Subpar Spatula
I blame all the serial killers who existed in the 50s, 60s, and 70s who scared today's parents into thinking the world isn't safe for children to play outside alone.
Subjects were evaluated using a multi-stage fitness test also known as the beep test. How it works: You run back and forth between two points 66 feet apart to synchronized beeps. The point where you cant reach the line before the beep, thats your level.
I think this picture is relevant to the discussion here. It's a school yard during February in northern Finland.
Stolen from this blog post, which covers physical activity:
It always raises my eyebrows to see people care so much about fastfood menus. Those constant OT threads in particular make me go "really?"
That's like a setup for a some kind of dare-challenge. Holy crap. Enough calories for a small village.
When I was a kid, I thought I was the fattest fuck around.
Now when I look at pictures from back then, I don't think I'm even close to approaching the average of today's little bloblings.
Fixed that for you![]()
Holy fuck
I've never, in my life, seen a salad like that before
she has the calorie count for her salad in the video... I'm counting along with it. The condiment alone is more than twice the calorie intake an average person should have for an entire day.
That's like a setup for a some kind of dare-challenge. Holy crap. Enough calories for a small village.
Almost 9000 calories, good fucking god.
It'd literally be healthier, and less sweet, to eat a full cup of sugar by itself.
after just spending 7 days in NY it shows
also no matter where we ate (tried a lot of different places) my mouth felt very salty, and I didn't pour salt on any of my meals lol
Why do you think this is?
Helicopter parenting and lack outdoor lifestyles? Car culture which limits mobility? The reduction of PE classes to fit more teach to test classes?
Canada is 19, btw. What are you doing North America?!
More info:
Was this fine dining, fast food, street food, or all the above?
mainly diners and mid-tier restaurants, no street food - that stuff looked horrid
That whole channel is fascinating
comments disabled lol
It's basically a suicide spread over a series of videos
I mean that sort of shit isn't normal even for the US is it?
Who else here knows that feel when youre the first out of the pacer/beeper despite not even being the fattest in the class
AMerican kids are just big boned.
Was this fine dining, fast food, street food, or all the above?
Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list
1. Tanzania (by fricken miles)
2. Iceland
3. Estonia
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Denmark
7. Czech Republic
8. Finland
9. Cote d'lvoire
10. Morocco
11. France
12. Lithuania
13. Benin
14. Djibouti
15. Mauritius
16. Slovakia
17. Germany
18. Senegal
19. Canada
20. Turkey
21. UK
22. Poland
23. Suriname
24. Belgium
25. China
26. Sweden
27. Austria
28. Netherlands
29. Spain
30. South Africa
31. Switzerland
32. Uganda
33. Seychelles
34. Columbia
35. Australia
36. Hungary
37. Italy
38. Hong Kong
39. Chile
40. Argentina
41. Philippines
42. Greece
43. Portugal
44. Brazil
45. Cyprus
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
48. Latvia
49. Peru
50. Mexico
I came into this thread to point out how I keep misreading the title as "least lit" and now I leave wanting to never eat food again because of this video.
Just in case anyone is interesting in knowing the full list
46. Republic of Korea
47. USA
You think North Koreans aren't fit?Yo, if thats North Korea ahead of the states then im speechless
Yo, if thats North Korea ahead of the states then im speechless
You think North Koreans aren't fit?
Anyways, U.S. problem with obesity lies with portions. They are absurdly large, far more than any other place I've ever been. The food itself is fine, it's that people eat a family portion themselves.
You think North Koreans aren't fit?
You think North Koreans aren't fit?
I just got back from my 3 1/2 mile walk, and merely watching that video has undone all the work I just did.
The route to the school is one thing, yes. The city that picture's taken in is quite flat, although Rovaniemi, which was covered in the blog post is hillier. On the other hand that school the picture's taken from is in quite low density suburban area.It's not so much the snow that is the issue, but the route to the school in snow. A partially plowed main road, with no shoulder that has been salted or sanded leaving a slushy mix on the sides is a whole lot more dangerous than dedicated bike paths or low traffic roads with ample shoulder room to ride.
A lot of places in the US could certainly and should offer better accommodations for bike travel, especially those that don't have to worry too much about winter conditions, but where I grew up it's simply not feasible due to the terrain and roads. It's incredibly spread out and hilly with dramatic changes in elevation over short distances and many roads don't have any room to expand or share space with cyclist as they're practically or literally carved out of the sides of hills. The main road which the school is on as well is technically a highway, albeit two lanes, but there are no shortage of 16-18 wheeler trucks passing by every few minutes as it's one of the only East-West routes across the state.