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Amazing Race 8/10

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Apparently I spoke too soon in my argument that Charla is never mean to anyone.

next week Charla shoves Christie and says "Move it bitch"Presumably this happens when Colin/Christie are trying to block them from going through the door

And go here for the reason many people feel creeped out by Colin....


Scroll about halfway down. He always looks like he wants to kill someone.
Funny how everyone else is trying to win a million bux, and manages not to look "intense", including his girlfriend/teammate.:)

It boils down to you liking him, and me not so much, which is affecting how we perceive the things he does.


Grandma's Chippy
My top 3...

1 - Colin & Christie = My fav team. Colin is a jerk sometimes but so is everyone so bleah.

2 - Twins! - Go twins! I just like to watch these two ditzie girls stumbling through the game.

3 - Chip & Kim - Down to earth, good people for the most part. Just fun to watch as they freak out at their surroundings.

The rest I can tolerate for the most part EXCEPT@!@

Charla & Mirna - Mirna is just rude and if anyone even attempts to stand up for themselves or be in her way for more than a split second she turns into super bitch. Plus is it me or was she hitting on the host guy for the first few legs of the race?? She is just annoying, rude, and a hypocrite to boot!

Charla is only slightly better. She is polite for the most part, and only pushes when pushed, but watching her bash people for using her size against her and then using it as a tool and lying about her abilities to take advantage of others is no go in my book. She is strong willed and seems more than able to do a lot...she doesn't need to resort to that crap and she just lets Mirna do what she does and doesn't say shit...screw her and the my little pony she rode in on.
The twins are fucking dumb. I like Chip and Kim the best now. Christie seems nice, but Colin does turn into a real asshole during some missions.


Yeah just saw it just now... missed it last night. It was a great episode yet again, though I was really losing interest when 2 episodes in a row, the team that I like got eliminated (Military Dad and Old Couple).

Though I'm still rooting for Charla and Mirna because they're just too entertaining (pointing at goats, "This is the bad one." LMAO).

The Moms have been lucky so far though not so much this episode. I like them.

Colin and Christie is really dominating right now and I so hope Charla and Mirna do something really evil that will get Colin/Christie to get eliminated. hehe. I just think Colin/Christie team is boring that's why I want them gone.

Christian team, I don't care so much for cause they're so un-Christian like.

The Twins are freakin DUMB. But ah well... I want them to stay but given that if they are a 'bit' smart, they could really challenge Colin and Christie. (Funniest moment in the episode is when one of the twins is digging, and he was describing how she's holding a dried poop. LOL)

Chip and Kim, well, Chip did become likeable since the few episodes though I still think that when push gets to shove, evil Chip will be back again.

Brothers got elimated too late in the game. Should have been eliminated before the team that I liked, Military Dad and Old Couple.

Hmm... oh well that's it. Next episode will be awesome.
Evil Chip surfacing again? When the hell has there EVER been an evil Chip? He's too kind for his own good. And, if he wouldn't have stopped to offer assistance to the Twinkies, Bob & Janice might still be in it to win it.
Saint Cornelius said:
Evil Chip surfacing again? When the hell has there EVER been an evil Chip? He's too kind for his own good.

In that one ep where he got in the twins cab and wouldn't leave. Ofcourse in the last ep he helped the dating couple move their stone and helped the twins find out where they were.
Yeah so, he helped two teams WHEN HE'S TRYING TO WIN A MILLION BUX - how the fuck is that "evil"?

I hope Chip & Kim win, really, but I think it's going to be Christie & Colin.


Saint Cornelius said:
Evil Chip surfacing again? When the hell has there EVER been an evil Chip? He's too kind for his own good. And, if he wouldn't have stopped to offer assistance to the Twinkies, Bob & Janice might still be in it to win it.

He did that because he knows he's been an ass in earlier parts of the game because simply, they were in the 'tail end of the pack'. He said so himself. That's why he has to be overly-kind now to redeem himself (in his own eyes at least) because now they're in good position.

And no I'm not saying he's a bad person, I just think bad situations just brings the worst out of him.


It's a RACE. Of course he sat in that cab, they were possible facing elimination. For once, Chip wasn't nice, and was RACING.

Sheesh. RACE!


Memles said:
It's a RACE. Of course he sat in that cab, they were possible facing elimination. For once, Chip wasn't nice, and was RACING.

