Need a bit of help. My droid X is stuck at the boot screen (red circle with white M) when I plug it into the charger. I left it charged all night but I guess the battery isn't working either since I can't boot it up from there. Holding home and the power button while booting doesn't work either. Not sure what caused it since I hadn't installed or changed anything before now. Anything I should try? Could going to the Verizon store do anything? I'm guessing it's not the battery and more of a phone not charging it when plugged in.
Of course there will be plenty of new phones coming out but we're not going to see a jump from current performance levels for some time.Question for you guys who keep tabs on new phones. Are there going to be any new phones coming out in the fall? I've held off upgrading and I think I'll get myself a new phone as a early present for myself.
I'm using T-Mobile. Where can I look them up?
Anandtech doesn't have the next Intel chip hitting until 1H 2013.I think intel is about to blow shit out of the water this year in the mobile sector.
Well....I have my gut feeling.
The haters keep hating but the Nexus just keeps Nexusing.
Best Galaxy got to the top on the strength of its bestness.![]()
I think intel is about to blow shit out of the water this year in the mobile sector.
From the end of July the Xperia S/P/U/Sola are going to start shipping with ICS in the box! The Xperia GX international is set for the end of September, it will not come to Europe (Asia, North America only), we are going to get a different version with an improved camera module and no micro SD. Otherwise it is the same (MSM8960, 32GB, 1750mAh, 4.6" 1280x720 S-IPS) and will ship around a month later with ICS on board.
Crippled Galaxy got to the top on the strength of its price.![]()
Ok I think I fucked myself over.
I keep getting this error sign on fastboot.
invalid flash mode 0A.71
AP Fastboot Flash Mode (S) (Boot Failure)
Battery Low
Cannot Program
Connect USB
Data Cable
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop): Invalid SP Data
Invalid CG HAB (CG: webtop, status: 0x04E)
Invalid CG OTV (CG: webtop)
Anyone know how what to do?
What? I thought the GX was going to be released with ICS? It would be incredibly stupid to launch a new flagship with Gingerbread in third quarter of the year, only to update it a month later.
It does ship with ICS.
Even if Jelly Bean does release soon am I the only person scratching his head wondering what OEMs can do in terms of JB hardware this year? I get what Google can do in terms of a new Nexus device, but I'm wondering what OEMs can really do beyond what HTC and Samsung have already done this year.
Are we even going to have any new chipsets available by the end of the year that'll be mass market ready? Seems like anything they do would just be like a remix of the One X or Galaxy SIII just with JB preinstalled. Seems like better off just selling the current hardware and giving them the update.
Everyone still seems to be scrambling to get new LTE chipsets ready which won't be till 2013, and networks in NA and abroad seem to still be building out.
Am I crazy for thinking this GAF?
Soo, since I can renew my contract during the next few months I started to look into current Android phones, is there a lot of stuff you can tell me about the Nexus? I kinda like it from what I've seen, but how is it these days? Still a good phone? Battery holding up longer compared to launch time?
NFC still has to catch on, we're gonna see more modular solutions like padfone or web top/razr. Screens still have long time to go before they can be said they are good for outdoors without killing your battery.
Luckily android is pretty much ready for any od those hardware advances.
Strange that they gave out the review units all with 2.3 on-board, lot of reviews marked it down for that amongst other things like having an S3 on-board apparently not an S4.
NFC still has to catch on, we're gonna see more modular solutions like padfone or web top/razr. Screens still have long time to go before they can be said they are good for outdoors without killing your battery.
Luckily android is pretty much ready for any od those hardware advances.
Dude, check out the Whitemagic screen on the Xperia P. At half brightness my sister's one is fully usable in bright sunshine, and Super AMOLED+ is also very good in bright sunlight, but it kills the battery. Hopefully Samsung have been working on increasing efficiency.
Huh? The GX hasn't started shipping in Japan yet, let alone to western reviewers! It is set to come to the west in September, but not Europe. Europe will get a different SKU with an improved camera module and no microSD slot a month later, in October. Both ship with ICS out of the box. They will be Sony's final phones released in 2012. I have also heard a rumour that Sony have delayed the European version by a month so they can launch it with Jelly Bean, either as a day zero patch or in the box, however, that is just a rumour.
The haters keep hating but the Nexus just keeps Nexusing.
Most of the people who bought the Nexus on GAF either paid full price for the International one at launch or bought the Verizon one at launch. So I guess the strength of the $800 unlocked or $300 + 2 year Verizon contract price at launch really was a factor in putting the One True Best Galaxy at the top of all Galaxies.![]()
The extended battery adds like 13% capacity, it comes no where close to doubling the battery life.If you're running a stock rom then the battery life is the same. You can get an extended battery the nearly doubles the life and doesn't make it to bulky.
there's a very good chance andrex and unknown soldier use their phones to touch themselves, but everyone else seems to just enjoy their phonesGuys, we all love our GNs but this is getting to Victoria Justice vs. Selena Gomez thread weirdness level. Thankfully phones don't have videos where GIFs can be made out of.
The extended battery adds like 13% capacity, it comes no where close to doubling the battery life.
Hahah so Truth^
The whole nexus defense force is so weird and fan boyish. Its like there circlejerking with each other while holding their beloved nexus....its a dayam phone..
there's a very good chance andrex and unknown soldier use their phones to touch themselves, but everyone else seems to just enjoy their phones
you're basically the exact opposite of unknown soldier in terms of device trumpeting![]()
How is the Note with ICS? And are there any extended batteries available? Preferably something that is the same size as stock.
you're basically the exact opposite of unknown soldier in terms of device trumpeting![]()
Its hard to stay away from the hump, the hump, the hump, the lovely little hump.
I would hate to go through life as a hipster who think it's cool to hate everything. I feel my approach is the superior one quite frankly.
Hahah I don't hate everything...if I like something I say it, if I hate something I don't sugar coat it to justify my purchase. I try to be none bias. You basically hate everything non nexus.
You should actually try other phones before declaring something as "best" or "superior"
So you've never actually read my posts, don't have a sense of humor, and don't understand how the Internet works? Good to know.
Feel free to use the Search function or Google to mine GAF's post database and find any post where I said the Nexus was objectively best or superior to any other phone. Go ahead, I'll wait.
So in other words you ain't got shit. No surprise there.