Because it’s amazing and I’m a weeb who wants to ask out a pillow waifu to dinner
I do but I don’t want to share it until after Wano lolLol I mean do you have a theory on how you think it will end or how you'd like it to end?
It’s one very long adventure. There is no copying and pasting. Somehow, Oda planned it all out it seems. There was a song on the OST from way back in the day that mentioned Oden and Roger I think, like early 2000s, and now, we finally see the legendary Oden here in 2020So it tells a continuous story? Or is it like Dragon Ball Z where they tell a story and then paste another on on top additio ad absurdum?
Who is best girl?
I’d like to hear more if you don’t mind
names? I only recognize berserk? Last gif looking awesome
names? I only recognize berserk? Last gif looking awesome
How can luffy confront Kaido now? He was ko´ed with one hit, i doubt a few weeks changed that. Jimbe is now nº2 in the crew?
This is not a bad thing but why do all the women characters have DD‘s and like to show them off?
Because they want ME to pierce a straw through their nipples and drink upThis is not a bad thing but why do all the women characters have DD‘s and like to show them off?
Lol dude wtf is underneath that fool’s pants?
Lol dude wtf is underneath that fool’s pants?
Same general formula sure, but you’ll be stopping right before the most highly praised point in One Piece if you stop there. The next few arcs after the one you’re currently on are phenomenalI stopped watching when the old guy on the Pegasus showed up (sky arch??).
A) I’ve barely scratched the surface and should get back at it.
B) I’ve seen it all; it’s more of the same going forward.
BecauseThis is not a bad thing but why do all the women characters have DD‘s and like to show them off?
I took a break after that arc too and TRUST me it's RIGHT after that that it really starts to get crazy and you start seeing all the ground laying start to bear fruitI stopped watching when the old guy on the Pegasus showed up (sky arch??).
A) I’ve barely scratched the surface and should get back at it.
B) I’ve seen it all; it’s more of the same going forward.
Lol dude wtf is underneath that fool’s pants?
The whole holy Trinity are all viable choices but Nami for meWhich girl in One Piece do you jerk off to most?
My fault homey. Got a coworker who essentially watched everything and read everything at an alarming pace. He started watching in October, and by middle of March he was current with everything. I was seriously impressed. His brother is caught up, he was motivated to watch by him. I was always talking to him about certain characters, plots, theories, current episodes he was on or about to watch so that helped too. He also had a couple other friends who wanted him to watch it all. He’s full time student, plus, works, plus games every day so I was surprised that he was able to watch so much. He really picked up pace in January too. By February he was sprinting through it practically. He would watch like 60 episodes a week it seemed easy....Watched during study breaks, on work breaks, even said he’d watch like 10 episodes before bed hahaha. Bro’s a madmanHow long would it take to get through all the episodes???
Luffy ate something called a devil fruit, which grants him that power. There are several types of categories of devil fruits. Once you eat one, and not everybody does, they’re all very rare and difficult to come across, you can no longer swim. That’s the main disadvantage that comes with the power of actually having eaten a devil fruitWhat's with the stretchy arms?
One time I tried to find a decent porno with Nami and Robin, but cartoon porn never has done it for me lol. I don’t get these dudes that are into hentai...I tried, it’s not intimate enough for meWhich girl in One Piece do you jerk off to most?
Fucking gold. I’ll never forget the Gang Torture Dance. That’s another golden moment. A golden experience, if you willGrenades. Each pin is tied on a pube.
Because the first one is still going and Colonel Sanders already denied the collaboration opportunity to work on such a sequelThere should be a sequel called Two Piece, why isn’t there one?
I seriously hope there is a sequel that does just as well, but idk how it would go. It’s tough enough to predict things in the current manga and animeDo you look forward to Two Piece?
Why was Thriller Bark so short in manga? I never knew that. In the anime, it seemed to be similarly spread out from what I remember...Why was Water 7 like a hundred god damn books but Thriller Bark was like 4. It's still my favt One Piece setpiece.
Oh for some reason it never registered that she was Nami’s voice actor as well. I love how she’s Chopper’s VA thoughDid you know that the voice actress for Nami and Chopper (Pikachu) were in some hentai's?
(both in one at the same time)
Ducktales, ooohwooo-oooo hahahaha is that how it went? I haven’t seen that cartoon since I was like 3 or 4 years old man. I still remember the love in that cartoon. Donald Duck’s mom once made him a nice lunch sandwich with an olive in the toothpick and everything and really was worried about him not eating. Disney put a lot of care into teaching empathy to young kids like me, all through their movies somehow. Very powerful content back in the day, Disney used to be greatDamn, not only does the thread deliver with some sex ducktales; but an OP of another infamous ducktale thread makes an appearance!
A lot from start to current. He’s been consistently popping up over the course of the arcs.What happens to Buggy the Clown
Damn bro you need to get past it. Those two are must watches as far as I’m concerned. JoJo is an incredibly creative and well thought out manga and anime especially. The anime is fucking hilarious sometimes. As well as being about as badass as it gets. I still can’t forget the first time Joseph Joestar was introduced. Best introduction of all timeI want to like One Piece, same with wanting to like Jojo. I just cant stand the art style for both. Especially One Piece. It grates on my soul.
Oh for some reason it never registered that she was Nami’s voice actor as well. I love how she’s Chopper’s VA though
I watched a clip of her performing as Chopper during the Drum Island arc. She’s one of a kind. Lind of hilarious that she decided to go for that, it was probably a very high offer for her to do that. I can’t really imagine such a professional doing hentai VA unless the pay was just extremely high
Fuck nah breh, not even close lolOne Punch Man > One Piece
Definitely. No doubt at all, I think you’ll enjoy it if you give it a chance. Watch a good 5-7 episodes to give it a fair sample of a tasteOP, I want to watch it but I'm too damn lazy to watch 900+ episodes. Worth the watch from the very beginning?