Sheesh. RACE!

Yeah and you see Marion Jones tripping the girl right beside her so that she can win the gold. :rolleyes.
Mugen said:
Yeah and you see Marion Jones tripping the girl right beside her so that she can win the gold. :rolleyes.

That's your arguement? Are you serious? I don't think anyone on TAR are exactly olympiads. And how in the world can you compare maliciously tripping someone with refusing to get out of a cab that you already were in?


He's holding the cab because there is no other cab for them at the time. There's only one. Thinking he'll get eliminated, he held the cab so the Twins can't go and they won't get left behind.

Though his reaction after learning that they weren't the last two teams was priceless.


Mugen said:
Yeah and you see Marion Jones tripping the girl right beside her so that she can win the gold. :rolleyes.

They got to the cab within 2 seconds of one another...while I feel the Twins did get there first, to them this was an all important move they HAD to make...they thought they might be eliminated.

Charla and Mirna's stunt with Colin/Christie's cab was more despicable than this. They jump into a person's cab while their stuff is STILL in it, and Chip simply got their a split second late and didn't want to lose that opportunity. So sue him for attempting to keep the race close. Mind you, Alison and Donny were actually on a later bus, but Chip was not being evil in that situation.

Chip went to talk to the cab driver, whereas Kami/Karli sat in the cab...they had two different moves, and thus it was really up in the air when it came to the cab. So don't make it out to be a trip or anything of the sort. The simple fact is that it's a RACE. It's not a 200m race, it's a 75,000 mile race. And racing for a cab for a million dollars is not the same thing when it's a much more involved situation.


Saint Cornelius said:
You don't like the black dude (an asshole? the fuck?) but you like the twins, eh? Racist.

Look dude, what is your problem! The black dude stole a cab from another team, he was hiding that little thing they dug up from the other teams. He is an asshole. I've only seen 2 shows and in both he has been an asshole.

Just cause I don't like the guy I'm a racist? Get real! I'm supposed to like every black person and hate every white person out there to not become a racist? Your coming to conclusions without knowing shit. Are you traumatized or something? Didn't seem like you were joking so I'm taking this seriously.


Memles said:
They got to the cab within 2 seconds of one another...while I feel the Twins did get there first, to them this was an all important move they HAD to make...they thought they might be eliminated.

Charla and Mirna's stunt with Colin/Christie's cab was more despicable than this. They jump into a person's cab while their stuff is STILL in it, and Chip simply got their a split second late and didn't want to lose that opportunity. So sue him for attempting to keep the race close. Mind you, Alison and Donny were actually on a later bus, but Chip was not being evil in that situation.

Chip went to talk to the cab driver, whereas Kami/Karli sat in the cab...they had two different moves, and thus it was really up in the air when it came to the cab. So don't make it out to be a trip or anything of the sort. The simple fact is that it's a RACE. It's not a 200m race, it's a 75,000 mile race. And racing for a cab for a million dollars is not the same thing when it's a much more involved situation.

The twins got there first and entitled to leave. Holding the taxi to eliminate the other team is not playing fair at all. So what if it's 2 seconds? Beat them in finishing the tasks faster not by sabotaging the other team in order to elminate them.

Though I agree that Charla and Mirna are more evil. I don't think they ever sabotaged anyone in the race to eliminate anyone.
I'm going for Charla and Mirna. I don't care if they're annoying, the only other team I really liked was the dad/daughter combo and those moms had to screw them over. Seems like i'm alone on wanting them to win though going by this thread. :p
SolidSnakex said:
I'm going for Charla and Mirna. I don't care if they're annoying, the only other team I really liked was the dad/daughter combo and those moms had to screw them over. Seems like i'm alone on wanting them to win though going by this thread. :p

I do agree with you about the moms screwing Jim & Marsha over (damn that girl was hot, too), but at the same time, Jim is an ex-marine! He didn't know that U.S. currency is accepted pretty much everywhere across the globe?

I was glad to see that they made it past the first episode, even if they did get eliminated shortly afterwards. After Jim caught the bad one at the very beginning of the race, I thought that was it.
"I'm going for Charla and Mirna. I don't care if they're annoying, the only other team I really liked was the dad/daughter combo and those moms had to screw them over."

