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Andor is a five-year story told over two seasons an 24 episodes leading up to where Rogue One begins

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Rogue One was at least a solid spaceship battle porno whatever its other faults. But the problem with all this Star Wars shit is they just have to tie everything together. They make a Han Solo movie and he has to run into the "I don't like your face" guys and do the fucking Kessel Run in under 20 parsecs or whatthefuckever, and then at the end he's instrumental to founding the rebellion because of course he is. Obi-Wan's show couldn't just be some kind of interesting new Obi-Wan adventure... nah it had to do all the Skywalker things because of course it did.

This shit will never be interesting with that kind of storytelling. Someone needs to tell the writers that it's a big galaxy.


not tag worthy
The Disney+ Sonic Star wars Cycle.
Leonardo Dicaprio Reaction GIF by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


not tag worthy
Mandolorian. Was and still is the best Star Wars series to date. Now they are trying to use it for spin off of other series and drawing the sky walkers into it. I am worried it will go to shit.

Pick a genre. Throw in Star Wars leave the movies out of it, we know by the name they share the same universe. So don’t worry about it. go nuts profit.
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Eh so bored of Disney and not wanting to use Space Wizards (not that they do it well when they do).
It's such a Disney thing to have normal people can be just as good.

I'll likely give it a go, because why not.


this show is kind of getting screwed

rather than getting to release after the high off the Mandalorian, it's releasing while everyone is starting to get Star Wars Fatigue. Also it's a side story of a side story so it's rather unappealing and knowing the fate of the character also makes the stakes even lower.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
It'll just end up being exactly the same as Obi-Wan:

a stretched out story, crammed full of 'memberberry bullshit, with zero stakes, that could have been a one off movie, but was made longer just to fill up Disney Plus.

More boring content without meaning. Yay. I love our streaming service present and future! /S

Exactly this. Ill continue to beat this drum. I am tired of Star Wars TV shows. Mandolorian Season 1 was great, besides that these all should have been single, tight focused films.

Disney starting their own streaming service + COVID + the Solo "flop" was the worst thing that could have happened to Star Wars. Now everything should be a tv show becuse Disney will have the most margin and least possibility to lose money. Also shitty plots, worse costumes and actors, and everything worse in general.



Excuse Me Reaction GIF

I’m assuming you’re excluding Ewan McGregor from that. Dude has been great in everything I’ve seen him in recently: Christopher Robin, Birds of Prey, and Doctor Sleep. I’ve not seen Obi-Wan yet but I’d be shocked if he phoned it in.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Excuse Me Reaction GIF

I’m assuming you’re excluding Ewan McGregor from that. Dude has been great in everything I’ve seen him in recently: Christopher Robin, Birds of Prey, and Doctor Sleep. I’ve not seen Obi-Wan yet but I’d be shocked if he phoned it in.

Obviously im not talking about Ewan McGregor but I am talking about the sort of side characters etc. Also its cool that they got Tamura Morrison to play Boba Fett but his acting is ... wooden, to say the least.
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Gold Member
Plus Lucas didn’t really give a shit about the original EU. He gave them basic rules they had to follow and left them to their devices but it was obvious he would quickly retcon or erase whatever he felt like. In fact, IIRC one of the Planet of Fear books imply the Clone Wars involves the Jedi Council fighting clones of themselves which Lucas obviously ignored when he later made the prequels. There was also the Jedi Academy books where Exar Kun appears to Luke in the form of Anakin and describes his fall to the Dark Side in a way that Anakin did not do so in Episode 2 and 3, though one could chalk this up to Exar Kun not knowing exactly himself how Anakin fell and taking a gamble thst Luke himself did not either.

The EU cult on the internet is convinced George secretly loved the EU and read all the books, but the reality is he never read any of them.

George DID read and enjoy the comics as a visual medium. He actually went and bought all of the original art for Marvel's recent Han Solo mini-series because he liked it so much.


Gold Member
Or non-binary trans Jedi

"How can i portrait someone so utterly different, so detached from both feminine and masculine physical attributes?...
-Just draw a bald uggo, and don't forget to shave their eyebrows fore the extra alien look."

Everything is so depressingly unoriginal in western mainstream entertainment nowdays :messenger_downcast_sweat:

I'm hyped! I gobble up Star Wars content almost as quickly as I'll gobble your mother's big old titties.

Shame that Disney's star wars only taste like reheated fast food and not J-LO's cooch


I don't think I'd be so 'meh' about it if Disney had actually created decent TV shows with Mando and Obi Wan.

All the shows they've made so far have been trash.

Poor acting.
Poor Dialogue.
Poor story beats.
Poor in universe logic choices.
Poor crowd scenes.

They're too busy trying to tick all the right boxes for maximum reach. When really they just need to let someone tell a story.

The best kids TV shows are the ones that don't treat the watchers as kids, they just tell a story.

Disney needs to stop molding the show to fit certain demographics and just let the creators tell a story.


I would like a show about the inter galactic trade federation and the politics, like Space West Wing.

General Grevious makes a cameo to file an application to build a death ray on a cargo transport.

Think of the adventures of embargos, disputes and aggressive diplomacy the fans are missing out on.

