My first question would be, how do children travel to school/other activities?
Children need more than 60min of physical activity a day. If you don't have a built environment where walking/cycling to school or just playing outside isn't a viable option, that is hard to accomplish. Even in PE classes and sports clubs the amount of real activity is much less than what the allocated hours would suggest as much time is used in instruction and other things.
Second question: How long are the recesses between classes in school and what do children do during them?
Is playing or doing sports with friends possible within short proximity of the home, where children can go independently?
If you have the right environment, the children will get more than enough physical activity every day. Mostly because that's what children do; run around, play and explore their surroundings. And that is one important factor in overall fitness I believe.
When I was in elementary school my parents didn't let me walk to school even though it was a 10 minute walk there. Cell phones were very expensive at the time so that was way out of the question and while I didn't live in an awful neighborhood, it wouldn't want to walk it alone at that age. My middle and high school I took a bus which picked up and dropped me off at the elementary school I went to and from there I would walk home or go to a friend's house.
Remembering back to elementary school, we barely had any recess. We did a lot in Kindergarten but that's mostly cause my Kindergarten teacher didn't teach us shit. I was mostly in the advanced and high level classes growing up so recess was definitely out of the picture. And just due to the size of my school it was hard anyway cause there was just so many kids there. Recess was more of a reward thanot something mandatory. So when we did have Recess (maybe once or twice a month) it was very special to us.
And even the PE special (which was only 30 minutes to begin with anyway) was taken away from my 4th and 5th grade class (along with Music special) in order for us to have extra math and reading reviews. Years later looking back at my elementary school the basketball courts are not in use anymore and most of the fields are gone now because they had to put more portables on the basketball courts and the fields so they could have more classes.
I was also in aftercare in elementary school so we did get to go outside for a while during that time. I was a fat, uncoordinated kid back then so I didn't really play any sports during that outside time. I do remember me and friends playing a lot of fake dragon Ball Z and hitting each other a lot and playing a lot of kick ball and Dodge ball. When it came to mandatory sports during after care like Basketball and Football I always got picked last. So because of aftercare when I got home was about 6:30-7 and pretty much I just relaxed until I had to go to bed (since they made us do homework during aftercare).
You can take what I say with a grain of salt cause every experience is going to be different but there's a huge lack of physical activity or even free time during the average student's day. And if you're not in PE in middle school or high school? You can just pretty much forget about going outside unless there's like a special project or something.