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Am I the only one here who's favorite part of Metroid Prime is Phazon Mines?


Seriously, everytime I play through the game, I look foward to this area and love every minute of it. I hope Echoes has more difficult levels like it. I love the white knuckle strategy fighting all the different types of pirates, and the powerball tower puzzle rocks!

Am I the only one that doesn't think it's that hard? Or thinks it's fun BECAUSE it's hard?

I used to think Viewtiful Joe was a shallow action game until I beat it on ADULT and played through V-RATED with Sylvia. I'm having a blast.


It's not hard but annoying is what I think with so many pirates thrown at you in Phazon Mines. Not as bad as those "invisible" and overmilked ones mind you but annoying nonetheless. The snow stage rules in MP. There is a certain tranquility about it that I love.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I didn't find the Phazon mines anything approaching hard. But it definitely wasn't fun. It went from adventure game to action game, and the control scheme just didn't really fit. The whole color coded enemies was just lame as well.


o_O @_@ O_o
In all seriousness, the Phazon Mines weren't my favorite area, but I absolutely did enjoy the difficulty of it. As a matter of fact, I've found myself relishing the prospects of any game that could be considered remotely difficult.

Aside from the errant game now and then, there doesn't seem to be as much of a proliferation of truly challenging games out there, anymore. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing doesn't matter. I'm well aware of the fact that I'm a masochistic bastard when it comes to video games, I just wish there were more new releases that fed this addiction of mine.

Back on topic, my favorite area was the base in Phendrana Drifts, if only because running through it in the dark with only the normal visor in Hard mode is loads of fun. I've actually been thinking of picking up the PAL import so I can see for myself, how much harder it is.


Schafer said:
I didn't find the Phazon mines anything approaching hard. But it definitely wasn't fun. It went from adventure game to action game, and the control scheme just didn't really fit. The whole color coded enemies was just lame as well.

Why was it lame?

Deku Tree

Once your figure it out, Phazon Mines is a piece of cake to replay.

My favorite part is the whole ending sequence starting with
the Omega Pirate boss fight and ending with the awesome final battle against Metroid Prime. The impact crater was the best overall environment for me.


o_O @_@ O_o
Schafer said:
I didn't find the Phazon mines anything approaching hard. But it definitely wasn't fun. It went from adventure game to action game, and the control scheme just didn't really fit. The whole color coded enemies was just lame as well.

Yes, it wasn't hard, and it was long-winded and annoying if you (no, I'm not on picking on you specifically Schafer, just using your quote for reference) inched forward until a pirate or two spawned, stayed in your corner, killed them, walked forward, another pirate or two, switch weapons, repeat.

Yes, that way it's boring.

Much like the oft-loved/oft-hated final
portion of Metroid: Zero Mission, where it's only
if you make it so (
I tore through that base like a bat out of hell
), the Phazon Mines suddenly become a lot more challenging if you tear through it, allowing the pirates to appear in groups, forcing you to use group tactics on pirates that are vulnerable to different beams. Then, it's challenging white-knuckle fun.

That reminds me of another point. How many of you purposely do things the stupid way, or purposely "gimp" yourself to make the game more challenging? I'm thinking of situations like the ones mentioned above, or let's say going through any of the Mega Man games with only the arm cannon.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
guess said:
Why was it lame?

Because it served no purpose, they rarely mixed up enemy colors so it didn't force you to use any extra strategy. If they started throwing big batches of various colored foes at you, it would have been an interesting addition, but rarely was that ever the case.


The problem with the Phazon Mines is not only do they introduce a bunch of dangerous new enemies, but they introduce a lot of them all at once, and make you have to go a long distance before you can save at a save station. The second time through, you have gained the skills you need to handle the new pirates, so it isn't nearly as bad, but the first time is a big pain.


Schafer said:
Because it served no purpose, they rarely mixed up enemy colors so it didn't force you to use any extra strategy. If they started throwing big batches of various colored foes at you, it would have been an interesting addition, but rarely was that ever the case.

That happens during the Omega Pirate fight. I love that boss.
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