Did you post this?
I quit watching during fishman island because it was so fucking boring. I couldn't take it anymore.Any more questions? I’m current in the manga
Would be glad to answer any questions anybody has. Good look brapadillo, thanks for the bump sauce
brap where you at in One Piece these days btw?
No way dude!!! Fishman Island has some great moments. I ranked all the arcs in the anime and I think I gave Fishman Island a 9.0/10. The last 25-30% of that arc is my favorite. Some amazing things shown when the final portion of that arc starts; when things escalateI quit watching during fishman island because it was so fucking boring. I couldn't take it anymore.
I was struggling with it for like a week. By the time the straw hats got to town square or whatever I had to stop. I was seriously so sick and tired of it.No way dude!!! Fishman Island has some great moments. I ranked all the arcs in the anime and I think I gave Fishman Island a 9.0/10. The last 25-30% of that arc is my favorite. Some amazing things shown when the final portion of that arc starts; when things escalate
There’s always a trying moment when you see exactly what Luffy is made of, and it is phenomenal, his will. One of the most impressive Captain moments / feats he’s shown us so far takes place at Fishman Island imo
But in general, I am fond of Fishman Island despite some of its flaws. And it definitely has a couple of flaws at the very least
What is it?Go ahead, I''ll answer any questions
Whole Cake Island is brilliant work. At first I was like this is good. This is really interesting. Then it got dramatic and the mood changed. Things were kind of looking like it would be a somber uphill battle. Then the pace switched again and things were looking up, a bit better of an outlook. Then things got absolutely insane and complex and exactly how dangerous we could expect such territory to be. For 51 episodes, there was nonstop chaos either in the making, or going down real timeWill it ever get as good again? I've been utterly bored since after Water 7, actually scratch that Marineford arc was good and a nice change of pace, just reading just to keep up until we got well into Whole Cake and I just went "why am I even bothering?" and quit reading. It's not as if we've been replaying the same arc structures for most part since the first three arcs, just with tiny variations.
Honestly, One Piece overplayed itself. Though unlike the other two of the three great Jump series of the 2000s, it's much more a slow whimper than their crash towards the bottom. I wish I had realized that I had to jump off and not get caught by sunken cost fallacy with Naruto and Bleach earlier.
Nobody has a certain guess, it's as up in the air as it has ever beenWhat is it?
It showed up in my plex server so maybe ill watch it.Nobody has a certain guess, it's as up in the air as it has ever been
Watch the current arc. He will be tested. There wont be a single SH or pirate that wont be fighting for their and their crew’s survival. The enemies the current arc, literally seem unbeatable. Almost even so for Luffy; I don’t know how he’s going to rise above all this. Imagine a surfer who must successfully ride a 120ft tidal wave. He either does it, and survives, or he is surely dead unless there is a miracle waiting for him. That is the situation for Luffy. Any mistake he makes will cost much here, the odds of surviving this entire ordeal in Wano Kuni is slim to none but we all know they will find a waySince the timeskip Zorro isn´t pushed to his limit, but why do I get the feeling he is not that strong anyway?
I mean he got swords before, but he got them after pushing himself to his limit ta a certain degree, so not that he got sword after timeskip without really expending himself is not that reassuring.
It's my favorite anime. I've watched HxH, the only other Shonen I've seen besides JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. They all offer different things and are all definitely 10/10 anime series in my opinion but One Piece, imo is other level greatness. I've never sen anything like this, where after more and more episodes by the year, the anime continues to climb to new unexplored heights every year. The story is getting crazier and crazier in terms of what they're up against every single year. Funny. Characters are legendary. Fights are excellent. Writing is superb if not genius as times. Oda seems to be some kind of god when it comes to creating badass characters. All in all, I'd say there's something for everybody in this anime and it does not disappoint at all for me, I would recommend it to almost anyone to give it a legitimate try. It's worth it 100%It showed up in my plex server so maybe ill watch it.
