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American National Election Study: Racism motivated Trump voters

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I want to disagree with this. It's more complex than that.

There are otherwise intellectually proficient people who still rely on feelings and familiarity more than anything that may cause them pain or uncertainty.

Let's rephrase this:

"Some (Many?) Trump voters overlooked his fascist tendencies and Neo-Nazi core of supporters, because of their own prerogatives. Trump voters may not, themselves, be Nazis or White Supremecists, but they'll make common cause with them."


4-8 years is longer than you think. You need to take a look at what was happening post re-election, what could make certain folks choose a side, dig in their heels, or become resentful bastards. It's a lot of major shit. (and again, it's not SOLELY race related, but it's a huge component)

Since we're on a video game forum, how about exhibit A: JonTron. 2-time Obama voter. The why is easy to figure out.

And to add another dynamic into the mix, the "fake news" that conservatives or anti-Hillary people like JonTron formed their beliefs around pre-election were, in large part, created by liberals that were trying to get clicks for money write fake stories to show how "dumb" conservatives are. Meanwhile conservatives (and uneducated) are less adept at bothering to source-check news feeds, so the whole process is basically one of circular destruction. Who can really start pointing fingers for these bad beliefs?


As a follow up, here's a study that shows exactly how white people overreact to minorities in their communities:

People in homogenous groups respond to outsiders by turning conservative (Study)

The effect of intergroup contact has long been a question central to social scientists. As political and technological changes bring increased international migration, understanding intergroup contact is increasingly important to scientific and policy debates. Unfortunately, limitations in causal inference using observational data and the practical inability to experimentally manipulate demographic diversity has limited scholars’ ability to address the effects of intergroup contact. Here, I report the results of a randomized controlled trial testing the causal effects of repeated intergroup contact, in which Spanish-speaking confederates were randomly assigned to be inserted, for a period of days, into the daily routines of unknowing Anglo-whites living in homogeneous communities in the United States, thus simulating the conditions of demographic change. The result of this experiment is a significant shift toward exclusionary attitudes among treated subjects. This experiment demonstrates that even very minor demographic change causes strong exclusionary reactions. Developed nations and politically liberal subnational units are expected to experience a politically conservative shift as international migration brings increased intergroup contact


When you can't even have a conversation about the role of bigotry and prejudice in the election without someone coming in with the #notallTrumpvoters shtick.

Racial resentment largely fueled Trump's election, the vitriol after Obama's presidency was almost historic.

And sure, some Trump voters may have voted for Obama or at least not voted for his opposition/third party in past elections but those same voters prioritized hating "Killary" or focusing on single issues, enough to ignore all the god damn red flags that was Trump and his bigotry.

If you're willing to overlook that damage a man wants to do to minorities or the racism & sexism that the campaign was run on simply because of single issue, on some level you tolerated &/or tacitly approved of.

Can't believe we even need a study to link two things that were so damn obvious.


I want to disagree with this. It's more complex than that.

There are otherwise intellectually proficient people who still rely on feelings and familiarity more than anything that may cause them pain or uncertainty.

A very moronic thing to do given the widely available facts.


I'd just like to see democrats focusing on the right issues in order to win the next election.

Valid concern. There's always an uptick of people desperate for racism to be the "wrong" issue, though.

A very moronic thing to do given the widely available facts.

Feelings are powerful. To give up the way you see the world sometimes means to give up your very identity.


What in the world? I thought it was all about reasonable differences of opinion between two equally fair-minded factions!


Let's rephrase this:

"Some (Many?) Trump voters overlooked his fascist tendencies and Neo-Nazi core of supporters, because of their own prerogatives. Trump voters may not, themselves, be Nazis or White Supremecists, but they'll make common cause with them."

Right. They may not be dumb though. Just unconsciously self-serving.

As a follow up, here's a study that shows exactly how white people overreact to minorities in their communities:

People in homogenous groups respond to outsiders by turning conservative (Study)

Holy poop. Well, there you go. New things are threatening. You have to consciously turn off an innate survival instinct, and if you don't have the tools to do so, that instinct becomes your lifestyle.
Can someone edit this so that the lady says "Trumpets didn't vote because of racism" e: and have Mr Google set her straight?


