Wait, the Galaxy Nexus is the only phone with Android 4.0? Huh.
No. The galaxy s 2, HTC vivid, sensation, sensation xe all have it as well.
Wait, the Galaxy Nexus is the only phone with Android 4.0? Huh.
No. The galaxy s 2, HTC vivid, sensation, sensation xe all have it as well.
No. The galaxy s 2, HTC vivid, sensation, sensation xe all have it as well.
Bluestacks BETA is available today.
It's a windows program that emulates and cloud syncs your apps.
Buyers of Samsung's 4G LTE Galaxy Nexus smartphone can now score a free extended-life battery with the usual two-year contract.
The free battery bundle consists of the i515 2100 mAh battery and a special cover for added protection. This package normally sells for $49.99 directly from Samsung and runs anywhere from $30 to $40 from various online retailers.
My bad. I thought the Sensations and GSII were just leaks, not official updates. So, yea, a handful have it now it seems.
AT&T flavor (Skyrocket) is getting 4.0 any day now, officially. It has been leaked if you are the adventurous type
Pctx.... Y U NO GET NEXUS?![]()
I have the galaxy s2 on Tmobile.
But doesn't it have TouchWiz?![]()
- touchwiz launcher=meh
- some of the TW features like the quick settings buttons in the notification bar = like/+1/upvote
- TW ICS color scheme/icons = barf
I actually like the TW launcher for its 4 icon dock, because it lines up perfectly with the other homescreen apps. But other than that, the other launchers feel more smooth to me, and of course are more customizable. I wish I could get a third party launcher to mimic the tw 4 icon dock.I'm not saying TW is perfect but for my needs, it works. I've messed with the other launchers and I keep going back to TW which is a credit to Samsung. The Icons, yeah, not a big fan but that's why Android is so interesting to watch to see what people prefer or change.
They don't right now? That just seems lazy.im hoping that with some more upgrades HBO will decide to pull their thumbs out of their asses and support ICS
So I assembled my own list of potential app providers. To create a list of top brands, I looked at Nielsen's top 10 global Web companies, online video destinations, and U.S. TV networks; Alexa's top 10 U.S. websites; the top 10 retail banks as measured by the Federal Reserve; 10 top online game publishing houses; Nielsen's top 20 Android apps by usage; and Apple's top 10 paid and top 10 free iPad apps by usage. I looked for official apps from each of these companies...
Android was weak on apps from TV brands, with only one app from ABC compared to the iPad's 12 and nine from Disney compared to the iPad's 32. But it did well with dominant Web brands, offering 14 Yahoo apps to the iPad's five and seven Amazon apps to the iPad's 4. There are 20 Google apps for the Transformer Prime and only eight for the iPad; Google+, most notably, is missing on the iPad. Google's tablet apps look great on both platforms. Apple, Nielsen's number-nine Web brand, offers no Android apps.
Each OS is missing some major brands. The iPad has no official Wikipedia app, although there are several third-party versions. The Android Wikipedia app looks so bad, though, that it's not really competition. It's a reformatted WAP site on a tablet capable of displaying the full Web...
Android games don't generally suck when played on Android tablets. There are just fewer of them... The iPad wins, 402 games to 176. Now, a lot of that seems to be Big Fish spewing 166 games into the iTunes store. 166 games! But even with that outlier out of the way, the iPad still wins 236-162. There are more major-label games available for the iPad.
Of course, there are entire categories of apps found on Android tablets but not on the iPad. Real alternate Web browsers. Widgets. Classic game emulators requiring illegally obtained ROMs. BitTorrent clients. Alternative app stores. What all of those categories have in common, though, is that they're for tweakers. Geeks. Experts. The kinds of people who are likely to be reading this article, to be sure, but not the mainstream consumer.
In other words, an Android tablet might be better for you, reader, because you want to reinstall the OS and emulate a Super Nintendo. But that can't be a general recommendation if the apps from big, popular brands generally suck...
I actually like the TW launcher for its 4 icon dock, because it lines up perfectly with the other homescreen apps. But other than that, the other launchers feel more smooth to me, and of course are more customizable. I wish I could get a third party launcher to mimic the tw 4 icon dock.
You guys see this? Elephant handles the smartphone better than my parents.
My biggest issue with TW is the humongous font size that can't be changed. TW is to AOSP what Duplo is to Lego.
What is the default cdma roaming mode, automatic or home only? I touched the screen while I wasn't looking, and not sure if I changed it.
Is there a Outlook Web Access app? I can access my work email via owa on the browser but the exchange setup wont work. Could it be blocked by my employer?
They don't right now? That just seems lazy.
What is the default cdma roaming mode, automatic or home only? I touched the screen while I wasn't looking, and not sure if I changed it.
Home only.
I was far, far from 4g land this weekend and had to set it on auto to get any roaming at all.
Doesn't work. You got a xda link? You are missing APN name and user password on this info.
Let me get this straight, user name is "TMobile.com 0000000000" and password blank?
Or user name is "TMobile.com" and password is the phone number?
it's Automatic. Data roaming is disabled but that's just for international use.
What phone/carrier are you using that set it to Home by default? That's actually kind of shady unless you're talking about data. Like I said I'm pretty sure the data roaming is for international only but I know on a Sprint Android phone I had it disabled data on other networks by default.
I suppose it would depend on carrier.
it's Automatic. Data roaming is disabled but that's just for international use.
What phone/carrier are you using that set it to Home by default? That's actually kind of shady unless you're talking about data. Like I said I'm pretty sure the data roaming is for international only but I know on a Sprint Android phone I had it disabled data on other networks by default.
I suppose it would depend on carrier.
Well I am in China now (and browsing GAF on glorious GPRS).Hey tino, bringing back our conversation previously about the free data for Tmobile. It suddenly stopped working for me. Is that something Tmobile did or some kind of error on my part?
Oh yea, All AT&T GS2 owners, CM9 officially started making nightlies for our phone, and there are ICS roms popping up left and right. I have been using CM9 for a few days and its perfect. I don't think it does video recording at the moment but I don't care about that. I highly recommend updating.
Well I am in China now (and browsing GAF on glorious GPRS).
I would check howardforum's TMo prepaid subforum and that original xda thread.
I kind of stopped reading when he starts to say how there maybe some apps missing on iOS side but the Android app is so ugly it doesn't matter and you can just go to the website for much better experience. Seems like a double standards to me, since you can do the same for the reverse. And having text reflow in Android browser is actually helpful, plus occasionally, useful, flash support...So I'm seeing this PCMag story is being linked in a bunch of places:
The iPad Wins Because Android Tablet Apps Suck: An Illustrated Guide
Mine was Verizon on the 4.0.4 leaked ROM.
A really noob question:
I have a SGS2 International without an SDCard. I want to try CM9 and see I need to use CMW and flash from SDCard. Can I bypass this (use the usbstorage or whatever)?
Yep. Internal storage is labeled as sd-card in cwm.
Depends on which CWM, but yea, you can choose to install from sd or internal.