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Android 5.0 Lollipop announced


What? I've never, ever seen Hangouts pull in old texts, just Hangouts messages. Nor have I ever heard about that being a feature. And I've wanted SMS backup/syncing for a long time. I use SMS Backup & Restore to do it manually.

Are you saying this is a new thing in L, or...? Or that it's a new Hangouts feature? I would love it to be true, but I've never seen it.

After further review, unfortunately, you are right.
I was basing it off my logged covos with my sisters. :=[
They seem to flip-flop between sending text to my GV#, Mobile# and, hangouts.
So reading through the convo they are some gaps. Any MMS sent to my GV# are still there, which is what confused me. These were sent way before Google announced the MMS support on GV. The answer as to why I was getting these before the support was announced is that both of them are on Sprint.

That being said, I don't see why Google couldn't back up your sms messages up to the cloud via Hangouts going forward.

This is the way your notification bar and nav bar look like when you activate the battery saver mode:


Some of the animations are gone when this is activated.

Is the "Contacts" app the new version of the "People App"?

If so, there is no more Google+ integration, at all. No info on people you have on the network. Which simplifies your contacts.

I went to root/unlock my LG G3 to prep for potential ROMs with Lollipop, but apparently I'm SOL because I have the ATT G3. I've never seen a phone be that dead in the development scene.

I guess I gotta wait it out. =/


Gold Member
Is the "Contacts" app the new version of the "People App"?

If so, there is no more Google+ integration, at all. No info on people you have on the network. Which simplifies your contacts.

I think Contacts is the new People, yeah. Hadn't thought about any changes they've made to it (beyond the name and design), but that's sweet if they no longer pull in any G+ shit! I only want to see the people I've actually saved as contacts.


I think Contacts is the new People, yeah. Hadn't thought about any changes they've made to it (beyond the name and design), but that's sweet if they no longer pull in any G+ shit! I only want to see the people I've actually saved as contacts.

That all got especially annoying when it came to Hangouts. Here, have your saved contacts, but have a bunch of random people on G+ show up that you don't have in your circles or mutual circles
because we damn well made this and you get no choice
. Bless Google's heart for this all.


Indeed. Whomever designed all of this needs a huge raise, because this OS is just stellar in its beauty and execution. Unless this is a fluke, Apple is going to have their work cut out for themselves to stay out in front.

Matias Duarte. His name is right there in "Material Design". I've been following Matias since Palm's WebOS, which sported an interface more refined than anyone expected.

When the Palm disbanded, Matias was the most sought-after designer in tech. Apple wanted him, but Android scored big when he chose Google.

Step back in time: http://allthingsd.com/20100527/exclusive-palm-loses-mobile-design-guru-matias-duarte/



after owning a Note 4 for 2 days, i can't wait for Samsung to improve the basic plain stock Android Lollipop.

There might be a few nifty features added by TouchWiz Lollipop on the Note 4..... but it's sure as hell not worth it when fluidity, simplicity, and beautiful design go out the window. Plus with the few nifty apps you also get more than a dozen useless apps.

So yes they'll improve on it in a few aspects, but then they'll shit all over it in 50 more aspects to the point it's garbage compared to normal Lollipop.


The Newsstand app on my Lollipop Nexus 7 has a lot more of the material design animations than it does on my KK OnePlus One. It's like the app is Material Design Light on the older android versions.


Greetings gentlemen,

Can anyone tell me if this version of Android will be compatible with the old 2011 model HTC-Evo 3D model smartphone?


No word of it yet. I doubt it, though.

Thanks for the swift reply but why do you doubt it? (sorry I'm totally ignorant when it comes to these new smartphones)


The Newsstand app on my Lollipop Nexus 7 has a lot more of the material design animations than it does on my KK OnePlus One. It's like the app is Material Design Light on the older android versions.

Yes, the Lollipop system comes with a bunch of new MD APIs for apps to use that don't exist on KK and older devices.

Thanks for the swift reply but why do you doubt it? (sorry I'm totally ignorant when it comes to these new smartphones)

That phone is over 3 years old. HTC probably stopped updating it after maybe a year. There is no reason for OEMs to waste their time supporting an irrelevant phone that old.

Luckily there is probably a community of Evo-3D owners who port newer versions of Android to that phone. But even then you'd have to get your hands dirty with rooting, unlocking, wiping, flashing, etc. And the end result would still be crippled by the ancient hardware and instability.

Bottom line: upgrade your phone. Get a Nexus 5 or something.

Sky Chief

I've had mine going the entire day and it's been good. 4G was on the entire time, Wi-Fi dependent on whether I was home or not. 3h40m of screen use and I got just under 11 hours out of it so far (with still one hour and ten minutes expected according to the battery report). It's not bad.

****EDIT: Figured you'd like a screenshot to supplement. Haven't really used my phone since then (aside form music). But I'm also not using battery saving mode so background data is free range, and my notifications are constantly coming at me. It's not bad.

It's all in due time for most of the apps, really.

I can't believe I lived with the shitty N5 battery life for so long. At least it looks like the N6 will be a huge improvement.


Thanks guys. Oh well, I guess the times they are a changin'.


I can't believe I lived with the shitty N5 battery life for so long. At least it looks like the N6 will be a huge improvement.

What I hate is that we can't even opt for an extended battery. It's okay battery life, nowhere near the greatest. But to be fair I had the 3GS beforehand so this is almost godsend to me a lot of the time.


