lol what the fuck deez clowns talkin bout
It depends on how he covers a single game. Sometimes, he'll get really into detail on a single game and I'll enjoy it, like his review of Super Pitfall, but sometimes he'll just completely miss the point and it becomes annoying, like his review of Lester the Unlikely. Actually, his review of Lester the Unlikely highlights another criticism about the AVGN - if he didn't play a game growing up, it's obvious when he reviews them, because his review is really superficial and it becomes obvious he doesn't know how to play. Lester the Unlikely isn't a bad game, really. It's in the same vein as stuff like Flashback or Another World, but he goes in and tries to play it like Super Mario Bros and hates it. It just comes off as uninformed.
It wasn't a full review, but his Jaguar CD review is like that. He tries to play Battlemorph like Starfox and just complains the whole time that it's not starfox instead of actually playing the game correctly. I much prefer when he demonstrates intimate knowledge of the game, rather than when he is just looking for things to shit on.
Yes, I love those Halloween episodes, Dark Castle review is one of my favs due to how bad that game was.From the ET episode page:
"A brand new Halloween-themed Nerd episode is on its way very soon, keeping with tradition."
So there we go, a new original one soon.
I wonder what the schedule is going to be now that the movie is finished. One a month? Six a year?
It appears to me he is looking for things to complain about from the perspective of a kid who may have rented the game in the early 90's who was used to things like mario and didnt know how to play it properly. This happened alot back then. Games didnt do alot of handholding back then.
I hope more avgn episodes appear more often now, only so much James and Mike plays I can watch without thinking how nice a new nerd episode would be, even if it's a small 5 minute episode like some of the earlier nerd episodes.
find out soon I guess.
How much life does the series have left though? I feel like he's done everything he's set out to do.
What all are the Halloween themed AVGN episodes? Off the top of my head I can think of the original Castlevania II, Castlevania four-parter, and Ghosts 'n Goblins.
How could I forget Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street?!?!?
If anyone's interested, I'm making an AVGN Halloween playlist on youtube.
Edit: check it out
If you're going to use the "games didn't handhold" phrase about older games then you have to concede that kids back then actually played individual games for longer than they do now and became more intimate with them. Which doesn't jive with your statement about them expecting Mario.
I never went to blockbuster expecting Mario from a non Mario game. I never went to toys r us and bought a game thinking it was Megaman without it saying Mega Man on it. Castlevania, battletoads, blah blah blah.
The late 80s/early 90s videogames industry had a wide open, make-what-you-want feel to it that led to a huge variety of games. Mostly bad honestly, but I definitely prefer it to the billion dollar clone games were forced to deal with these days.
So anyway, in regards to your original statement of it happening a lot back then: no, didn't happen a lot back then.
Mike sucks at the game.![]()
Mike's just bad.Mike's generally bad at most games
Mike's generally bad at most games
Eh? Dude is fantastic at Kaboom!
That's the equivalent of being good at over a thousand games.
Same here. I'm surprised that people would think otherwise, actually. They both tend to suck in some of these videos, though, as it's clear they're not paying much attention at times.I've always thought that Mike was better at most games than James, and tends to be pretty good actually...
James uploaded a video of himself playing Super Castlevania IV when he was a kid.
Nice Monster Madness tie in.Beetlejuice BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE
I rented Beetlejuice as a kid and surprised myself by recalling the exact tune in my head before it even played in the video... and that's from one rental. Beetlejuice for NES was truly awful.
How many LJN titles does he have left?