Looking for more impressions on the Voyage. Amazon has a 'special offer' they are extending to some members where you pay 20% up front and pay the rest over 4 months (no interest, no bullshit)... really takes the sting off the higher price. I'm thinking about jumping on it.
To see if you are eligable, just go to the amazon.com's kindle section and browse through the kindle hardware you should see a bar near the top advertising it.
Also does anyone know if the Kindle Voyage works on paperwhite generation chargers? it looks like a pretty standard usb to outlet adapter, but apparently does not come in the box
Aaaand lastly... what about covers? Do you have one and what do you think of it? Not sure I like the origami covers...
Here is the cover I have (made for Kindle Paperwhite Gen 1) do you think this will fit in it? Because I *LOVE* that cover and I don't know if I could find anything I prefer to it.
*edit* well I ordered one using the 20% over 5 months deal... but it's backordered till around the 20th of November... gives me more time to finish some games I suppose, although unfortunately there are several huge games coming out that week of November so... yeah.
November is full of pain and I just made it a tiny bit worse