Can the members who have flashed the developer preview report back the battery use on the n5?
I installed it a few days after they made it available, and the battery life of my N5 definitely improved with the L preview. The phone barely made to the end of the day before. Now I plug it in with about 30% juice left. Different usage patterns might experience different results.

And is there any caveats to installing the developer preview?
The only app with issues, among the ones I use, is Open Garden.
I really don't like how they combined the top-left/top-right pulldown menus into one in the middle. Now I always have to pull down twice to change brightness. Why doesn't the settings pulldown automatically expand if I don't have any notifications?!


If I install this how do I go back to KK 4.4.4 so as to the official Lollipop release? Is it as simple as installing the developer release?


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I really don't like how they combined the top-left/top-right pulldown menus into one in the middle. Now I always have to pull down twice to change brightness. Why doesn't the settings pulldown automatically expand if I don't have any notifications?!

I believe you can do the two finger pull down to go straight to that option now rather than do the double single finger action. This was changed from the original Lolipop preview build where you would have to do the single finger action twice to get to that option.


How well do apps run on Lollipop compared to iOS?

Like shit.

Jk, running the preview on a N7 is as fluid as ever, not that KitKat was any slouch. Ever used a modern KitKat device? It's pretty much like that but on steroids because they massively decreased the amount of GC_ALLOC calls happening in use and of course switched to a final ART build.

That silky smoothness plus the design and flourishes/details of Lollipop really makes this shit next level.


If I install this how do I go back to KK 4.4.4 so as to the official Lollipop release? Is it as simple as installing the developer release?

Just flash the stock image for KK 4.4.4. That easy.

I believe you can do the two finger pull down to go straight to that option now rather than do the double single finger action. This was changed from the original Lolipop preview build where you would have to do the single finger action twice to get to that option.

Can confirm. Two finger pulldown works.
It pains me to think of the unspeakable things Samsung is going to do to this beautiful OS.

Samsung has come a long way.

There's nowheres near as much bloatware on the Note 4 that used to be. And now they allow you to "disable" bloatware apps which removes them from the app tray and uninstall some carrier apps.

I'm hoping they take a cautious approach with Lollipop's aesthetics also.
after owning a Note 4 for 2 days, i can't wait for Samsung to improve the basic plain stock Android Lollipop.

To each his own, I guess. Nothing Samsung has ever produced has shown them to be capable of improving upon a mobile OS as attractive and pleasant as Lollipop. Not once has TouchWiz ever made Android look better.

Samsung has some genuinely good, cool ideas. But those ideas could be implemented without completely fucking up the usability and aesthetics of stock Android.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
To each his own, I guess. Nothing Samsung has ever produced has shown them to be capable of improving upon a mobile OS as attractive and pleasant as Lollipop. Not once has TouchWiz ever made Android look better.

Samsung has some genuinely good, cool ideas. But those ideas could be implemented without completely fucking up the usability and aesthetics of stock Android.



pretty stoked for this. can't wait to upgrade my Note3
just don't really like the whole hassle of backing up and restoring everything since I root ><
To each his own, I guess. Nothing Samsung has ever produced has shown them to be capable of improving upon a mobile OS as attractive and pleasant as Lollipop. Not once has TouchWiz ever made Android look better.

Samsung has some genuinely good, cool ideas. But those ideas could be implemented without completely fucking up the usability and aesthetics of stock Android.

100% agree.


Gold Member
Ok, Google, I'm not sure about this one:

Couldn't you have made the pull-down a bit wider in landscape? Now you have to scroll through it, and it feels a bit silly when there's all this wasted space on the sides.

If I install this how do I go back to KK 4.4.4 so as to the official Lollipop release? Is it as simple as installing the developer release?

You just flash the 4.4.4 image. But why would you do that? Why not directly flash the final 5.0 image once it's available?


Gold Member
I think he wants to revert back to KK until the final 5.0 image is released. Could be wrong. He worded poorly.

I read it as him wanting to go back to KK so he can get the OTA update to L. Which is one option, but an unnecessary extra step IMO. I'll just be going straight from the preview to the final release. But maybe you're right!


So my 5 is being plagued by this "misc" ghost battery stat:


I'm actually getting worse battery life with this preview build than on KitKat.

Today I woke up around 7am to go do some laundry at the mat (100% battery). It is now 11:20 and I'm down to about 63%. That's close to 10% battery life every hour. Besides hearing All About Android (Pocketcast) via Bluetooth, I haven't used the phone much. I'll post screen shots later.

Some have said tuning off NFC helps a bit.


Gold Member
So my 5 is being plagued by this "misc" ghost battery stat:


I'm actually getting worse battery life with this preview build than on KitKat.

Today I woke up around 7am to go do some laundry at the mat (100% battery). It is now 11:20 and I'm down to about 63%. That's close to 10% battery life every hour. Besides hearing All About Android (Pocketcast) via Bluetooth, I haven't used the phone much. I'll post screen shots later.

Some have said tuning off NFC helps a bit.

I also have Misc right at the top of my battery usage, using up more juice than the screen. Nothing should ever use more than the screen if the phone is being actively used.

EDIT: According to dev comments, they have confirmed the issue but can't reproduce it in their internal build which is ahead of the dev preview. So it sounds like this will be sorted out for the final release.

just downloaded this and I love it. just a question though: once this officially releases, do I have to update it again and will I lose all my data?

Yep, if you want to get back on the official update track. The preview won't get any OTA updates or anything. Technically you'll be able to flash the final release without wiping the phone (you can edit the flashing script to remove the wipe flag), but it's not recommended. Might cause issues. Better to start over with a fresh wipe.
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