Lady Jane

After Obi-Wan (along with Disney's other SW projects), I'll just wait until this is finished and watch it. It does sound like a decent binge in a few years but watching Obi-Wan week-by-week just made me sad.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I would like a show about the inter galactic trade federation and the politics, like Space West Wing.

General Grevious makes a cameo to file an application to build a death ray on a cargo transport.

Think of the adventures of embargos, disputes and aggressive diplomacy the fans are missing out on.

Are you a fan of Star Wars Minute by chance? :D


Exactly this. Ill continue to beat this drum. I am tired of Star Wars TV shows. Mandolorian Season 1 was great, besides that these all should have been single, tight focused films.

Disney starting their own streaming service + COVID + the Solo "flop" was the worst thing that could have happened to Star Wars. Now everything should be a tv show becuse Disney will have the most margin and least possibility to lose money. Also shitty plots, worse costumes and actors, and everything worse in general.

The streaming wars are fast becoming the absolute death knell of focussed story telling. Now they all have to have enough content to justify their monthly subscriptions, every company is just throwing shit at the wall, and stretching out enough to cover eight to twelve episodes. I fully expect Disney to greenlight dull, pointless mini series about Bosk, Wedge, Max Rebo, and Lobot.


Disney starting their own streaming service + COVID + the Solo "flop" was the worst thing that could have happened to Star Wars. Now everything should be a tv show becuse Disney will have the most margin and least possibility to lose money. Also shitty plots, worse costumes and actors, and everything worse in general.

Disney would still have internal numbers which would tell them if a show was a failure or not. It's the same with Netflix, these streaming services aren't free money to these companies. They still need to justify every show they produce, no idea what happened with Obi-Wan but generally Disney make some of the most expensive TV shows around. It's the reason Netflix cancel shows, low viewership = wasted money.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Disney would still have internal numbers which would tell them if a show was a failure or not. It's the same with Netflix, these streaming services aren't free money to these companies. They still need to justify every show they produce, no idea what happened with Obi-Wan but generally Disney make some of the most expensive TV shows around. It's the reason Netflix cancel shows, low viewership = wasted money.

Of course but its less of a risk than movie theaters. IE the internal number is "lower" to some extent.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
The streaming wars are fast becoming the absolute death knell of focussed story telling. Now they all have to have enough content to justify their monthly subscriptions, every company is just throwing shit at the wall, and stretching out enough to cover eight to twelve episodes. I fully expect Disney to greenlight dull, pointless mini series about Bosk, Wedge, Max Rebo, and Lobot.

Thanks jerk, I am having nightmare flashbacks about those awful Trandoshan costumes in Book of Fett
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I don’t have any expectations. Maybe it’ll be a sleeper hit? Who knows?
But I’m definitely not eager to watch this.
Shows I wanted that could have easily been made but will never be:

Boba Fett being a ruthless bounty hunter.

Darth Vader hunting Jedi and delving into the mysteries of the dark side, also focusing on his bizarre relationship with the emperor.

An Obi-Wan show where he is portrayed as the ascetic monk and guardian he was supposed to be, reflecting on the force and his failures, with much of the show showing us he and Anakin together, and Obi-Wan's perspective on events.

Some of that could have been worked into the shows that have already been produced, instead we got crap written by people who don't even know what Star Wars is, and actors who don't research their roles.


Are you a fan of Star Wars Minute by chance? :D
I dunno who this is so I checked on Wikipedia.

"Star Wars Minute has been called "the seed of a rapidly expanding podcast genre" by the pop-culture website The Ringer due to its minute-by-minute format, which has now bled into dozens of other podcasts analyzing films such as Back to the Future, The Big Lebowski and Goodfellas"

I don't understand if you're insulting me? I have no idea about podcasts other than the MMA DMT man.


Since they announced this years ago I couldn’t believe there was a demand for it. Don’t think there is. Such a forgettable character. But..it’s “the brand”.


I'm so behind on Star Wars shows since Disney I don't even care anymore
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I dunno who this is so I checked on Wikipedia.

"Star Wars Minute has been called "the seed of a rapidly expanding podcast genre" by the pop-culture website The Ringer due to its minute-by-minute format, which has now bled into dozens of other podcasts analyzing films such as Back to the Future, The Big Lebowski and Goodfellas"

I don't understand if you're insulting me? I have no idea about podcasts other than the MMA DMT man.

Its a podcast where each episode discusses one minute of Star Wars, in order, starting with A New Hope.

Its great, very funny. They are up to Solo now. They did all movies in release order.

They always talk about how they want a political Star Wars drama like the West Wing which is why I asked.


Its a podcast where each episode discusses one minute of Star Wars, in order, starting with A New Hope.

Its great, very funny. They are up to Solo now. They did all movies in release order.

They always talk about how they want a political Star Wars drama like the West Wing which is why I asked.
Laser swords, storm troopers, space battles, force and robots are overdone in the series, they should do some unique work and not just the visuals.

You could lean into the soap opera element rather than it being too serious. I think it could work.


I will most likely end up watching this, but I'm not overly excited about it or anything. How big of a role will K2SO have?

Lady Jane

I wished Disney+ had a cheaper plan where I only have access to the Star Wars OT, Pirates, and 90's Disney movies so they're aware that is the only reason I have the service.
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