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Alright, who saw Alien VS Predator?

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Going at about 9PM Central tonight. Can't wait. My dad has already seen it and said he liked it. Not awesome, but not catastrophically bad either. He also liked Event Horizon, but pretty much hated Resident Evil. So if that tells you anything....I dunno. He said it was better than Predator 2 and about tied with Predator 1 so make of that what you will. Didn't ask him much about the Aliens. Not a huge fan of them really since they made like 8 of those movies and 6 sucked. Maybe not 8 but you know what I mean.

Anyway, I'll post impressions later. :)
LinesInTheSand said:
Uh, Alien and Aliens were both better than either Predator movie. What kind of an idiot are you?
The kind that's not going to get banned if he says talks like that again in this or any thread.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Going at about 9PM Central tonight. Can't wait. My dad has already seen it and said he liked it. Not awesome, but not catastrophically bad either.
Your dad is right on the money. :)
im seeing it tonight. fuck the haters. Napoleon Dynamite is my movie of the year no matter what I see, so AvP doesnt need to try and be that.


Depends if you're in it for the action or for the scary suspense.

Action-wise, it's hard to top Arnold in top form with Predator, and it's a pretty tense movie too. I could see putting it on par with any of the Alien movies.

evil ways

Shit, if you love something like Napoleon Dynamite then you'll pretty much think AvsP is the best thing since cheese on a can.

White Man

I'm debating seeing it. It's either this, or Collateral, or The Bourne Supremacy. I've seen none of these. Any opinions on which I should check out first? I only wish that AitD trailer was playing before movies.


I say go see AvP, White Man. The other movies are arguably better, but you've already sort of missed the forum discussion bus on them... AvP, you'd be getting there in a timely manner on opening weekend, with all the hyped-up fans.

Audience reaction was a fun part of AvP.
AvP does look cool; but i can wait... ill get the DVD when it comes out and place it nicely next to my alien collection.. still need to get predator1+2 at some point.

evil ways

MrAngryFace said:
ND rocked, FU

I'm sure it rocked alright, like a shit stained toilet bowl.

Anyway, my disappointment aside, you'll probably have a good time watching AvsP, especially if you're not as anal about all the cons.
I want to go see Collateral tomorrow...But my girlfriend needs me to take her to a movie tomorrow...And the only thing that plays near the same tim as her movie that her and her friends are seing is...AVP. God save me, I hope it's not too bad.
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