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American GIs pose and smile for photo with dead Afghan civilians

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That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
well he agreed to plead guilty, that's a big difference for starters


Joey Fox said:
I don't like our military members being called GI's, but that's beside the point.
Why is that?
Just curious...

Also, smh at 8 years/3 murders and 'he's the first one up, so he gets the best deal! Works out to his advantage!!!' WTF? If this guy is the mastermind and the worst of the bunch, why the fuck should he get the best deal?
IIRC, Morlock was the one who whistleblew the whole killing sprees. It's probably why he only gets a maximum of 8 years. The ringleader is actually ssgt Gibbs. Hopefully that guy gets a very long sentence.


xxracerxx said:
What the fuck? You do know the claim is that they killed civilians and also posed with their bodies?

The claim in incorrect brother. They were/are terrorist/Taliban. Let the hunters hunt and let the trophies be mounted.


What is there left to say at this point? Like everyone else has already said; just get the fuck out already!

GucciCane said:
The claim in incorrect brother. They were/are terrorist.
Aw, someone's never graduating from junior status. :(


aku:jiki said:
What is there left to say at this point? Like everyone else has already said; just get the fuck out already!

Aw, someone's never graduating from junior status. :(

Survey says...LOL


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Dude Abides said:
But that's what a professional army is supposed to do - maintain professionalism and some sense of being civilized even in a war zone.

This. Anything less is a gross breach of the trust the American people put into us and violation of what we're supposed to stand for. It's disgusting, inhuman and an atrocity that should not go unpunished or forgiven.


GucciCane said:
The claim in incorrect brother. They were/are terrorist/Taliban. Let the hunters hunt and let the trophies be mounted.

according to your logic it would be ok if Talibans pose in front of dead GIs


Teh Hamburglar said:

Got off easy. 8 years before parole? I hope he is denied.

Thats ok everyone in the military turns into a demon sooner or later can't expect him not to snap.


(Today, 03:04 PM)

effzee said:
Thats ok everyone in the military turns into a demon sooner or later can't expect him not to snap.
Huh? What's the funny part about what you said?
I don't get it...
We need to get out of there.

No one cares about that war any more. We don't have the money. It is a multi-decade nation-building project . . . better known as a 'quagmire'. And if we are still there 10 years from now, there will still be nuts shooting at our soldiers.


I'm really shocked at how little attention this is getting. I guess with the Middle East and Japan it's hard to, but damn, this is one of the worst stories to come out of the wars.


ToxicAdam said:
I'm really shocked at how little attention this is getting. I guess with the Middle East and Japan it's hard to, but damn, this is one of the worst stories to come out of the wars.
Because while the info that Teh Hamburgler has posted is new to the case, the incident is old news. That's what I am guessing anyway. I was telling the guy next to me about it and he was, like, "Oh wait, isn't this the one where they killed him with the grenade? That's old, man."
Upon researching it, these are the same guys who were alleged to have been keeping remains such as fingers from their victims.

So the new news is interesting and relevant to some, but maybe that is why it's not making the rounds too much, is because it is a case that already got quite a bit of coverage.


Hypothetically speaking if the roles were reversed, the world would be up in arms.

Sad, but true.

For their crimes they should be court martialed and killed.
Meus Renaissance said:


Spiegel reportedly has 4,000 of these images.

Ugh, could have just posted the links. Not exactly SFW material there.
The third image is bad too but WTF has happened in those first two images?

I'm glad these images have come out, hopefully the outrage ensures each of these bastards serves the full sentence.


"kill team"

What the fuck is that other than another name for a death squad.

Jesus Christ. The military leadership needs to be replaced with people who have integrity.

Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower are spinning in their graves.
What's the point of military training if soldiers are gonna act like cunts anyway. Then people wonder why the rest of the world have such a bleak view on America..


FStop7 said:
"kill team"

What the fuck is that other than another name for a death squad.

Jesus Christ. The military leadership needs to be replaced with people who have integrity.

Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower are spinning in their graves.

