That homescreen is almost as ugly as the transition animation. There's a separate thread for homescreen shots, so that I don't have to be visually assaulted without preparing myself.
If you do not customize android you should go back to IOS.
Then why do I have to tell Facebook Messenger to not replace my Nexus' default messenger as main SMS handler all the f'ing time?
I did not argue against the right to make homescreens look like garbage. I just said it looked like If you do not customize android you might like IOS better. Big reason why people should android is customization and freedom. Ios is better option otherwise security and apps wise. Home screen is fine and I got good icon pack because of that.
This is a false and baseless generalization. I couldn't disagree more.
Just because someone decides not to use a custom icon pack or alter the appearance of the launcher doesn't make one 'less worthy' of Android. That's a very superficial way of looking at the strengths of the platform.
That homescreen is almost as ugly as the transition animation. There's a separate thread for homescreen shots, so that I don't have to be visually assaulted without preparing myself.
Found a fabulous live wallpaper:
And it isn't a resource hog.
Also, yay for getting mobile footage into gifs!
Just because someone decides not to use a custom icon pack or alter the appearance of the launcher doesn't make one 'less worthy' of Android. That's a very superficial way of looking at the strengths of the platform.
I understand the update thing. It's a partition issue.
Good on dark mode not shipping. Just give us stock Flux.
I get that, but maybe let those that are happy doing the repartition do it and get the seemless? Being fair I will probably be updating my 6P to whatever Nexus comes next, assuming it's a decent enough upgrade.
They'd probably then have to push two versions of each update every time for the older devices. One for those who did the partioning and a regular one.
So another day. Do I dirty flash ota my N6P?
So another day. Do I dirty flash ota my N6P?
So another day. Do I dirty flash ota my N6P?
So another day. Do I dirty flash ota my N6P?
It's like performance changes over time. Fancy that.You should ask few more times.
my GF is getting Google Play Reward surveys every day and here I am having not got one in like a month D:
my GF is getting Google Play Reward surveys every day and here I am having not got one in like a month D:
Samsung Galaxy C5
Just posted it, because I thought it was hilarious.
Day 1 back with the n5. It's 1pm and I'm closing in on my need to charge a second time.
Please send help
I'm picking up an ipad tomororow and a new phone next week. Been android all my electronics using life. Unsure if I should try out an iphone or keep with android. There's no nexus device on T-mobile so whats the best out of.
S7 & S7 Edge
iphone 6s+
Htc 10
Enrolled in beta. Installing now. I am proud of myself for holding off of the initial developer previews. That took a lot of patience on my end and tbh, I'm not very patient.
almost shaking in my boots for your shitty impressions
Enrolled in beta. Installing now. I am proud of myself for holding off of the initial developer previews. That took a lot of patience on my end and tbh, I'm not very patient.
Eh, I don't post impressions here too often. Most of you have no taste tbhalmost shaking in my boots for your shitty impressions
Bring on the bootloop!
Got dammit where were you ten minutes agoAlso idle battery drain when non stationary seems pretty bad. Worse than 6.0.1.
Something strange on mine, it's standard N preview 6P and yet I've managed to get different wallpapers for lockscreen and homescreen :-/
my GF is getting Google Play Reward surveys every day and here I am having not got one in like a month D:
Yeah I'm about a month without now, seem to come in fits and starts really. It's all very random. My partner and I both have the Withings app on our Android devices and the smart scales associated. I got a survey offer for a free Activité Pop and she got nothing. Random is random.
same happened to me. Last months hardly a couple of them, i almos did 12 in 3 months... but since then. My wife already +18 an she started in february :/
I hope google implement family sharing options in apps asap, so we can use this for our kids accounts for games and such.
She even gets some surveys asking if we use wifi router and some weird tech questions when she doesn't care about that and i do. seems random, except when you go shopping often.
Meanwhile in Vanilla land...
almost shaking in my boots for your shitty impressions