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Analysts foresee PSP delay... Nov 05 for US!?


Analysts foresee PSP delay

Industry watchers PJ McNealy and Piper Jaffray & Co. think the US PSP launch may be pushed back as far as November 2005.
Sony's PSP is at "high risk" of a substantial delay--into next year for Japan, and perhaps all the way to November 2005 for the US market. That's the word from two separate memos sent on consecutive business days from noted industry analysts.

On Friday, PJ McNealy of American Technology Research published a report that questioned whether the PSP software shown at the Tokyo Game Show--much of which was only 50 to 60 percent complete--would be ready for the Japanese launch of the system, currently slated for this December. "The launch of the PSP in Japan this holiday season continues to be at risk," McNealy wrote. "If [Sony] misses the PSP Japan launch schedule, it could affect the announced March North American launch and would be considered a negative to the video game publishers."

more here link

uh oh... :\
PSP... The Incredibles... Mike Works' birthday... November 5th truly is the greates- what? November '05??



And even i am moderately surprised
"PSP... The Incredibles... Mike Works' birthday... November 5th truly is the greates- what? November '05?? "


that's not a night where homosexuals have sex, but it's close....

Fireworks baby!
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