Eisenhower...You kidding me? The generals of WW2 were way more ruthless than any General in the US army is today.


Don't completely blame them. The Afghan people give them shit for doing their jobs, and then get their buddies killed by aiding the enemy (either directly, or by withholding information).
FStop7 said:
"kill team"

What the fuck is that other than another name for a death squad.

Jesus Christ. The military leadership needs to be replaced with people who have integrity.

Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower are spinning in their graves.
Well, they are trained killers. That's what combat troops are trained for, to kill.

However, this is a disgusting and completely heinous act and the troops involved should be dealt with swift justice.
Dabookerman said:
What's the point of military training if soldiers are gonna act like cunts anyway. Then people wonder why the rest of the world have such a bleak view on America..

Yes, because every american soldier engages in this type of behavior and NEVER has any other country had soldiers act unethically. Fuck america.


Arcane Hayter said:
Who gives a shit anymore? I mean really?
You can't send men into hell and expect them not to turn in to demons.
Get them the fuck out of there already, jeez.
I agree with this post, I've heard for worse stories from WW2. Just imagine the if digital camera's were around back then.


Oh, I wish modern media existed in the 1940s. This fake nostalgia bred by brainwashed idyllic images of WW2 is ridiculous.

(disclosure: I think Afghanistan is completely done and it's time to leave, and that it was naturally not as "worthy" a cause as WW2; don't have sympathy for the Afghanis, however)

[edit] Beaten, thank you LuckyMoon — some sanity.

If only Americans could be more like Afghanis. I'm sure, then, that soldiers would carry out war in an honorable and tasteful fashion.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Utako said:
Oh, I wish modern media existed in the 1940s. This fake nostalgia bred by brainwashed idyllic images of WW2 is ridiculous.

(disclosure: I think Afghanistan is completely done and it's time to leave, and that it was naturally not as "worthy" a cause as WW2; don't have sympathy for the Afghanis, however)

[edit] Beaten, thank you LuckyMoon — some sanity.

If only Americans could be more like Afghanis. I'm sure, then, that soldiers would carry out war in an honorable and tasteful fashion.
I'm sure the killers would agree wholeheartedly with you.


And to think people see nothing wrong with this. How are they not as bad as sympathizers of Al Quida?

Edit: (Im focusing on this as a isolated instance of deranged soldiers - not the nation. Hence ref with terrorists)


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
I'm sure the killers would agree wholeheartedly with you.
Who, the soldiers? On what, exactly — the typical modern westerner's take on World War 2? I doubt it, they have the same shit pounded into them.

Beam said:
This is the kind of behavior that hurts coalition forces, and turn the Afghani people against them.
It's a little more chicken-egg than that.

Soldiers go to war, get treated like shit and get killed by locals.
Soldiers lose all respect for locals, think they're just as bad as the guys shooting guns.
Locals, outraged, treat soldiers like shit and get them killed.


Utako said:
It's a little more chicken-egg than that.

Soldiers go to war, get treated like shit and get killed by locals.
Soldiers lose all respect for locals, think they're just as bad as the guys shooting guns.
Locals, outraged, treat soldiers like shit and get them killed.

You missed out the bit where the soldiers butcher civilians.


Utako said:
Soldiers go to war, get treated like shit and get killed by locals.
Soldiers lose all respect for locals, think they're just as bad as the guys shooting guns.
Locals, outraged, treat soldiers like shit and get them killed.


Also, some people just flips out in war and cannot maintain mental stability. Its always been that way and it will always be that way. Some people just cannot handle shooting people or seeing their friends getting killed.
Sealda said:

Also, some people just flips out in war and cannot maintain mental stability. Its always been that way and it will always be that way. Some people just cannot handle shooting people or seeing their friends getting killed.

Pretty much, it's a very subjective thing of "how much you can handle" so to speak. There are mental exams but how do you know that they don't start having problems before that? In no way are these actions right but some are definitely changed by the situation they are in everyday. War has always has terrible consequences like this.
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