Had to clear up this misconception that the show created with its clever editing. Notice how they never showed the scene where the moms actually told them about the money thing? That's because IT NEVER HAPPENED. The daughter has since admitted in an interview that the moms did not say that to them, but she overheard the moms discussing trading in their money with someone else. That's not the same thing at all, and shame on the show for making the moms look bad. I guess they wanted drama.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Had to clear up this misconception that the show created with its clever editing. Notice how they never showed the scene where the moms actually told them about the money thing? That's because IT NEVER HAPPENED. The daughter has since admitted in an interview that the moms did not say that to them, but she overheard the moms discussing trading in their money with someone else. That's not the same thing at all, and shame on the show for making the moms look bad. I guess they wanted drama.

Ah, very interesting! Yeah those TAR editors are sneaky bastards. :)

I thought it was kind of out-of-character for the 'moms to mislead another team. They don't seem the type. But as I said earlier, blonde bowling mom has a tattoo, and you know you can't trust people with tattoos*!

*to my tattooed brothers & sisters: I'm only kidding


Folks, I think it's time that many took a trip to the "Editing Room" and saw that there are people who sit there, flipping through footage with directors and producers, to in every way possible make things seem far more tension-filled and diabolical than they actually are.

The second I saw that they never SHOWED Linda and Karen telling Marsha about the changing of the money, and the fact that they cut RIGHT to a shot of Linda and Karen celebrating, pretty well sent up my "Editor" flag. Yes, I have a fucking flag. It's right here beside my "Die Mirna Die" Flag. Oh, and my "Shut the fuck up Mirna" one, and then the "...RACE!" flag is sitting in the corner resting. It's had a rough race.

The problem is that editing has everything to do with how the race is being perceived.

As I explained above, Mugen, the issue with the cab was entirely different than any other, because it wasn't a matter of Chip coming over to the Taxi after Kami and Karli had entered, put their bags in the trunk, and were ready to leave. He wasn't holding them up; if you watch the footage, Chip went to talk to the driver, see if he knew where he was going, and then how much it might cost; what you'd normally do when going for a taxi. Kami or Karli, I don't really care which, went right into the back, sitting in the taxi. She was definitely rushing forward in more of a "RACE" mentality, whereas he was more following cordial standards.

While I understand both sides of the issue, Chip being an asshole has nothing to do with it. Chip felt he had talked to the driver first, he had the cab. Kami/Karli thought they had gotten into the cab first, it was their cab. It was nothing but a really messed up situation. Chip didn't shove Kami/Karli out of the way to get ahead, and he in no way sabotaged them; hell, technically he could have the same claim against them, since he went one way and they went the other. There are no rules on how you get a taxi, or what happens in such a situation. Instead, it is simply the discretion of those RACING. And thus, neither felt like giving up the cab. Really, the best situation was to wait for the second cab...thus the resolution came easily, and it wasn't an issue. That's not sabotage.

Sabotage would have been asking Kami and Karli's taxi driver for incredibly detailed instructions to same random place to keep them from leaving. Sabotage would have been slashing their tires. Sabotage was NOT, in any way, not wanting to give up a cab they both had a fairly credible stake on.

Alejob...RACE. It's a fucking race, already. You're not racist, or retarded. Your problem instead lies in the fact that...these people had no idea what they were looking for. As a far too loyal Nintendo fan, I of course knew that a Scarab was a small beetle (Thank you Star Fox Adventures) and thus would have known what to look for. These people, not the avid gamers or historians/beetle people, didn't know. When Chip found it, the logical move is to not give your other teams an advantage. Why do you think all of the teams move away from the clue box to read the clue? Bingo, because then if they're seen they won't lead directly to it. Or, they don't want it overheard by the other teams nearby. It's all about getting an advantage for yourself.

You seem to have seen the two episodes where, to you, Chip was an asshole. You missed last week, where he helped Brandon and Nicole stay in the Detour task, and then proceeded to give Kami and Karli directions to the next clue.

The result? Because of the help, they ended up in fourth place instead of third, as Brandon and Nicole got ahead of them. Sure, it was only a minute, but his kindness actually hurt him. As he said in that episode, he won't stop being himself...and he's a helpful guy. When someone is in trouble, he gives them a hand.

When someone is searching for a clue that, if found quickly, will shorten their lead, I don't think anyone in a RACE would be so helpful.