Because this shit has been clear as day from jump street.

edit: the lady needs to remain a dumbass because it's pretty clear that racism was the defining factor.


Can someone edit this so that the lady says "Trumpets didn't vote because of racism"


Because this shit has been clear as day from jump street.

Umm the LADY? What I'm getting is that you may be unwittingly comparing anti-vaccination sentiment to the belief that racism was a factor in the election?

EDIT: Ohhhhhh sorry, "THE REASON Trumpets didn't vote, WASN'T because they were racist." A mite confusing.
Right. They may not be dumb though. Just unconsciously self-serving.

The Allies hanged collaborators with the same rope they hanged Nazi officers.

That Trump voters need to excuse their vote by pointing to the particular policy they agree with, rather than admitting they'll make common cause with Fascists isn't an extenuating circumstance; it's just a justification for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the David Duke's of the world.
Umm the LADY? What I'm getting is that you may be unwittingly comparing anti-vaccination sentiment to the belief that racism was a factor in the election?

EDIT: Ohhhhhh sorry, "THE REASON Trumpets didn't vote, WASN'T because they were racist." A mite confusing.

Yeah it worked better in my head than I wrote it, bahaha.

I want the lady to remain a dumbass.


Now we just need a "This is why the Democrats will lose in 2020" study in response to the OP to complete the thread.


The Allies hanged collaborators with the same rope they hanged Nazi officers.

That Trump voters need to excuse their vote by pointing to the particular policy they agree with, rather than admitting they'll make common cause with Fascists isn't an extenuating circumstance; it's just a justification for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the David Duke's of the world.

I was just disputing the claim that they were "fucking morons."

My sisters, mom, and brother are certainly not "fucking morons." Just trapped in the environments they find comfortable. I'm not acquitting them of their actions and ignorance; I'm trying to see them as human beings who think they are loving people and treating them the right way.


Democrats need to slide slightly right in 2020 by going anti abortion, pro jesus, pro cop killing blacks, and maybe a little anti mexican. Maybe not all, but 3 out of the 4 "opinions."
I was just disputing the claim that they were "fucking morons."

My sisters, mom, and brother are certainly not "fucking morons." Just trapped in the environments they find comfortable. I'm not acquitting them of their actions and ignorance; I'm trying to see them as human beings who think they are loving people and treating them the right way.

Yup, here is the same sort of blind-spot many White families face: They're too cowardly to call-out kin, and even less capable of ostracizing those same fascist boot-lickers because they claim, "they're such nice people, once you get past the fact they prefer to be governed by Nazis"

Do better...


Seriously, what do you want to do to get Democrats to win then? Do you just want to lose over and over and over and then not get the social change we want?

There is this consistent and stupid push to have purity tests for progressive causes. If you want to lose, push for purity tests.

If you don't want to lose, you can accept candidates that don't take the ethically best positions in public. Candidate Barack Obama stated "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman". He didn't campaign for gay rights. He took a neutral at best position.

It's not about ignoring that racists exists, it's about recruiting as broad of a tent possible to a platform where we can make social changes to help people eliminate the idea of being racists. Maybe they won't happen as fast as a light switch, but it's better than having them not occur at all.

Just not mentioning racial issues isn't going to be enough to reach these people. It will take actively campaigning on their side of the fence and that is immoral and unacceptable. They want you to talk shit about Colin Kaepernick, they want you to say All Lives Matter, they want you to talk about the "war on cops," they want you to tell them how it's not systemic issues and corporate greed that took away their jobs but actually Pedro and Jorge down the street, they want you to promise them the scary brown people aren't going to move in and force them to pray to their god with a different name and won't believe you if you say that just isn't happening without promising to back your words up at the cost of human lives and dignity.


I was just disputing the claim that they were "fucking morons."

My sisters, mom, and brother are certainly not "fucking morons." Just trapped in the environments they find comfortable. I'm not acquitting them of their actions and ignorance; I'm trying to see them as human beings who think they are loving people and treating them the right way.