Look, I get where you are coming from, but I think you´re a bit hyperbolic right now.It's my favorite anime. I've watched HxH, the only other Shonen I've seen besides JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. They all offer different things and are all definitely 10/10 anime series in my opinion but One Piece, imo is other level greatness. I've never sen anything like this, where after more and more episodes by the year, the anime continues to climb to new unexplored heights every year. The story is getting crazier and crazier in terms of what they're up against every single year. Funny. Characters are legendary. Fights are excellent. Writing is superb if not genius as times. Oda seems to be some kind of god when it comes to creating badass characters. All in all, I'd say there's something for everybody in this anime and it does not disappoint at all for me, I would recommend it to almost anyone to give it a legitimate try. It's worth it 100%
I want more people to watch and enjoy it. I want more people to experience this anime. Do not want anybody to miss out on this unbelievably epic adventure. I feel like it's that good and people should have a chance or at the very least hear about it. Open to any questions
Luffy is probably the easiest to assess of the Mugiwara Pirates. I would estimate that he's up there with anyone at this point. But he's still only like 21, 22 years old at this point and he's still learning as he goes. But I think he would defeat almost anyone at this point, save maybe three to five characters max, that I can think of...With Roronoa Zoro it is still kind of difficult to gauge and answer your question. Personally, I think he's right there in terms of rank. Easily a top 15 character at the moment is what I would estimate. The rest of Luffy's crew, it's really difficult to rank them. If we're going to rank purely off a hunch I could probably give you those estimates roughly, for fun. But outside of what a lot of people call the strong trio or just strong three (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) I wouldn't be surprised if I could make a list of at least 30-50 characters that are possibly stronger than the rest of the crew, save one of the crew actually (just remembered one exception) but the thing is with the Straw Hats, their resourcefulness is their best asset imo. Together, their potential is amazing and a wonderful thing. One of the most exciting things about One Piece imo is seeing how they pull through with their teamwork; seeing what they do at certain times individually to secure the livelihood of the wholeIn terms of power levels, how do the Strawhat crew rank against other characters? Also, what is Haki?
@ Roronoa´s training
I don´t believe he is at that level yet, seeing how rattled he was at Punk Hazzard when Luffy was fooling around.
who do you mean by that? If you mean Pica then he indeed wasn´t ever in danger, he just lacked mobility, which he should have realised in Skypiea in his fight with Braham and if not then, the Punk Hazzard circumstances should have made him.
Look, I get where you are coming from, but I think you´re a bit hyperbolic right now.
The fights being excellent is subjective. I personally find some to be kinda bad but I am also being subjective.
I cannot be an authority on writing as of now so my opinion has even less weight here, but I think a lot of characters are just disposable. They only seem to exist as a development tool and once their narrative task is achieved, they are gone.
Badass characters? Yeah, no dispute.
There´s something for everybody? No, genrewise and situationwise that would probably go only to Gintama and even then it is quite a stretch. The sheer scope of variety of things done in Gintama puts One Piece anime to shame.
I would recommend One Piece anime to everybody only until the end of Skypiea. The anime has charm, pacing and consistency in spades until that point (except the Apis filler). Then it slowly becomes an unstable chimera of equal greatness and dissappointment until Marineford, where it transitions to a simmering water - the occasional bubbles are nice, but generally boring.
On a more conductive note; What do you think happened to Captain Kuro, Gin and Don Krieg?
Challenge accepted.Also, if you manage to stick with Luffy and the crew for 25 episodes, there’s a legendary fight to witness. One of the Straw Hats essentially faces a foe you can expect to see at the very, very end of One Piece. The level in which said foe is on, it’s just fucking asinine, I’ll put like that. Utterly insane the level of strength, power, confidence, precision, force, and ability. Easily a top 10-15 strongest character in the entire anime, which is saying a lot since there are certainly many with highly impressive ability in a fight or confrontation. You wont be able to forget what you’ve seen once it happens, and when it happens, you’ll know
Have you played any of the video games?
No but I've always wondered about them. A friend of mine bought the One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition but I never played it. I know if I bought it I'd probably be spending 100-300 hrs on it knowing my love love for all the details. I always wanted to see how the quality measures up to the anime and manga thoughHave you played any of the video games?
I feel the need to suplex a cactus off a cliff
Lol thanks. I forgot about those threads. I thought the mods were either cool as fuck and possibly on a vacation or else there were no mods somehow lol. So I just went with whatever I felt (LMFAO at that thread you posted ah man I forgot about that too hahahaha Mrs. Robinson and the fireplace
Never change, Cutty. Was sad when Evilore removed your abillity to make threads, figured we would not have something like this again.
Currently checking out Episode 1 and whoever said in here that the visuals are unbearable must be crazy. Rating it above 99.9 percent of anime already just alone on that. I understand it from somewhere that it does change along the way? Love the smirk from the chick with orange hair. Probably will turn into a real bitch though.![]()
NeoGAF Ban Review/Justice Project
Calm down, Elektro. I feel like your time here on Gaf is hanging by a hair. Good.www.neogaf.com
It was pretty epic tbh.No but I've always wondered about them. A friend of mine bought the One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Deluxe Edition but I never played it. I know if I bought it I'd probably be spending 100-300 hrs on it knowing my love love for all the details. I always wanted to see how the quality measures up to the anime and manga though
Yo what did you think about Marineford bro? The last time I talked to you before you took an extended stay at the Playboy Mansion, you were just getting into Marineford I think. How did you like it overall? Favorite moment?
