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American kids are among the world's least fit.

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Not surprising at all. Would be more patriotic if USA was at the bottom, so it's #1 in something.

When you watch cooking shows, you see people are judged on presentation, taste, and creativity with emphasis on taste. Outside of those competitions, you see shows about some greasy food that cause diabetes. No one encourages to cook healthy nor eat healthy because winners aren't seen eating healthy.

A lot of city dwellers don't cook because they eat out all the time, and residences they live have very tiny kitchens and fridges which discourages cooking. Space, fat splatter, and cleanup are things that people don't want to deal, especially after long work days.

For other people, they live in the suburbs and drive. America built its cities around the car, not public transportation. Many sit in their cars for hours a day, so Americans don't really walk. Need to go to the grocery? Drive. Need to go to the hardware store? Drive. Need to go see a friend? Drive.

Here in GAF, people write about fast food threads all the time and post homecooking is so bland. They also obsess over snacks and soda for some odd reason.


Unconfirmed Member
hell no

they are dramatically shorter than south Koreans after only half a century of isolation because most people had their growth stunted from not eating. If we were judging North Koreans purely on body image, they'd still be unfit, because they tend to have distended bellies from starving to death.
Not really, no

starvation, malnutrition, stress. I seriously doubt it lol.
They are not all starving all the time. It's a communist country, forced atheletic drill is part of it. I wouldn#t be so sure about this one.
Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list

1. Tanzania (by fricken miles)
2. Iceland
3. Estonia
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Denmark
7. Czech Republic
8. Finland
9. Cote d'lvoire
10. Morocco
11. France
12. Lithuania
13. Benin
14. Djibouti
15. Mauritius
16. Slovakia
17. Germany
18. Senegal
19. Canada
20. Turkey
21. UK
22. Poland
23. Suriname
24. Belgium
25. China
26. Sweden
27. Austria
28. Netherlands
29. Spain
30. South Africa
31. Switzerland
32. Uganda
33. Seychelles
34. Columbia
35. Australia
36. Hungary
37. Italy
38. Hong Kong
39. Chile
40. Argentina
41. Philippines
42. Greece
43. Portugal
44. Brazil
45. Cyprus
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
48. Latvia
49. Peru
50. Mexico


Looking at the countries at the top, I'm guessing the answer is fish, fish, fish, fish, fish.
No exercise.
Overly processed/refined (bad) food.
Insufficient sleep.

Stemming from deregulated multinational corporations with little to no oversight and nothing but short term profits as a motive. And I mean all of those things above stem back to that.

Our work/life balance drives our sedentary, convenience oriented lifestyle. Over stimulation from these modern conveniences (fast food, stimulants, pervasive media) in combination with unrealistic expectations from work/school equals very high stress which also leads to insomnia and/or poor sleeping habits.

This place is fucked relative to other industrialized nations in terms of quality of life.

This 'test' only means that a country has decided to measure it's standards of 'being fit' by using an arbitrary running test instead of measuring more credible health markers.


Considering that...

"More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity. Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese."

...who's surprised?


Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.


Unconfirmed Member
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.
I mean...if you're overweight then you could definitely function with less. Step one could be to fill your stomach with less calories. With more vegetables for example.


I mean...if you're overweight then you could definitely function with less. Step one could be to fill your stomach with less calories. With more vegetables for example.
Greens veggies? He will still be starving. Green veggies don't satiate.


Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.

From an underweight person, a reasonable meal for me would be one cup of rice, one chicken breast, and a little salad or spinach.
Combo of everpresent fast food + irrational fears of helicopter parents + decrease in stigma towards being in front of a screen for hours.

If you have kids, good ideas are:

1. Limit fast food to no more than once a week, keep excess candy/sugary snacks out of the house. If you eat healthy, yours kids will stand a better chance of following suit.

2. Once they're 8-10 years old, have your kids walk or bike to school. There's a mountain of research out there that shows kids are much, much safer walking than being driven. Also, stop listening to the news, which is brimming with sensationalist nonsense.

3. Limit gaming/computer time to 2-ish hours a day. If your neighborhood makes it possible, boot them out into the streets to play around for at least an hour a day. Even with no other kids around, a walk around the block will do them good.

Honestly, the "free-range" approach is the future and solves all of our modern society's social ineptitude/physical conditioning issues.


Unreliable data.

While it's not a secret that the US has a number of challenges with childhood obesity, it's also not a secret that Kenya and Tanzania share a tremendous amount of similarities -- a lot of which have to do with child care and child upbringing. It would be like creating a top 20 list titled "Countries that Love Ice Hockey", and then placing the US at #1, with absolutely no mention or inclusion of Canada on the list.


Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.

You could have diabetes.


Here we go with the carbophobia lol.

I can assure that the kids in those fit countries eat tons of carbs. Japan loves their rice for example.

Blaming carbs is way too simplistic of analysis here.

Yup. For millenia humanity rose through the use of cheap carbs to fuel energy and sustenance. No longer did they need to slaughter animals to the point of extinction to survive but could survive year round on rice, bread, grains, starchy vegetables like potatoes. Blaming weight gain on carbs ignores what you brought up. Why aren't the Japanese morbidly obese eating rice as a staple food for almost anything? Indians and Middle Easterners who eat cooked dough with their food, even Italians with their love of pasta, pizza and breads do not have obesity rates like the US, UK do.