Memles said:
As I explained above, Mugen, the issue with the cab was entirely different than any other, because it wasn't a matter of Chip coming over to the Taxi after Kami and Karli had entered, put their bags in the trunk, and were ready to leave. He wasn't holding them up; if you watch the footage, Chip went to talk to the driver, see if he knew where he was going, and then how much it might cost; what you'd normally do when going for a taxi. Kami or Karli, I don't really care which, went right into the back, sitting in the taxi. She was definitely rushing forward in more of a "RACE" mentality, whereas he was more following cordial standards.

While I understand both sides of the issue, Chip being an asshole has nothing to do with it. Chip felt he had talked to the driver first, he had the cab. Kami/Karli thought they had gotten into the cab first, it was their cab. It was nothing but a really messed up situation. Chip didn't shove Kami/Karli out of the way to get ahead, and he in no way sabotaged them; hell, technically he could have the same claim against them, since he went one way and they went the other. There are no rules on how you get a taxi, or what happens in such a situation. Instead, it is simply the discretion of those RACING. And thus, neither felt like giving up the cab. Really, the best situation was to wait for the second cab...thus the resolution came easily, and it wasn't an issue. That's not sabotage.

The twins saw the taxi first, ran there first, got in first and should be entitled to get the taxi. Chip already knows that he lost that's why he did anything he could to hold up the taxi so the twins can't leave. Hence sabotaging them.

Also, if Chip really didn't do anything wrong, what's the point of him 'redeeming' himself then? Because he did try to sabotage the twins. He knows it, I know it. Therefore it was a mistake in his part.
Mugen said:
Also, if Chip really didn't do anything wrong, what's the point of him 'redeeming' himself then? Because he did try to sabotage the twins. He knows it, I know it. Therefore it was a mistake in his part.

I think Chip's just a really nice person, and the Twinkies were making him feel guilty with their stink-eye and little Shining-esque finger bends. Like Memles said, he's helped other teams as well, like the GodSquad. And he didn't have ANY reason to do that!
Chip is a good guy. He and is wife are the real Christian team on this show who are setting a good example, not Brandon and Nicole for not drinking vodka. Brandon, don't you ever ask what would Jesus do? You might change your mind on the whole alcohol thing! Brandon is more concerned with APPEARING like a good Christian, while Chip and Kim actually are.


Mugen said:
Also, if Chip really didn't do anything wrong, what's the point of him 'redeeming' himself then? Because he did try to sabotage the twins. He knows it, I know it. Therefore it was a mistake in his part.

He doesn't think he did anything wrong...there have been many interview segments where Chip has said that he doesn't understand how they blame him for that, as if he was being malicious. It didn't end up costing either of them...Kami and Karli are making it seem like they used the Yield on them or something, when in fact it was simple a kerfluffle...yep, I said kerfluffle.

He "redeemed" himself because he was tired of them being pissed at him for pretty well nothing, in the big scheme of things.

When you're in a race that actually has an entire feature (The Yield) to sabotage people, you expect everyone to give in just because Kami and Karli "saw it first" and "Jumped in the Back Seat instead of talking to the driver"? It's nature...Dennis and Erika in the first episode got screwed for letting Colin and Christie get ahead of them after the Beef task, even though they could have fought over it.


That's the thing. I don't think the twins are pissed at them at all. They weren't eliminated after all. Maybe there's bitter feelings? I sure didn't notice it after that said episode.

But like I said, IMO, Chip was at fault on that leg of the race.


Mugen said:
That's the thing. I don't think the twins are pissed at them at all. They weren't eliminated after all. Maybe there's bitter feelings? I sure didn't notice it after that said episode.

But like I said, IMO, Chip was at fault on that leg of the race.

My god, you missed the "Chip...Chip was like a different person" and the glares of anger towards Chip when they met each other on the next leg? Oh, it was fierce.
"Heh, not fierce enough to make the twins return the favor in Chip sabotaging them."

Well, hard to sabotage someone when you're in second last place every week! :)

Yeah, yeah, the twins are in 3rd now. It won't last. They'll do something dumb.


Mugen said:
Heh, not fierce enough to make the twins return the favor in Chip sabotaging them.

A few legs later, and Chip and Kim were moving up in the pack, and Kami and Karli didn't know what descend means.

So what chance would they have?
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