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Amazing Race 8/10

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Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Man where do team midget get off with the kind of stuff thry pull. How are they not yet eliminated.

hahah. I must say that the brothers team are toatally humbled now.


Orin GA said:
Man where do team midget get off with the kind of stuff thry pull. How are they not yet eliminated.

hahah. I must say that the brothers team are toatally humbled now.

No the brothers team is something else beside humble now. Anyhow I have fianlly found a team to cheer for, after spending the entire show not giving a fuck. That team is the black couple. They seem the most awed by the experience. Still hoping the christian team get it, but something tells me that they will be in the final two.
The married couple is cool - they helped out a bunch of teams in the last episode, so it's good to see them getting second place. Sucks to be the first place team - they basically pitch a no-hitter in last week's episode, only to see their seven hour lead evaporate because of the Pyramid being closed. I guess that's just how the game works, though. At least they were able to win this leg. I like that team - mostly because the dude is sort of crazy and just might end up flipping out and bitchslapping Mirna at some point in the Race.

Also, after six weeks of this show, I finally got the name of the brothers' resturaunt - Cafe Nostra. Ha. Good one.


I like the married couple best. Everyone else is just annoying, stupid or snobby. I hate to make generalizations, but it's true.

The team with the midget needs to go... my god someone smack those girls. :|


Diablos said:
I like the married couple best. Everyone else is just annoying, stupid or snobby. I hate to make generalizations, but it's true.

The team with the midget needs to go... my god someone smack those girls. :|

HAHA! Smackem hard. I hate that midget. I don't like that black dude either, his an ahole.

I'm pulling for the twins.
You don't like the black dude (an asshole? the fuck?) but you like the twins, eh? Racist.

I always liked Mario & Luigi, even though they totally embodied the "ugly american" persona. Very sad that they didn't make it, but the writing was definitely on the wall after last episode.

I would kill Charla without hesitating if I ever had the opprotunity. omg, what a fucking see-you-next-Tuesday.

I think the final three will be Colin & Christie, Chip & Kim, and Brandon & whasshername. Of those three, it'll probably be Colin & Christie. That's just my predictions.

Oh yah, I laughed when I saw blonde bowling mom had a fucking TATTOO! And it looked FRESH! That's kinda cool.
I don't have a problem with Charla...except that she's paired with Mirna, who has earned a spot in the upper eschalon of annoying reality contestants. RUUUUN, CHARLA, COME ONNN! Even if she wasn't poisonous, transparent and hypocritical, Mirna would be intolerable due to that accent and that whine.

The married couple and the moms are who I cheer for. Have been since the beginning, along with the elderly internet couple that got eliminated.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Right now I'm cheering for Chip & Kim (the married parents) and Charla & Mirna (the cousins). I'm kinda cheering for Linda & Karen (the best friends) as well.

I like Chip & Kim because they seem like the most genuine of all the contestants. They seem awed by the whole thing. They just strike me as good people.

I like Charla & Mirna because in many ways they are the underdogs. They have the tendancy to be rude at times but I can't help but think that a lot of the time the people who they are rude to deserved it. For instance, when they were at the airport Marshall & Lance got out of line and Charla & Mirna took their spot. Marshall & Lance then demanded that they find another flight because they found that flight first. Charla & Mirna would not budge and I don't blame them. Marshall & Lance got out of line!

Last night when Charla & Mirna tried to get Colin & Christie's cab I don't think they were intentionally trying to be rude. They just thought that C&C were finished with the cab. It was when Colin started getting really rude that Mirna returned the favor. People don't respond well to that sort of behavior, especially in a competition. If he would have explained to her in a calm manner that the cab driver was waiting for them and that their stuff was still in the back instead of immediately flying off the handle the whole thing would have went down a lot smoother. It was just a misunderstanding between the two teams which escalated into an argument because of Colin's behavior. As soon as C&M realized that it was C&C's cab they got out. They would have gotten out a lot sooner if Colin would have kept his composure.

I'm not really cheering that much for the best friends, but they are better than any of the remaining teams, IMO. That christian team is so hypocritical its not even funny. They are one of the most deceitful and devious teams! The twins are a couple of brats and Colin & Christie seem to be running away with the competition right now.
JC10001 said:
Last night when Charla & Mirna tried to get Colin & Christie's cab I don't think they were intentionally trying to be rude.

Dude, were you listening to Charla & Mirna's voiceover? They were both saying "we gotta steal someones' cab".

Oh, I forgot: my favorite part of last nite's episode was the dudes helping out at the water detour. "BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!". I was laughing my balls off!


Mirna and Charla get more and more annoying with each episode...hopefully they bite it soon.

The twins seem totally clueless with the stuff they do. They can't seem to figure out what the clues want them to do and in other episodes have wandered aimlessly around not knowing what they were supposed to do. Anyone else remember the episode where every other team walked over the shallow water to the checkpoint and the twins freaked out and said "WE HAVE TO SWIM IT!!" and dove in and swam over to the checkpoint -- hilarious clueless girls.

None of the other teams bother me, except the brothers with the slow-walking guy ....glad they're gone cause it was painful to watch that guy trying to walk.


