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Amazon PC DD sales: THQ Pack for $7.50, [Make new threads for good sales]

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I've bought Darksiders 2 franchise pack, does the Season Pass include all the other DLC or do I have to enter all the codes individually?

Individual codes. A bit annoying since the page refreshes every time you click to reveal one. You'll also have an extra code for Abyssal Forge (since that's already in the Season Pass).


The only thing the season pack includes is the Abyssal Forge DLC, everything else you'll need to add yourself. Most of the DLC is just shitty weapons though.
Individual codes. A bit annoying since the page refreshes every time you click to reveal one. You'll also have an extra code for Abyssal Forge (since that's already in the Season Pass).
Thanks. I will unlock of it because I'm OCD and couldn't stand the fact that the content is blocked from me even though I paid for it. It's going to be a pain in the ass though.
Individual codes. A bit annoying since the page refreshes every time you click to reveal one. You'll also have an extra code for Abyssal Forge (since that's already in the Season Pass).

Yeah, you'll end up with an extra Abyssal Forge code, and an extra code for the Van der Schmash Hammer, since THQ gives that weapon code to you when you sign up for that thing that it nags you about.


How long before the DoW deal goes up? Also, only 2 of the things in the pack aren't steam keys, the rest is steam keys right? Or did I misunderstand?
Yeah, they didn't show for me at first until I clicked on reveal key for DoWII - Chaos Rising, which then showed 'reveal key' for all the other games.


I have everything I want to play from the DoW bundle except for Retribution. Is it worth to get it just for that + all the cosmetic DLC? I don't expect I'll be playing it online...


What's the proper name of the pack? The closest I could find was "Warhammer 40,000 Dawn Of War The Complete Collection" and is, unsurprisingly (if it's the right one) unavailable.
Sitting here waiting for my download of Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition to finish (15 gigs) and of course the last two percent gets throttled to 59KB/s. :/

Cheers, you guys are rad. And to confirm what was said earlier, almost everything bar one or two things are Steam?

Everything but Dawn of War and Dawn of War: Dark Assault.


I thought I was out of coupons as I made 3 purchases already but I still get the $5 discount, so you should maybe try to see if you also have one.


I have at least one coupon left but can't seem to find anything I really want to spend it on. Hopefully some better deals will pop up before the month is out.


I have at least one coupon left but can't seem to find anything I really want to spend it on. Hopefully some better deals will pop up before the month is out.

I have 4 coupons and so far didn't use one because there is nothing that interests me or I don't own already.
i bought the THQ pack and i won't be needing these games. Will trade for Amazon GC

Metro 2033 - $1.50
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - $1.50
FYI for those who had the issue with DoW and the DLC pack yesterday here's what we're doing:

We'll be removing all the current keys for that title from your games and software library and replacing them with the correct key.

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