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AMD positively bitch-slaps Intel with Doom 3

It ain't pretty. No sir, not at all.



Obcourse if you don't have top of the line video cards, it's less of an issue, but DAY-UM! It's almost as if AMD bought Carmack few dozen teenage sex slaves during D3 dev period.


I would have liked to have seen a chart for tests done at 1600x1200, I mean.. if you have a 6800 Ultra then you're going to be playing it at that res. I think the AMD chips would not have showed up Intel's so much at that resolution.


How is AMD's multimedia performance? I just purchased an A64 3000+ and I'm not going to use it much for games. I bought it with an ATI 9600 SE, which I heard was a crap card but hey it was cheap.
"I would have liked to have seen a chart for tests done at 1600x1200, I mean.. if you have a 6800 Ultra then you're going to be playing it at that res"



You would be unable to get an accurate CPU comparison at 1600x1200 because the game would be GPU limited at that resolution.


Akira said:
How is AMD's multimedia performance? I just purchased an A64 3000+ and I'm not going to use it much for games. I bought it with an ATI 9600 SE, which I heard was a crap card but hey it was cheap.

Define multimedia performance. If you talking about decoding stuff, then it's pretty much a non-issue since it is so freaking fast. If you are talking about encoding, then it depends on the software. If software don't utilitzed optimizations such as SSE/SSE2/3DNOW/etc....., then the Athlon64 pretty much kill the P4. If the software uses optimization, then the P4 will edge out on the Athlon64.
DSN2K said:
AMD always performed better with games.

Yeah, but AMD's $175 CPU outperformed Intel's $900 one (3.2EE P4 vs A64 3000+)!

Let me repeat that:

AMD's $175 CPU outperformed Intel's $900 one!
XMonkey said:
*cries for his Athlon XP at 1.75GHz and 9700 Pro*

1024x768 High Quality...don't think so now...

If it makes you feel any better, I'll be playing it @ 640x480 medium detail with my 2600+ GF4 Ti 4200 combo.
Stryder said:
I would have liked to have seen a chart for tests done at 1600x1200, I mean.. if you have a 6800 Ultra then you're going to be playing it at that res. I think the AMD chips would not have showed up Intel's so much at that resolution.
Don't textures start to look warped/skewed at around 1024-1280 range?


I'm starting to read a bit about CPUs and such.

The A64's seem like a no brainer for any gamer.

I read about AMD pricing the A64 2800+ lower, down to the XP 3200+ (so that the CPU+MB combo is priced relatively the same), to get more people to check it out. Obviously there is a big performance diff with games like DOOM 3.

I would have liked to have seen a chart for tests done at 1600x1200, I mean.. if you have a 6800 Ultra then you're going to be playing it at that res. I think the AMD chips would not have showed up Intel's so much at that resolution.

You may be right, when looking at the 1280 by 1024 benches, you see the AMDs losing 20fps, while the highest Intel loses only 10 fps. It looks like the trend would be that these would be closer and closer in performance as the resolution gets higher.

But the price difference is what makes these benches so staggering. Even if the high end 64s equaled the performance of the fastest P4s...there's still some ownage going on, on the part of AMD.
Fight for Freeform said:
You may be right, when looking at the 1280 by 1024 benches, you see the AMDs losing 20fps, while the highest Intel loses only 10 fps. It looks like the trend would be that these would be closer and closer in performance as the resolution gets higher.

Are you soft in the head? It's already been explained several times that at that resolution, it's GPU limited.
So when do the A64 4000+ chips come out? I'm just holding off on upgrading until I can get a processor that breaks that 4 GHz barrier, even if it's in name only. No, I'm serious.


Good, I wanted an admission before explaining it :)

If someone came to me and said "I have a 6800 and I want to get a CPU (w/ mobo) that would run it well at 1600 by 1200 resolution", I'd tell him that the performance would be about the same. What is not the same, is the price, so I'd recommend the A64s.