Their ignorance ruins the lives of other people. As a group they are fucking morons. They do not see others as human beings, and vote against their own interests. else they'd give any slight of a shit to consider what their vote means. Some friends and family fall in this boat too.

Truth hurts. Dems just have to work on turnout. Let people like your family find their own way one day, but they've had ample opportunity to do not vote for a bigot and a pussy grabber.

There is zero tolerance by those affected, when it comes to blatant racism.


Their ignorance ruins the lives of other people. As a group they are fucking morons. They do not see others as human beings, and vote against their own interests. else they'd give any slight of a shit to consider what their vote means. Some friends and family fall in this boat too.

Truth hurts. Dems just have to work on turnout. Let people like your family find their own way one day, but they've had ample opportunity to do not vote for a bigot and a pussy grabber.
One ironic thing is that Trump's plan to cut rail subsidies will just help kill off these rural communities even faster. Which is bad for the GOP.


One ironic thing is that Trump's plan to cut rail subsidies will just help kill off these rural communities even faster. Which is bad for the GOP.
By the time they make voter fraud in red districts legal, those people will still be counted.

They'd likely still vote r, even from the grave because a immigrant dug their hole.


The Allies hanged collaborators with the same rope they hanged Nazi officers.

That Trump voters need to excuse their vote by pointing to the particular policy they agree with, rather than admitting they'll make common cause with Fascists isn't an extenuating circumstance; it's just a justification for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the David Duke's of the world.

Christ, I wouldn't be surprised if you're advocating branding a giant T on Trump voter foreheads by the end of the year.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Daily reminder that you can still be considered racist without having lynched a black man or burned a cross in anyone's yard. Just because you don't have a white robte and pointed hood hidden in your closet doesn't somehow mean you're scott free from any form of bigotry.


Because people's attitudes and beliefs don't change or evolve, and they were just as racist while voting for Obama as they were while voting for Trump? Are we really immutable robots with our beliefs set in stone by age 18? That certainly hasn't been the case for me.

I mean, if you're arguing that white people got progressively more racist as they were governed by a black guy, I'm happy to say it's possible.

Personally my theory is that a lot of somewhat racist people voted for Obama in the hopes that people would stop talking about racism, and then voted for a white supremacist because that didn't work and they felt that they couldn't be called racist any more because they voted for Obama. A rationale that has served them well on GAF!
Christ, I wouldn't be surprised if you're advocating branding a giant T on Trump voter foreheads by the end of the year.

I've found a better outlet: spending extra time to search out job applicants with pro-Trump social media, and then removing them from consideration for employment with my company.

Mexicans can't steal a jerb you never got an interview for.

Direct Action works


I was just disputing the claim that they were "fucking morons."

My sisters, mom, and brother are certainly not "fucking morons." Just trapped in the environments they find comfortable. I'm not acquitting them of their actions and ignorance; I'm trying to see them as human beings who think they are loving people and treating them the right way.

Sure, I agree that your family are probably not morons.

That's exactly why their moral culpability for their choice is so great. They knew what they were doing. And you know they knew.


Thought we established he won the racist vote. However, lets not pretend that every single person that voted for him was out of racism. That game is old.


The most embarrassing thing is how badly GOP voters are climbing over themselves to avoid personal responsibility.

Even here on GAF, all the scrambling over how the next election will go if we don't cater to ignorance & bigotry.

Do people hear themselves when they say that?

Claiming Dems are advocating "purity tests" when all people are saying is stop throwing minorities under the fucking bus.

If you can't accomplish an election without resorting to using far right dog whistles to lure in votes, we might as well have a two term Trump presidency.

Campaign on a progressive platform and let voters, including former Trump voters join that platform on those terms alone.


Thought we established he won the racist vote. However, lets not pretend that every single person that voted for him was out of racism. That game is old.