Catchpenny said:
I don't have a problem with Charla...except that she's paired with Mirna, who has earned a spot in the upper eschalon of annoying reality contestants. RUUUUN, CHARLA, COME ONNN! Even if she wasn't poisonous, transparent and hypocritical, Mirna would be intolerable due to that accent and that whine.

The married couple and the moms are who I cheer for. Have been since the beginning, along with the elderly internet couple that got eliminated.

I agree, although I'm cheering for Colin and Christie instead of the moms. They're playing a fantastic game, getting shafted by having to watch a 7 hour lead turn into a 45 minute one, and still coming out on top. I was hoping there was a prize for that leg, simply because they deserved something after having to sleep until 6 am for the place to open. Colin was annoying in the earlier weeks, but he's not that bad....he even showed all the other teams (I couldn't believe that they didn't know what a scarab looked like) the scarab while the other teams were intent on hiding it from view.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Fifty said:
I agree, although I'm cheering for Colin and Christie instead of the moms. They're playing a fantastic game, getting shafted by having to watch a 7 hour lead turn into a 45 minute one, and still coming out on top. I was hoping there was a prize for that leg, simply because they deserved something after having to sleep until 6 am for the place to open. Colin was annoying in the earlier weeks, but he's not that bad....he even showed all the other teams (I couldn't believe that they didn't know what a scarab looked like) the scarab while the other teams were intent on hiding it from view.

I don't understand how anyone can cheer for that team. Colin is clearly the biggest asshole in the entire race. I'd rather team midget won than them.
Why do you think Colin's such an asshole? I hear that a lot on twop.com and I don't understand the hate. He's been a gracious contestant, he's been willing to help other teams when it doesn't benefit him to do so, AND he hates Charla & Mirna. Sounds like a good guy to me!
Colin always has a nasty scowl on his face. He creeps me out.

The taxi thing?

"Dude, were you listening to Charla & Mirna's voiceover? They were both saying "we gotta steal someones' cab". "

Nope, you weren't paying attention. They were saying they would take someone's cab when they got out, so that they wouldn't have to call one. When you get out of a cab you are usually done with it, no? The twins grabbed the cab assuming they were done and seemed quite confused when they came back screaming and calling names. Colin acted like a little baby. He is just as annoying as Mirna to me. And as for the Charla bashers? I defy you to mention one instance where she was nasty to someone. Mirna's the bitch. Leave Charla alone.
Bah, I'm not arguing with a Mirna & Schmirnoff fan.

I actually do like Charla, but she's down with Mirna so... I just can't do it. And if Charla tells Mirna ONE MORE TIME to "hurry up!" I'm going to shove Mirna up Charlas' ass & twist.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I defy you to mention one instance where she was nasty to someone.

Yeah, she's been sweet as pie to both Mario & Luigi and Colin & Christie.

I don't mind that she gets uppity from time to time - this is a fucking race, after all, but you're looking at the homegirl with, uh, midget-coloured glasses.
jiggle said:
Can't stand the christian models team though.

No doubt. Since when did it say in the bible that you can't drink a shot of wine? What the hell does Brandon think Jesus drank during the last supper? (It wasn't vodka, ok, but it wasn't Tang either)
did anyone catch the preview of next week's episode? where colin and christie "get physical" with mirna and charla, preventing them from going though that door, and mirna's all "move bitch"

looks fun.
or what about the part where mirna is all talking about colin and christie saying that he likes to dominate over christie and she likes to be all submissive and stuff? wtf? where did that come from? she's nuts.


Mirna said Colin has a "Napoleon Complex" and needs to "dominate" his submissive girlfriend. She was describing what she thinks of his personality, not literally he "likes to dominate over" the gf, and she didn't say the gf likes to be all submissive and stuff. At least I don't recall.
"Yeah, she's been sweet as pie to both Mario & Luigi and Colin & Christie.

I don't mind that she gets uppity from time to time - this is a fucking race, after all, but you're looking at the homegirl with, uh, midget-coloured glasses."

That was all Mirna from what I saw. Interrupting Colin at the station when he was talking to the guy: Mirna. Arguing when they took asshole bros. place in line - Mirna. Mouthing off, calling them psychos and spitting on the ground after taking their cab- Mirna. Charla doesn't seem to be as aggressive or as confrontational as her bitchy cousin. I'm being honest, I cannot recall a single scene of Charla being mean to someone. Those teams you mention seem to hate Mirna and lump Charla in there because she's on her team, and you seem to be doing the same.:)
Bah! I still can't stand either one of them. I was like "that's fucking awesome" when she carried that slab of beef on her shoulders but now I'm just like, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHINY BITCHES.

I mean, glasses were shattering left & right in my house last night when she was whining about the sheep not staying on the boat.


Setec Astronomer
Charla and Mirna are bitches with an inferiority complex, plain and simple. Every other sentence from them refers to how others are "putting them down" or "didn't think they would succeed". Oh, and that incident with the cab... Colin was in the right. They didn't leave when Colin first said their stuff was in the trunk.