Low carb can help if you are obese already because you are probably eating a shit ton of poor carbs through sugar laden food, processed foods. I think obese parents and parents of obese children need to be held more accountable. They are literally teaching their kids the wrong thing and pretty much sentencing them to a life full of obesity and the related issues. It is why dieting fails as people grow up with bad habits, lack of exercise and fitness in their life, never experiencing portion control, healthy eating. Instead little Timmy will be given 10 piece chicken nuggets and a big mac for after school being driven home so he can go in his room and lie on his bed and pkay video games or be on his phone and tablet, eat sleep rinse repeat. Team sports participation is down so much as well.
Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.

Eat more high-quality protein and less processed/refined carbohydrates. Eat a moderate amount of healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter from strictly pastur-fed cows, etc.).

That should help out.


I'm disappointed in the aussie kids being so low ranked, yet looking at some of the chunky little fuckers in my son's class, I'm not surprised.


Not surprised since America has an insanely large selection of cheap fast food restaurants.

As a Canadian, I'm mad jelly.


Yeah I'm Singaporean and I went to America for awhile and here's my observations:

Fast Food fries and drink size were all a size larger than what we have.
Free flow soda were the norm, without noticing, you will just drink more and more. In Singapore, free flow drinks are rare.
So many choices of soda, yet non soda, non sugary drinks were hard to find, I had to travel to the Asian market to buy it.
Candy section were insanely huge and colourful, I've never seen both isles stocked top to bottom with so many different kinds of snacks and candies.

I saw a parent buying for each of their kids an ice cream and was like, my parents definitely wouldn't buy that for me, or at least we share the ice cream. There, the kids were all having their own portion and it was kind of a cultural shock haha.

I think the fast food there by itself wouldn't make you that fat, but it's the amount of soda and candy indulged that causes the epidemic.
Cheap food is usually bad for you.

Restaurant portions are insane + people cook less often.

Indoor hobbies are becoming more and more common.

Fat people raise fat kids.
So, the key is less red meat, perhaps?
Fish meat is the most healthy meat, and it's everywhere. People should eat fish more.

Overweight American here, I keep seeing portions mentioned a lot in this thread. Please educate me on what a reasonably portioned meal is supposed to look like. Cause I feel hungry for most of the day and I can't imagine eating even less and still functioning well.

You could have diabetes.

Yup, that's the first red flag for diabetes. Better visit a doctor soon.


Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list

1. Tanzania (by fricken miles)
2. Iceland
3. Estonia
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Denmark
7. Czech Republic
8. Finland
9. Cote d'lvoire
10. Morocco
11. France
12. Lithuania
13. Benin
14. Djibouti
15. Mauritius
16. Slovakia
17. Germany
18. Senegal
19. Canada
20. Turkey
21. UK
22. Poland
23. Suriname
24. Belgium
25. China
26. Sweden
27. Austria
28. Netherlands
29. Spain
30. South Africa
31. Switzerland
32. Uganda
33. Seychelles
34. Columbia
35. Australia
36. Hungary
37. Italy
38. Hong Kong
39. Chile
40. Argentina
41. Philippines
42. Greece
43. Portugal
44. Brazil
45. Cyprus
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
48. Latvia
49. Peru
50. Mexico


Sad to see Australia such low on the list.


They should teach real football at school, it's a good HIIT sport and not very expensive to play, just need a ball.

Edit: Carbs aren't the enemy, Sugar is.


So, the key is less red meat, perhaps?
Fish meat is the most healthy meat, and it's everywhere. People should eat fish more.

Nah the key is to eat good carbs and good fibers that are processed slowly by your metabolism. You get the minimum amount of proteins very easily if you don't work out regularly.
Not surprised Japan is #5. The amount of physical activity kids get here throughout school is kinda amazing. Until junior highschool its just fun playing outside for maybe 2-4 hours a day, maybe joining a younger sport activity. Junior high most join some kind of physical school activity for 2-4 hours about 4 or maybe 5 times a week, on top of class activity/ . Then following the same route in high school.

America gets rid of gym in essence by junior high school replacing it with an "official" gym class that basically is either "optional" activity or straight up uninteresting activities that accomplish nothing. Same in high school with its one gym class requirement (at least in georgia)


We have a lot of added sugar in the US. CDC recommends an amount per day that's less than a can of soda. You need to be a pretty conscious eater here to achieve that every day.


That is normally severed as a side dish. No one would ever eat the whole bowl.

That's the difference tho. Though that particular salad is an abomination, a pasta- mayo salad here is a dish. Not a side dish. A dish.

Same with Mac&Cheese, casseroles, etc.

Also, usually I and everyone I know, when cooking with an American recipe that uses butter and sugar cuts the amounts in half, at least. That's a thing I remember from eating there, everything, including salad dressings, being really, really sweet. And at least I don't know anyone who would drink soda daily, which seems to be a big problem there, too.

We have other issues though, if you look at the alcohol consumption chart (yay nr. 1!) and male life expectancy.


Study was RIGGED!

But, really. It's not hard to see what's causing this. People get addicted to this way of eating starting from when they are young.
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