Reposting an old post of mine from right after the election:

He denigrated minorities at every turn. Even when he claimed to be reaching out to them it was always in an insulting manner.
He cap-ended his campaign with an ad saying that his opponent's campaign was controlled by, funded by, and partnered with rich jews.
He opened his campaign by accusing an entire population of minorities as being rapists (furthering the well worn racist attack of darker skinned people being sexual predators) and criminals directed by their state to trespass into america.
He bolstered his campaign by saying that he would block muslims from being able to enter the US.
He chose a known white supremacist as one of his delegates for the RNC.
His children give interviews on white supremacist radio.
He hesitated to denounce the KKK.
He called for the execution of demonstrably innocent black and brown kids.
He started his career off by refusing to rent to minorities.
He questioned the otherness of the first black president for years.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of made up statistics trying to mislead his followers into thinking they are being hunted by black thugs.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of spreading a neo-nazi image attempting to link his opponent to Jews.

And that's just a partial recounting.

People within and sympathetic to the KKK picked up on all of these. They endorsed him and frequently praised his presidential run.

And I'm to believe that his voters didn't think any of that was important enough to sway their votes? Either they agreed silently or their indifference to the experiences of minorities in America is large enough that they would elect someone that is openly courting and inciting racists to become their next president. Neither cast a good light on his voters.


We do. The problem is that if you talk about the economy 10 times and racism one, that racist ass white voter thinks its as 10:10000 ratio, not a 10:1 ratio.

Hence why we write these voters off and focus on other gettable votes, because people aren't going to just stop talking about it even though you want them to.

I haven't seen a lot of threads on GAF about how the economy played a large role in Trumps win, but I have seen a lot of threads about how racism played a large part, so I really don't think that's a fair assumption. Nor do I see a lot in these threads about how to get the "gettable" votes, but I do see a lot of this:

They're just cool with racists if it advances themselves.


Daily reminder that you can still be considered racist without having lynched a black man or burned a cross in anyone's yard. Just because you don't have a white robte and pointed hood hidden in your closet doesn't somehow mean you're scott free from any form of bigotry.

Anecdotes and all that, but on a usually favorite moderate blog of mine the comments could not determine if literal cross burning had a racist element behind it. Disappointing.

They did seem to mostly agree that racism is bad though, although I'm not sure what they're personal definition of racism encompasses at that point.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I haven't seen a lot of threads on GAF about how the economy played a large role in Trumps win, but I have seen a lot of threads about how racism played a large part, so I really don't think that's a fair assumption. Nor do I see a lot in these threads about how to get the "gettable" votes, but I do see a lot of this:

Hey all I'm saying is just make it a point to say they were for the economy and racial injustice. They need to own that vote and just harping about the economy doesn't mean everyone is just going to forget all the blatantly bigoted bull shit that was far more of a foundation of Trump's platform than any kind of actual "economic" plan. That ugly shit was on the forefront and you can't just act like it wasn't a big deal or not the focus.


Thought we established he won the racist vote. However, lets not pretend that every single person that voted for him was out of racism. That game is old.

Not racist but contribute to racism and are apathetic.

Why should I care to differentiate the two?


I haven't seen a lot of threads on GAF about how the economy played a large role in Trumps win, but I have seen a lot of threads about how racism played a large part, so I really don't think that's a fair assumption. Nor do I see a lot in these threads about how to get the "gettable" votes, but I do see a lot of this:

Sorry if your feelings are hurt by people calling out racists?

If you want to talk about how, although you agree with social justice, you want to deemphasize it and focus on economic issues to win WWC voters, have you considered starting a Bill Clinton OT? Personally that seems a little too establishment Democrat for my tastes, but it's a big tent.


I haven't seen a lot of threads on GAF about how the economy played a large role in Trumps win, but I have seen a lot of threads about how racism played a large part, so I really don't think that's a fair assumption. Nor do I see a lot in these threads about how to get the "gettable" votes, but I do see a lot of this:
That's because it didn't play a large part in Trump's win. If you can find the articles post-election backing up that assertion, by all means please post them.

