If you only walked, you didn't do much work
If people walked everywhere all the time, we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic.
Walking is an effective way to lose weight.
If you only walked, you didn't do much work
hell no
they are dramatically shorter than south Koreans after only half a century of isolation because most people had their growth stunted from not eating. If we were judging North Koreans purely on body image, they'd still be unfit, because they tend to have distended bellies from starving to death.
Not really, no
They are not all starving all the time. It's a communist country, forced atheletic drill is part of it. I wouldn#t be so sure about this one.Nah.
starvation, malnutrition, stress. I seriously doubt it lol.
Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list
1. Tanzania (by fricken miles)
2. Iceland
3. Estonia
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Denmark
7. Czech Republic
8. Finland
9. Cote d'lvoire
10. Morocco
11. France
12. Lithuania
13. Benin
14. Djibouti
15. Mauritius
16. Slovakia
17. Germany
18. Senegal
19. Canada
20. Turkey
21. UK
22. Poland
23. Suriname
24. Belgium
25. China
26. Sweden
27. Austria
28. Netherlands
29. Spain
30. South Africa
31. Switzerland
32. Uganda
33. Seychelles
34. Columbia
35. Australia
36. Hungary
37. Italy
38. Hong Kong
39. Chile
40. Argentina
41. Philippines
42. Greece
43. Portugal
44. Brazil
45. Cyprus
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
48. Latvia
49. Peru
50. Mexico
If people walked everywhere all the time, we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic.
Walking is an effective way to lose weight.
Looking at the countries at the top, I'm guessing the answer is fish, fish, fish, fish, fish.
Culture plays a part in it, in African countries people walk or run everywhere..so that Tanzania tops the list doesn't surprise me.
I'm sure fish also makes them better runners![]()
You don't say
Income inequality and food (these two are already very connected though).
That has changed a long time ago in the west.Poor people are traditionally skinny. One of the reasons why being overweight was considered attractive in the middle ages.
It's definitely not because of income inequality.
Yo, if thats North Korea ahead of the states then im speechless
Then why arent Djibouti, Uganda and Senegal further up?
I mean...if you're overweight then you could definitely function with less. Step one could be to fill your stomach with less calories. With more vegetables for example.Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
Greens veggies? He will still be starving. Green veggies don't satiate.I mean...if you're overweight then you could definitely function with less. Step one could be to fill your stomach with less calories. With more vegetables for example.
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
We went from a culture where presidents fat-shamed kids to an obesity/fitness epidemic. No cold war made us soft
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
Then why arent Djibouti, Uganda and Senegal further up?
I dunno but perhaps there are factors that bring them down.
Here we go with the carbophobia lol.
I can assure that the kids in those fit countries eat tons of carbs. Japan loves their rice for example.
Blaming carbs is way too simplistic of analysis here.
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
Honestly I get it, Mexico. Your food is delicious. I eat Mexican food at least twice a week
Too much football and not enough soccer I reckon
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
You could have diabetes.
Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list
1. Tanzania (by fricken miles)
2. Iceland
3. Estonia
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Denmark
7. Czech Republic
8. Finland
9. Cote d'lvoire
10. Morocco
11. France
12. Lithuania
13. Benin
14. Djibouti
15. Mauritius
16. Slovakia
17. Germany
18. Senegal
19. Canada
20. Turkey
21. UK
22. Poland
23. Suriname
24. Belgium
25. China
26. Sweden
27. Austria
28. Netherlands
29. Spain
30. South Africa
31. Switzerland
32. Uganda
33. Seychelles
34. Columbia
35. Australia
36. Hungary
37. Italy
38. Hong Kong
39. Chile
40. Argentina
41. Philippines
42. Greece
43. Portugal
44. Brazil
45. Cyprus
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
48. Latvia
49. Peru
50. Mexico
So, the key is less red meat, perhaps?
Fish meat is the most healthy meat, and it's everywhere. People should eat fish more
Er, or maybe not so much more. Fish population is already at a risk of extinction on a global scale.
So, the key is less red meat, perhaps?
Fish meat is the most healthy meat, and it's everywhere. People should eat fish more.
That is normally severed as a side dish. No one would ever eat the whole bowl.
So, the key is less red meat, perhaps?
Fish meat is the most healthy meat, and it's everywhere. People should eat fish more.