That arc....breathtaking. Just unbelievable non-stop action. My friend wasn't kidding when he told me I was about to witness some godly shit go down when I had finished up with Impel Down and got to Marineford
The three issues are inconsistent animation, a lot of fillers, padding and pacing issues. Filler issue can be taken care of by filler guide as you suggested, but other ones are not only unavoidable without resorting to something like One Pace, but getting worse as the time goes. Just compare Marineford as an adaptation to Wano as an adaptation.J justAjohn
Wait, what are "the three big problems on One Piece" that you speak of? I've heard a lot of complaints before but never something like a big 3 sort of deal. Curious to hear what people are saying about that
I don't think it's unreasonable at all because they can simply skip the filler and get straight into the third major saga (and arguably one of the greatest story arcs in anime period) that follows after Skypiea. Almost all the arcs are excellent or superb in quality. A handful are outstanding. And some legendary even. For you to recommend stopping after Arlong Park, all I have to say about that is this lol
Skypiea is the weakest of the sagas imo, but like I said, it's still excellent / a very strong arc despite my views on it. That's the standard you can expect when watching any given arc in One Piece; it's all high quality work
The three characters you mentionedat the time were very interesting, but it came apparent that they were simply big fish in a small pond. They would never make it any further based of what we saw. I mean, Captain Kuro is so pathetic and even disgraceful, that it would be of horrible taste to even mention him again. I like Gin, he's cool. Don Krieg is all bark zero bite. He's literally a joke. What did he do well? Talk shit and boast of his armor that would protect him? Luffy took down that delusional psychopath of an old man when he was just beginning his journey at age 17. There's no way he'd ever make it bro.
Your views on One Piece are very interesting. You seem to enjoy it and watch a lot of it, but at the same time you are very critical of it for as much as you have watched. Ask as many questions as you'd like, I'm trying to learn more as I go as well too. So answering these questions allows me to go back and refresh my memory. In all honesty, I know it may be a waste of time to many, but I plan on re-watching One Piece one day in a theater. I might open one up if I ever have an extremely high net worth at any point in life lol, and get the rights to play everything One Piece hahahahahaha
Episode 1-15 will be Screening 1, episodes 16-32 screening room 2 and so on. A place to binge watch the entire anime that would be insane. Literally. But it would be interesting. Definitely would be interesting to run for a while though lol. If it can even sustain itself, that is
Fair enough, but humour me please. I am very interested in your take.
It was pretty epic tbh.
I felt pretty cucked when Ace lived THEN fucking died. Don't remember much about it but I always love when the marines are there. That's how you always know shits gonna go down. Buggy's antics were fucking hilarious. Then Shanks and Blackbeard fucking show up like goddamn. And you find out Luffy and Ace aren't really brothers. Just a ton of huge shit happening at once. Definitely in my top 5 arcs.
google nami hentaiLove the smirk from the chick with orange hair.
WTF is Nami hentai, a category or her name? No, don't think I will. Probably enough to lose faith in humanity ruining the show. And then some.google nami hentai
Hmm subtly not sounding too enthusiastic. It's not the "Nami hentai" responsible is it?[/USER]Fushitsusha The chick with the nice little smirk is really feisty. She's pretty badass in her own ways
Her name duhWTF is Nami hentai, a category or her name? No, don't think I will. Probably enough to lose faith in humanity ruining the show. And then some.
Did youHer name duh
Boi she a thicc redhead. How do you not wanna look up hentai?Did youinsistinsinuate that I find her attractive because of the funny face expression? Triggered!Those are some sad people who need to look up such smut of a cartoon and I can not relate at all.
I'm not even into redheads but Nami has a sexy attitude (plus it's orange)Boi she a thicc redhead. How do you not wanna look up hentai?
It was pretty epic tbh.
I felt pretty cucked when Ace lived THEN fucking died. Don't remember much about it but I always love when the marines are there. That's how you always know shits gonna go down. Buggy's antics were fucking hilarious. Then Shanks and Blackbeard fucking show up like goddamn. And you find out Luffy and Ace aren't really brothers. Just a ton of huge shit happening at once. Definitely in my top 5 arcs.
Gingers and redheads are the same.I'm not even into redheads but Nami has a sexy attitude (plus it's orange)
Nice to see you being edgy as alwaysIt was extremely retarded![]()
Will it maintain girth is the better questionHow far does the penis stretch?
Depends, did he have a friendship boost? Cause if so infiniteHow far does the penis stretch?
It has been spoken on a couple times to a few, but it is still a mystery as to what theHave they mentioned what the D in luffy's name stands for?
Who is Luffy's mom?
how is luffy going to defeat a yonko when he just got one shotted by the music guy?
I would think a pirate king or pirate period would have kids all over.
Do you think luffy will train to somewhat overcome his natural weakness to ocean water.