(spoiler: this won't happen, because they don't exist.)
Reposting an old post of mine from right after the election:

He denigrated minorities at every turn. Even when he claimed to be reaching out to them it was always in an insulting manner.
He cap-ended his campaign with an ad saying that his opponent's campaign was controlled by, funded by, and partnered with rich jews.
He opened his campaign by accusing an entire population of minorities as being rapists (furthering the well worn racist attack of darker skinned people being sexual predators) and criminals directed by their state to trespass into america.
He bolstered his campaign by saying that he would block muslims from being able to enter the US.
He chose a known white supremacist as one of his delegates for the RNC.
His children give interviews on white supremacist radio.
He hesitated to denounce the KKK.
He called for the execution of demonstrably innocent black and brown kids.
He started his career off by refusing to rent to minorities.
He questioned the otherness of the first black president for years.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of made up statistics trying to mislead his followers into thinking they are being hunted by black thugs.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of spreading a neo-nazi image attempting to link his opponent to Jews.

And that's just a partial recounting.

People within and sympathetic to the KKK picked up on all of these. They endorsed him and frequently praised his presidential run.

And I'm to believe that his voters didn't think any of that was important enough to sway their votes? Either they agreed silently or their indifference to the experiences of minorities in America is large enough that they would elect someone that is openly courting and inciting racists to become their next president. Neither cast a good light on his voters.

Thank you for this. Trump was a neon lit bigot. He wore his hate for women, the poor and minorities on his sleeve. And people watched that and fell in love. They watched it and gave him the power to steer the direction of the country. I'm willing to be forgiving if Trump voters are willing to stop dancing around the choice they made with full knowledge of what it could mean for the country's disenfranchised.

Not racist but contribute to racism and are apathetic.

Why should I care to differentiate the two?

You really shouldn't. If someone sees me being beat up, looks directly at me and chooses to do nothing, they are just as guilty as my assaulter.


The above graph isn't suppose to support that argument. The graph shows the attitudes of those who voted Trump. Did you guys just not read the last paragraph?
I think it's hardly surprising that an increase in racism indicators will lead to an increase in voting republican.

Republicans have been using coded dog whistles for 60 years now so one would figure that the more racist you are the easier it would be to decode and decide to vote for the GOP.

I think the real question is whether this election was based on racism more than previous ones. Does Trump's plain racism get more racists to vote than other candidates coded messages? It's an important question and I don't think the data of this study does much to say one way or another.

What would be quite interesting is comparing regression analyses from 2012 to 2016 of the racism vs republican vote.
Reposting an old post of mine from right after the election:

He denigrated minorities at every turn. Even when he claimed to be reaching out to them it was always in an insulting manner.
He cap-ended his campaign with an ad saying that his opponent's campaign was controlled by, funded by, and partnered with rich jews.
He opened his campaign by accusing an entire population of minorities as being rapists (furthering the well worn racist attack of darker skinned people being sexual predators) and criminals directed by their state to trespass into america.
He bolstered his campaign by saying that he would block muslims from being able to enter the US.
He chose a known white supremacist as one of his delegates for the RNC.
His children give interviews on white supremacist radio.
He hesitated to denounce the KKK.
He called for the execution of demonstrably innocent black and brown kids.
He started his career off by refusing to rent to minorities.
He questioned the otherness of the first black president for years.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of made up statistics trying to mislead his followers into thinking they are being hunted by black thugs.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of spreading a neo-nazi image attempting to link his opponent to Jews.

And that's just a partial recounting.

People within and sympathetic to the KKK picked up on all of these. They endorsed him and frequently praised his presidential run.

And I'm to believe that his voters didn't think any of that was important enough to sway their votes? Either they agreed silently or their indifference to the experiences of minorities in America is large enough that they would elect someone that is openly courting and inciting racists to become their next president. Neither cast a good light on his voters.
Thanks for this. Bookmarked!


I think it's hardly surprising that an increase in racism indicators will lead to an increase in voting republican.

Republicans have been using coded dog whistles for 60 years now so one would figure that the more racist you are the easier it would be to decode and decide to vote for the GOP.

I think the real question is whether this election was based on racism more than previous ones. Does Trump's plain racism get more racists to vote than other candidates coded messages? It's an important question and I don't think the data of this study does much to say one way or another.

What would be quite interesting is comparing regression analyses from 2012 to 2016 of the racism vs republican vote.
Already done. (see: prior page link)
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