I think Germany is actually the only country that ever really did this. I mean there are so many countries that commited extreme atrocities in the last 200 years that are completely brushed over or played down extremely.Man, Japan is such a stark contrast to Germany in accepting the actions of World War 2.
What do you mean? It's 100% flawless rhetoric. See, murder is against the law in my country. This effectively proves that we have no murderers."That is not our custom" is a worthless rebuttal.
Maybe just "ritual acts of cannablism" part? I have no idea.What do you mean? It's 100% flawless rhetoric. See, murder is against the law in my country. This effectively proves that we have no murderers.
Now she has chickpox and can't make premiere.
I just got done teaching Japanese middle schoolers about the rape of Nanking.
It was uncomfortable.
Same. Jesus christ...I have to say, yes, it's new to me. Wow, like out of a horror story.
I'm not sure who I trust less to give us the facts of a story, Japanese right wingers or Hollywood.
Don't they disallow such things?
...Your school let you teach that? No parents objected/complained?Private school.
Not one....Your school let you teach that? No parents objected/complained?
hollywood tell the truth for shore.
Since some of you have probably never heard of this incident: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident
The book by James Bradley is also quite good. There are numerous recorded instances of acts of cannibalism by Japanese military personnel during the war.
Man, Japan is such a stark contrast to Germany in accepting the actions of World War 2.
This.Japanese conservatives can get bent, that some holocaust denial level of bullshit, and should invoke significantly more outrage.
There are records of cannibalism? I've never heard that before. Source?The Japanese conservatives are going to be much less trustworthy. Hollywood will get facts wrong either out of ignorance or for dramatic film making. The Japanese conservatives will straight out lie. There are two lies right in the article: there are lots of records of Japanese torture and cannibalism in World War II.
Part of this is cultural, but a large part stems from MacArthur allowing the Japanese to bury most of their crimes. A lot of war criminals, perhaps the large majority, managed to avoid prosecution altogether. In Germany, the Allies made sure that everyone was exposed to the extent of their crimes, so that it would be impossible to deny.The conservatives over there seem to have a terrible inability of separating the individual and the collective in their minds. It seems they base their denial on the idea that the Japanese people (specially those in leadership positions) are "too good" to have engaged into such acts, so the reports have to be lies.
The Chichijima Incident mentioned earlier is a good example, and this gives an idea of the extent of the cannibalism: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...e-flesh-of-enemies-and-civilians-1539816.htmlThere are records of cannibalism? I've never heard that before. Source?
Man, Japan is such a stark contrast to Germany in accepting the actions of World War 2.
Own up to it Japan, seriously.
Louis Zamperini is a native of my city and local Hero, seeing some Japanese wanting to boycott this film because they can't cop to the history of their country is some Grade A Bullshit.