You tend to miss the point a lot of times, don't worry about it bro.
Fight for Freeform said:
Good, I wanted an admission before explaining it :)

If someone came to me and said "I have a 6800 and I want to get a CPU (w/ mobo) that would run it well at 1600 by 1200 resolution", I'd tell him that the performance would be about the same. What is not the same, is the price, so I'd recommend the A64s.

You tend to miss the point a lot of times, don't worry about it bro.

That fine and all, but this is actually what you said:

You may be right, when looking at the 1280 by 1024 benches, you see the AMDs losing 20fps, while the highest Intel loses only 10 fps. It looks like the trend would be that these would be closer and closer in performance as the resolution gets higher.

Bait and switch arguments = pathetic.


Fight for Freeform said:
If someone came to me and said "I have a 6800 and I want to get a CPU (w/ mobo) that would run it well at 1600 by 1200 resolution", I'd tell him that the performance would be about the same.

If you knew what you were talking about you would tell the person that at this resolution even the 6800GT is limiting performance... Once a video card faster than the 6800GT comes out you'll see the A64 trumping the P4 again. So processor performance is definitely not the same.


What are bait and switch arguements?

If you knew what you were talking about you would tell the person that at this resolution even the 6800GT is limiting performance... Once a video card faster than the 6800GT comes out you'll see the A64 trumping the P4 again. So processor performance is definitely not the same.

Hey, if they could choose from any videocard, the situation would be different.

But just like any experiment, you have some constants, and in this case, the constant was the videocard. What was being tested against this card was the performance of a single game at different resolutions.

When testing videocards, sites like anandtech and Tom's Hardware use the same CPU/RAM setup, but with different videocards. It's the other way around. The CPU is the constant, while the different videocards are being tested.
Fight for Freeform said:
What are bait and switch arguements?

Maybe not the right term, but your explaination of the "point" has nothing to do with the stupidity of your original statement. You switched the argument.


Maybe not the right term, but your explaination of the "point" has nothing to do with the stupidity of your original statement.

I think you're getting your panties in a bunch over nothing. The original statement asserts that if a benchmark was taken at higher resolutions, that performance would be about the same (between the 64s and the fastest P4). It's a prediction on my part, based on the trend.

If you really think that this isn't the case, feel free to show me why. Otherwise just keep quiet.
Fight for Freeform said:
I think you're getting your panties in a bunch over nothing. The original statement asserts that if a benchmark was taken at higher resolutions, that performance would be about the same (between the 64s and the fastest P4). It's a prediction on my part, based on the trend.

If you really think that this isn't the case, feel free to show me why. Otherwise just keep quiet.

My panties say: your "point" was so obvious that it crossed deep into the realm of stupidity.

"Durrr~~ if you keep staring at the sun, you'll probably go blind." Except your point wasn't as practical.


Fight for Freeform said:
Hey, if they could choose from any videocard, the situation would be different.

But just like any experiment, you have some constants [...]

It's not about having a constant testing environment but about eliminating factors that influence performance apart from the tested component as far as possible. Running this test at resolutions where video card performance influences the outcome would obviously be moronic when you want to test the CPU.

So any assessment on different performance when adding a limiting factor is obviously telling nothing about the original performance that is being tested. This prediction has got nothing to do with the original testing goal and is thus moot.

Edit: Or to make it more clear, your statement is like looking at a car model top speed comparison and saying "well, if you let these cars tow a 5 ton trailer with tightened parking brake, they all can't go faster than 30mph". While true, it's moot.


FX-53 is the best CPU average consumer can buy. Intel needs to drastically change their CPU design.


Don't forget that AMD slashed prices this week of the Athlon 64 3500+ Thirty Percent from 520 dollars to 360 dollars!


Well, I'm pushing my PC2700 RAM as far as I can right now (I have the ram running at 400MHZ on 3/3 setting at 200 X 12). I can't go much futher without corruption problems in Windows. I'm going to pick up some faster rated ram soon (466MHZ) to see how far I can push the FSB.


