Holy shit that was awesome! Easily one of the top episodes of the season. Wow. Thredson is dead, leaving the monsignor and the aliens as the only villains left. And I guess Dylan McBloodyFace too.
Let's see, where does that leave us?
*Lana is free and the baby is born. I could see the breastfeeding scene as being her final scene on the show.
*Kit is at home with Grace/baby and Alma/baby. Drama! And we still don't know what the aliens are up to.
*Jude has been declared dead and is rotting in a cell. The Monsignor is stewing.
*All the prominent inmates/patients have disappeared from Briarcliff.
*Future Bloody Face is raging and will probably go after Lana and mess her up. Like father like son.
And the scene where Lana flips Thredson off while driving away was the fist pumpiest moment of the whole series.
Looks like she's aiming for her nose.
Can't unsee!
Oh yeah, and tonight's episode had some really fun lines:
"I got a rockin' body and a titty full of milk."
"I may be tough, but I'm no cookie."