Those dock icons look absolutely horrendous. Every single one with a different style, as if from separate icon sets. Where the hell is the UI unification and consistency? It's visually jarring. Then out of nowhere, when their visual cues are are all hard edges and angles, which is fine and defines android now, you have that circular icon for the application drawer that looks ripped from windows 7 phones.
1.The phone icon is blue and has a weird 3d/bezelled effect. No consistency with the 3 other icons.
2. The contacts icon is just needlessly complex and features a face with only a mouth,
3. Messages icon is green, clashing with the blue theme, and has a face with eyes and different style of mouth
4. Internet icon just seems off, and again, needlessly complex.
Everything is just jarring and doesn't combine into a holistic screen, without even the most basic level of consistency between styles, colors, shapes, sizes, etc. When you step back, it looks ridiculous. I wanted to see if I was alone on this, but have visited android fan sites and there's many people with similar comments.