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Amusing Videogame Petitions..



To: The Videogame Industry
To Everyone and Anyone in the Videogame Industry, but Mainly the fans.

I’m starting this petition to officially boycott the X-Box. Mainly for the sole reason that Microsoft intends on having a monopoly in the videogame industry. By using unfair business practices, it has become abundantly clear that Microsoft is buying up all of the most popular software without letting the competition have a chance at getting the titles. Instead Microsoft throws their money around buying up everything they want with out any regard for fan base or the wishes and rights of the consumer. So join me Sign this petition, so that we can get back some of the good stuff stolen from under us by Microsoft. It is an outrage and it is unfair that if we want to play some of the great titles such as Shenmue 2 and its sequels we HAVE to buy an Xbox. I for one will not stand for it and think that no one should.
(360 signatures)

To: 3rd Party Game Developers
The intent of this petition is simply to show that there is an audience of mature gamers that are backing Nintendo's next generation system.

By signing below you are stating:
1) That you support Nintendo and 3rd party developers in bringing mature titles to the Nintendo Gamecube.
2) You plan to purchase the Nintendo Gamecube.
3) You would be interested in purchasing mature titles for the system.

With this petition we hope to prove to developers that many gamers are still loyal to Nintendo, despite being older. It is the attempt of this petition to shed some light on Nintendo's true gaming audience.

17151 Total Signatures

To: Nintendo
This is a petition for a new Duckhunt game for the Nintendo Gamecube(GCN). This is to make a new game with 3D ducks, a brand new lightgun, and maybe even a code to shot the dog :). Please make a new duckhunt so we can have years of duck hunting fun in our living room on everyones favorite console, the Gamecube.

To: Nintendo of America, Sony corporation
dear nintendo and sony,
as a gamer, i have always viewed you two to be the best names in video games. with the fairly recent induction of microsoft into the home console market, both of your strongholds on the videogame market have been jeopardized. i believe that a great way to overthrow microsoft would be for you two to join. imagine nintendo's characters and first party games with the sony playstations popularity and 3rd party support! The world would see a new golden age in gaming, and pretty much everyone would be happy. so, please, and i'm sure gamers around the globe would agree, give it a try! You two companies could revolutionize the gaming world.

Those are hilarious :lol. I miss the Dreamcast days when Sega fans would write up petitions everyday. On subjects ranging from why PS2 "sucks", why Soul Reaver 2 should be on Dreamcast, to why Sega shouldn't discontinue the DC. I actually wrote a "petition" that was a joke around stopping the petitions from Sega fans. It didn't go over well with some of the fans. lol



To: Nintendo
At the end of 2004, Nintendo of America will be releasing the westernized version of their GameCube title "Donkey Konga," a video game that comes with a drum peripheral that challenges you to keep up with the beat of the music. In Japan, the songs included in the game are Japanese pop, commercial jingles, and music from previous Donkey Kong and Mario video games. Obviously, Nintendo will need to include different songs when it's released outside of Japan... songs that reflect the western culture. However, we behind this petition feel that Nintendo needs some guidance in the selection of these songs, purely to insure dominance on the sales charts by Donkey Konga, and create a more enjoyable gaming experience for all of Nintendo's non-Japanese fans.

So what songs should be included? We don't care what Nintendo chooses, as long as they include a few from the top artists of the 20th Century:

Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince.

That's right! The loyal owners of the GameCube DEMAND that Nintendo give us Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince in Donkey Konga. Do it for the fans of Donkey Kong... do it for the fans of Nintendo... but most of all, do it for all the loyal Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince maniacs.

Remember Nintendo: Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince + Donkey Konga = $$$$$$!

(155 total signatures)
jenov4 said:
Heh, do any of these petitions ever work?

Nope. Petition Online is a joke site in the eyes of most. I mean it was a good idea, but the problem is that everyone and their dog ... and the fleas that inhabit the dog, use it. After awhile it becomes, "Oh, another Petition from that website," *deletes message* sort of thing.


These types of petition no, but general mature thought out ones very very much so. There power is amazing for tvshows, dvd, and few games.

Agent X

A long time ago, I tried to start a letter writing campaign to Acclaim to convince them to do a Lynx version of Mortal Kombat. Then I tried it again a few months later for NBA Jam.

Looking back, it's laughable as all heck (for so many reasons), but at the time I was as serious as a heart attack.


i'd say that petitiononline is the most useless site on the internet, but those make it all worthwhile.


Sho Nuff said:

Can someone please prove me wrong?

The Earthbound 2 petition got a special mention by Miyamoto in an interview and........um.....thats about it. :(

I remember hearing about some petition for some studio ghibli film or something but I don't know much about it, supposedly (the way it was explained to me) was that the petition worked, but I have no proof so who knows.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah I remember Starmen.net starting up that Mother 3 petition, seemed pretty serious so I flogged my name on it.

30,000+ signatures later, both online and offline.. they send 3 hard-cover and glossy booklets full of these damn things to NCL, NOA and Shigesato Itoi (one to EGM as well IIRC). Seemed to do the trick as Miyamoto was definitely impressed by the dedication and it may as well have caused the ball rolling from Mother 3 cancellation on N64 DD to it's inception on GBA.

MC Safety

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

H.L. Mencken
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