I give you "The Karamazov Idea"
This popped up on a few of my friends' Facebook walls. It's solid gold. It's the embodiment of every one of those hilariously bad OK Cupid images with the fedora'd "gentleman" who thinks there are situations where he is entitled to sex.
Take the opening paragraphs:
The other articles are just as amazing and insane. He indirectly mentions how he has studied "game" and is a total alpha.
This popped up on a few of my friends' Facebook walls. It's solid gold. It's the embodiment of every one of those hilariously bad OK Cupid images with the fedora'd "gentleman" who thinks there are situations where he is entitled to sex.
Take the opening paragraphs:
Women, let me tell you something that your friends and many guys will not. Your tattoos are ugly. We do not like them. We respect you less for them. We think youre a pawn without a sense of solidarity in a world that pressures you to conform. Even if were not conscious of this belief, we hold it. Men who gush about the sexiness of girls with tattoos do this because they are culturally trained to do so. Theres no such thing as a tasteful tattoo. Thats like claiming that you had a tasteful dinner-date at McDonalds. I love my fast-food but lets not kid ourselves about what were doing here.
The hamsterism surrounding tattoos is simply immense. The fact that women with tattoos and piercings are exceptionally easy to conquer sexually with minimal effort always gets contested despite the universal anecdotal evidence to the contrary. What is the objection? Women with tats are independent, thoughtful, and interesting. Hmm. My first three adjectives would be loose, kinky, and *likely* diseased (use condoms). Wassamatta? Not down with some inked skank? You are just some old-fashioned fundamentalist bigot. Well, your brother, Karamazov happens to be old-fashioned at the age of 23
The other articles are just as amazing and insane. He indirectly mentions how he has studied "game" and is a total alpha.