A while back, I made a thread about whether or not you would let someones past determine if you would date them or not. I got some good advice, and some not so great. (FHUTA, anyone?)
Anyways, I decided to take a shot on this girl and went out with her a few times. Things are comfortable, and her and I have a lot in common; she's easy to talk to, we like the same music, movies, have some of the same sort of background. You know, all that jazz.
We basically established something; that we were dating, and that we weren't going to rush into things, but that I was with her and she was with me.
I went out with her a few times, and it was nice, but last week she invited me to go to a movie with her, which I readily accepted. I mean, FHUTA, right?
When I got to her place, another dude was sitting there, who she said was coming to the movie with us. I'm a pretty friendly guy, so I said whatever, introduced myself and we all went to the flick.
The next day I left town for work, and when I came back, she was telling me that her and this dude went to a movie together and how they went out for supper together and what a big sweety he is, so I called her on it.
Am I getting played off another guy, and is this chick seeing what her options are before she commits?
Eff that, I don't need this kind of drama. While I'm probably answering my own question, should I bolt before I get a major headache from this?
Anyways, I decided to take a shot on this girl and went out with her a few times. Things are comfortable, and her and I have a lot in common; she's easy to talk to, we like the same music, movies, have some of the same sort of background. You know, all that jazz.
We basically established something; that we were dating, and that we weren't going to rush into things, but that I was with her and she was with me.
I went out with her a few times, and it was nice, but last week she invited me to go to a movie with her, which I readily accepted. I mean, FHUTA, right?
When I got to her place, another dude was sitting there, who she said was coming to the movie with us. I'm a pretty friendly guy, so I said whatever, introduced myself and we all went to the flick.
The next day I left town for work, and when I came back, she was telling me that her and this dude went to a movie together and how they went out for supper together and what a big sweety he is, so I called her on it.
Am I getting played off another guy, and is this chick seeing what her options are before she commits?
Eff that, I don't need this kind of drama. While I'm probably answering my own question, should I bolt before I get a major headache from this?