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OP is pushing a second Nougat update. Maybe it'll fix your issues.
They have had a couple Nougat updates already, I got one last night actually. I'm pretty sure I had some missing Textra notifications last night though after the update.OP is pushing a second Nougat update. Maybe it'll fix your issues.
G6 is posed to have the quad DAC thingy again, like the v20 had
Oh my. Nougat multi tasking is really nice.
im hoping now that daydream flopped completely they can go back and focus on core android shit and focus on messaging. I fucking hate when they won't shut up about VR and shit.
both still mean it floppedflopped? or sent to die?
Look on the inside, not the outside jeffery
the pixel/XL is the perfect analogy of "she has a great personality"
That's not true at all. Where's my split screen mode on iPhone? You can alt tab on Android in a split second.Multitasking is a pain imo. Not as seemless as ios. YouTube goes to black for a few seconds when switching into that mode. Many other video apps still aren't updated so that as soon as you deselect that window, it pauses.
Sprint trying to go all in.
$90 for 5 "unlimited" lines
Probably ios 11 if the rumor bigger bezeless iphones are true.That's not true at all. Where's my split screen mode on iPhone? You can alt tab on Android in a split second.
Multitasking is a pain imo. Not as seemless as ios. YouTube goes to black for a few seconds when switching into that mode. Many other video apps still aren't updated so that as soon as you deselect that window, it pauses.
can't say I relate to that much at all
As predicted every major player in the android space is going with custom chips and that's great for the end user, it sucks for OEMs that cannot afford that and more than anything it sucks for Qualcomm that sees its market shrink. Sure this year they have the first batch of 835s already sold but how much this can last?
Aside that i wonder how much one could trust his/her data with both hardware and software made in China.
It's never been the navigation or UI. It's all the android bullshit like battery drain, wake locks, app permissions, managing background processes, buried ass notification settings (well maybe not this one anymore).
If you ask me what phone I'd give to my grandma or even my mom, it's an iPhone no question. I can use Android just fine myself but i sure as hell don't want to become tech support for my mom.
It's never been the navigation or UI. It's all the android bullshit like battery drain, wake locks, app permissions, managing background processes, buried ass notification settings (well maybe not this one anymore).
If you ask me what phone I'd give to my grandma or even my mom, it's an iPhone no question. I can use Android just fine myself but i sure as hell don't want to become tech support for my mom.
I'm just enjoying watching netflix while browsing GAF.What about it is nice? Genuine question, just got N on my S7 Edge and wonder it myself...
Buy an Android device which has microSD support, such as not a Nexus/Pixel
Also cancel your damn Switch preorder jeez
I know your pain with my 6pso i got a 32gb 6p and isntantly regretted it and now that i'm running up against the limits of my music collection i'm regretting it even more
what kinda stuff besides cloud hosting everything or buying a larger phone and only ever streaming music can I do to alleviate this dumb issue
stupid lack of sd card storage
I was having this discussion an hour or so ago about this, the original pitch of "a smartphone so easy to use that doesn't even need a user manual!" of the first iPhone has been thrown under the bus in these last 4-5 years by Apple.This comment:
This is what I've been saying for years. This is actually the first time I've seen anyone acknowledge this in the comments... like anywhere.. Even tech journalist fall into this mistake. That stupid ass misconception and Android is complicated and iOS is much easier to use for everyone. It really all has to do with familiarity, not simply just the ease of use. Android CAN be more complex if you are trying to do complex things. The experience is almost never like that if we're talking about simple OS navigation, which iOS is sort of shitty at compared to Android. That's one of my number one complaints other than the lack of choosing default apps. I had no idea that they handled changing camera settings like that. Their entire settings/badge menu is a complete mess and I never see journalists say shit about it.
Have a dedicated back and multi task button is the better system and way easier for navigation.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;230125426 said:The amount of wasted space on google music is ridiculous.
There's a difference between just turning on a phone and actually using all of the features it provides. I think if I asked a lot of the iPhone users I know questions like "How often do you use Spotlight search?", "What kind of Widgets do you use?", or "Do you use 3D touch often?" they'd look at me stupidly not knowing what that stuff is. It's easy to turn on an iPhone and use it, but the OS itself just isn't simplified anymore because it is bloated with features that aren't easily accessible to the average user.I'm sorry but I did smartphone support in a major call centre for over a year. I took thousands upon thousands of calls from the casualest of casuals and it's an absolute fact that iphones were the least complex and easiest for these people. All the iphone calls were extremely simple and usually about the same thing or two whereas the android calls (of which there were shittons despite most people owning iphones) were all complex and varied.
Their customer satisfaction is through the roof for a reason. They're seeing record amount of android to iphone switchers every quarter. They sell way more of a single device than any company on the planet and still continue to grow that number every so often. For a lot of the things people do with their smartphones, the iphone is definitely the easiest to get into and easiest to grasp.
One important factor is that there's very little you can screw up on an iphone, and very little that can go awry. You won't tick off a box in settings that will fuck everything up, you won't have rogue apps, it's a very much what you see is what you get operating system. If you deep dive there is more to it in some places but just the amount of things that can go wrong is very little. Yes now there's more depth in the settings but most of these casuals don't dive into there and even if they did there is very little that will mess things up whereas Android's granular control (Which many love) has the ability to fuck up oh so many things.
I think I wanted to pull my hair out after most android calls that I took whereas Iphone calls were a breeze. Doesn't help that in the android world people jump around OEMs all with different settings and layouts and customizations whereas when you go iphone jumping or upgrading you're generally seeing the same thing. I can't even count how many android calls ended in "my [insert family or friend] has an iphone and never has these issues" or "fuck this im getting an iphone next time". I rarely ever heard it the other way around. I keep in touch with all my buddies there every day at work and they tell me it's the same story and same calls. Literally nothing has changed.