Oh ya. A64 3000+ is totally the cpu to go. The 3200+ is $50 for just 200MHz difference, totally not worth it. I'm *extremely* happy with my A64 purchase, and surprisingly it came after very little research, it just felt right. I love getting my purchases validated by the fact it beats out something hundreds of dollars more expensive :D


rastex said:
Oh ya. A64 3000+ is totally the cpu to go. The 3200+ is $50 for just 200MHz difference, totally not worth it. I'm *extremely* happy with my A64 purchase, and surprisingly it came after very little research, it just felt right. I love getting my purchases validated by the fact it beats out something hundreds of dollars more expensive :D

Yeah, once the PCI-E boards filter themselves out I'm definitely hopping on the A64 bandwagon.


What's a good socket 754 motherboard? :) Please, I'm being serious. :p

Asus K8V Deluxe K8T800?
Abit KV8-MAX3 K8T800?


Drexon said:
What's a good socket 754 motherboard? :) Please, I'm being serious. :p

Asus K8V Deluxe K8T800?
Abit KV8-MAX3 K8T800?

MSI Neo2
DFI Ultra
Lots of good motherboards just these ones stand out.


Anandtech has a really good review on the socket754 motherboards.

Personally I went with the Abit k8t800-Pro. The only real difference between that and the Max3 is the inclusion of FireWire, and I can purchase a firewire card for $10. The price diff between the Pro and the Max is about $40 so it wasn't worth it to me. If you're gonna be doing some serious overclocking then the Abit mobos also have problems because something or other is locked. I don't know the specific details, just that it's not good for serious overclocking.

The other boards that were recommended don't have those problems, however, on newegg they're about $50 more. Since I'm not gonna be doing any overclocking (nothing significant anyway) then the $50 was also unnecessary. The K8T800-Pro is only $105 or something on NewEgg which is damn cheap.

Read the Anandtech article and also read the customer reviews on NewEgg because I think it was teh MSI board has been "hit and miss" in that some of them have problems.


My panties say: your "point" was so obvious that it crossed deep into the realm of stupidity.

"Durrr~~ if you keep staring at the sun, you'll probably go blind." Except your point wasn't as practical.

It took you 5 posts to make your point. Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with your original comment, where you state that performance in limited by the GPU (what does that have to do with how you feel my comment was obvious?). So is this what a bait and hook arguement is?

I'll drop it...obviously you have some issues, I'll let you solve them yourself.

It's not about having a constant testing environment but about eliminating factors that influence performance apart from the tested component as far as possible. Running this test at resolutions where video card performance influences the outcome would obviously be moronic when you want to test the CPU.

So any assessment on different performance when adding a limiting factor is obviously telling nothing about the original performance that is being tested. This prediction has got nothing to do with the original testing goal and is thus moot.

Edit: Or to make it more clear, your statement is like looking at a car model top speed comparison and saying "well, if you let these cars tow a 5 ton trailer with tightened parking brake, they all can't go faster than 30mph". While true, it's moot.

I guess the issue is that we are looking at it from different perspectives. I'm looking at it from a consumer perspective, specifically those consumers who already bought a videocard and want to upgrade their CPU/mobo. You are looking at it from a testing perspective, where the main focus is to test each CPU to simply find out what's more powerful. I work at BB so maybe this is why I have a different perspective. People come up to me, and they've already bought a new CPU, or bought a new videocard. They aren't willing to buy another videocard or CPU, even if it's the bottleneck in their system. I have to recommend something that will do them well, despite the restrictions they may have.
WTF is a AMD Sempron processor?

I may have been out of the loop since Sledgehammer(a64 series) hit the scene... but it's the first time I heard about them.


The Bookerman said:
WTF is a AMD Sempron processor?

I may have been out of the loop since Sledgehammer(a64 series) hit the scene... but it's the first time I heard about them.

It's their low-budget, 32-bit chip, to compete with the Celeron. Basically the Duron replacement.


TheGreenGiant said:
are dual athlon mobos out yet? I will buy one if there's one on the market.

Unless you want to get an expensive Opteron, your only other choice is an older Athlon MP 2800+ Barton. They're still pretty expensive for being a year old, at about $170.
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