Personally, I'm rooting for either Chip and Kim or Colin and Christie, but if the Bowling Mom team wins I'll be content too. If Colin and Christie lose, their misuse of that fastforward when they were already several hours ahead may be a reason.

jiggle said:
Mirna said Colin has a "Napoleon Complex" and needs to "dominate" his submissive girlfriend. She was describing what she thinks of his personality, not literally he "likes to dominate over" the gf, and she didn't say the gf likes to be all submissive and stuff. At least I don't recall.
No, she insulted Christe too.
I don't think they really had a choice with the Fast Forward. I mean, they could've taken it or not taken it... and the results would've been similar - everyone would've still bunched up in the airport.

Now, I want to see someone use the Yield!!! That shit will be insanity.
Diablos said:
You want the bowling moms to win? :D

I really thought they were going to lose their shit last night. When homegirl couldn't find the scarab, I could tell that she was this close to going insane. Good thing for the Bros. Gimp in this situation!


Oh, I forgot: my favorite part of last nite's episode was the dudes helping out at the water detour. "BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!". I was laughing my balls off!

That guy ruled!

Mirna is gonna get punt kicked pretty soon. I haven't seen Chip & Kim complain about anything yet, which is amazing.

I am amazed/angered that none of them knew what a scarab was! Come on!


Setec Astronomer
Saint Cornelius said:
I don't think they really had a choice with the Fast Forward. I mean, they could've taken it or not taken it... and the results would've been similar - everyone would've still bunched up in the airport.

Now, I want to see someone use the Yield!!! That shit will be insanity.
Can't you save it for a later time?

Diablos said:
You want the bowling moms to win?
Well, not paticularly, but they seem to just play through without making total asses of themselves so I can't complain if they do win.
I don't think you can save it. If you get to it first, you either use it, or someone else will. I think? I don't remember there being Fast Forwards (or Yields for that matter) last year.


Saint Cornelius said:
I don't think you can save it. If you get to it first, you either use it, or someone else will. I think? I don't remember there being Fast Forwards (or Yields for that matter) last year.

Fast Forwards were introduced the season before last, I didn't watch last season to see if they kept it or not. Yield is new to this season.
I'm kind of pulling for Colin & Christie to win.

Charla and Mirna have become quite an annoyance in the past episode or two. The whole cab thing was uncalled for - regardless of there being "no rules". It looks like the "fued" between them and Colin & Christie continue next week.

I am amazed/angered that none of them knew what a scarab was! Come on!

If only they had watched The Mummy. ;)
Mirna and Charla get elminated next episode, unless it's a non-elimination episode, in which case they'll get eliminated the episode after that. It was spoiled in February
damn Bruce, weren't you like leaving for a place that didn't have internet access? or, preferably, oxygen?

you don't know how much I want to look at the spoiler. YOU FUCKER



Interest in show drops to 1.

Making my reaction a spoiler since i already expressed which team I was rooting for:(
The thing is...

At approximately 11am, The first team arrived. It was a male/Female team. She had long blonde hair, and he was taller than her (no more details known about these 2) I did not get to see them, But they were spotted by a friend. They were leading the pack. They got out of customs between 11:30 and 11:55 am.

Who does that description apply to? Maybe the guy saw Mirna with some man and didn't see Charla?


Bruce Vilanch said:
The thing is...

At approximately 11am, The first team arrived. It was a male/Female team. She had long blonde hair, and he was taller than her (no more details known about these 2) I did not get to see them, But they were spotted by a friend. They were leading the pack. They got out of customs between 11:30 and 11:55 am.

Who does that description apply to? Maybe the guy saw Mirna with some man and didn't see Charla?

Okay, now you're just playing with ppl's emotion. :p
Guess I'm gonna have to keep watching...
Hitokage said:
Except the "spoiler" is wrong. It lists 4 male/female teams, yet there are only 3 of the 6 remaining.

So the FEBRUARY description of a black couple, a guy with curly hair, and pair of blonde twins is completely coincidental?
The spoiler is mistaken. It lists 6 teams, but does not mention Charla and Mirna, even though they are currently among the 6 teams remaining.

"Spoiler: Final 6 in NZ 21/2/04
6 teams arrived at Auckland International Airport on February 21st."

There are 6 teams right now! Only possibility is

"At approximately 11am, The first team arrived. It was a male/Female team. She had long blonde hair, and he was taller than her (no more details known about these 2) I did not get to see them, But they were spotted by a friend. They were leading the pack. They got out of customs between 11:30 and 11:55 am." The blonde must be Mirna, as this fits noone else. They were simply wrong about the guy and didn't see Charla (hey, she is short!) :)


Just watched it now...I don't want any spoilers right now, but I swear...if any of them say that Charla and Mirna make it further than pretty well anyone else, I might throw something at...someone. Because they are the devil's scourge upon us.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The only woman with long blonde hair that's left is Mirna. He probably just thought she was with some dude. Charla was probably obscured from his view.

The Charla-Mirna/Colin-Christie rivalry is great. I want to see them both make it to the final leg and have them both racing to the finish line. I'd love to see Colin's face if Charla beat him.
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