a look at these MPs who already fiddle the expenses system to pay for - amongst other things - flats in London from one of their relatives/friends before selling them on for a personal profit.
This is going to be an iPad for use by the MP, it's not a gift. If they step down they'd have to give it back. It's exactly the same as a desk.
Get them Surfaces instead. They can actually get some work done on those.