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Angry Video Game Nerd


Just because the popular opinion is that the prequels are bad doesn't mean that they actually are! They're good movies which it's very popular to hate on. Each of the prequels is better than the last, and ep. 3 I like as much as the least great of the original trilogy, but there's a lot of good about "even" episode 1.
I prefer Episode 1 over 2, but Episode 3 beats both.
You've got some serious rose tinted glasses going on with the PT to post this.
No, I just think that they're good movies. I watched the original trilogy back in the early '90s, so of course I have more nostalgia for them, but while the PT isn't quite as good as the OT overall, they are good movies I quite like.

They're full of completely *ridiculous* references to the OT (Anakin made C-3PO? Seriously? Chewbacca is there for.. some reason?).
Nah, references like those in the PT are few and far between, and Threepio maybe excepted they mostly make sense. Mostly the PT is telling the backstory of what happened to set up the OT, about Anakin most importantly. This is entirely unlike TFA, which is half remake-but-not-really and half constant series of references placed there to make the audience happy. They really aren't comparable here, TFA has way more, quite intentionally.

Episode 1 recreates the death star run with a droid ship (and in an incredibly dumb way).
That's kind of true, but it's done in a very different way -- the droid control ship looks nothing like a Death Star, is only one starship and not some massive battlestation, and isn't going to blow up their planet, Anakin isn't flying down a trench but is going through the ship itself, he's sort of on autopilot most of the time, etc etc. It's a homage, but done differently enough to be new. It was kind of a silly scene, but it's amusing enough and thanks to the remote-course-control element is plausible.

TFA, however, just recreates a new Death Star, almost exactly like the old one but even more powerful than before. The whole setup is like ANH but not as good. To mention one example of something seriously lacking about TFA's Death Star,
it destroys a planet. This planets' name is mentioned once, in passing. Why we should care about this planet is never mentioned, what its importance is is never mentioned, why it was a target is never mentioned. There is enough to hint that it's some planet important to either the Republic or Resistance, I don't know which going by the movie, but that's about it. There is no scene beforehand like the great Leia & Darth Vader or Leia and Tarkin scenes, to set the scene, tell us why we should care, give the destruction emotional weight, etc; it's just randomly blown up for no stated reason other than "HEY ANH REFERENCE FANS! Our death star-analog blew up a planet! See these badguys are so evil!" And afterwards, there is no scene like Obi-Wan's scene in the Falcon where he feels the destruction through the Force. That was a powerful scene which really added meaning to the Empire's act, much more so than that little 'view from the planet before the beam hit' scene that TFA has. And then afterwards, nothing, as I said. No reaction scene like Obi-Wan's, and barely anything beyond that. It's just a movie blowing something up because movies. Nobody seems to much care about that this planet was blown up, other than to mention its name once, and be unhappy that apparently somehow this destroyed the Republics' unseen fleet? And on that note, that made no sense either. The movie never explains why blowing up a planet would destroy a fleet; fleets would be scattered and not only at one base and aren't on planets in Star Wars, so this makes little sense.
The whole planet-destruction element of the movie is REALLY badly done all around, and like a lot of things in the movie feels like a lot of key scenes just weren't included in the film, and others weren't through through well.

What the hell is Jar Jar if not a ripoff of Disney-style sidekicks?
I guess, but he's taking C-3PO's place as main comic relief character, pretty much; it wasn't a new role invented just for the PT. I do agree that not much of Jar Jar's comic stuff in TPM was very funny and I don't like the character too much as a result, but I don't hate Jar-Jar either. I like the character concept of someone exiled from his people for being different -- that's a good and sympathetic idea. I just wish his comedy was better written... stuff like that really dumb part where he walks into the podracer beam, gets shocked, etc. was just stupid. Ah well; TPM's a good movie anyway, and Jar-Jar hate is SO overdone. Some of his appearances in the Clone Wars cartoon are good, too.

And Anakin being better than Kylo? Yeah no. Kylo is Anakin done right, if anything.
How does that figure? Kylo Ren is sort of like Anakin circa ep. 3, but without any of the context of the first two movies that explains how Anakin got to the point he is at. I think that the backstory of those first two movies makes Anakin's fall more interesting and better on a storyline front! Kylo Ren's got none of that, only annoying petulant whining and fits of adolescent rage. Anakin's the better character. Neither one is great, but at least with Anakin we have a better sense for how things went so wrong.

I prefer Episode 1 over 2, but Episode 3 beats both.
I find it surprising how many people say they like 1 more than 2, or that 2 is the worst one... why? I've always liked 2 quit a bit! Sure, 3 and 4-6 are all better, but 2's a very good movie. I've never minded the romance part, sure it's cheesy but that's fine with me. And it's got some great action in the Coruscant part, in that arena on the alien world with the flying aliens, etc.

The PT would have been a lot better if Anakin wasn't so god-awful.

Clone Wars Anakin is so much better. Why couldn't we have gotten that Anakin instead?
I've seen the first five seasons of the Clone Wars cartoon, but not that last season. It's okay, but not as good as the films, and I dislike some episodes and plot points. That part with that giant Godzillalike monster was really dumb for one example of some mediocre episodes, but the worst thing about it by far was the retcon & character destruction of Bariss Ofee in the last season I saw... still, enough of it was interesting to keep me watching.

But anyway, what's better about Clone Wars cartoon Anakin, in your view?


I find it surprising how many people say they like 1 more than 2, or that 2 is the worst one... why? I've always liked 2 quit a bit! Sure, 3 and 4-6 are all better, but 2's a very good movie. I've never minded the romance part, sure it's cheesy but that's fine with me. And it's got some great action in the Coruscant part, in that arena on the alien world with the flying aliens, etc.
Episode 1 had the better finale, lightsaber finale duel between Qui Gon, Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul, better pacing, pod-racing scene, Duel of the Fates(one of the best songs in the entire Star Wars series), etc. If Episode 2 was paced better and removed most of the flaws it could had been really good but it ends up barely average and the weakest of the series. I did like like arena scene though since I love to see a bunch of Jedi fighting together.


How many times is Metroid mentioned?
No idea - didn't watch the whole video.
Is there supposed to be a subtle joke about Ryan's basement or wherever they are? The corded phone, the 70s chairs, and the wood paneling? Lol
Reminds me of the basement of my family's old house!


2015 – A look back

2015 was another ambitious year. I took on projects that there wasn’t time for, but I did anyway. And I loved them.

The two biggest ones were the Board James: Nightmare finale, and the Jekyll and Hyde trailer. Each of these projects took a few months each to complete, from pre-production to Post. Together, these consumed about half the year.

There were 8 Board James episodes, for the first time taking the front stage from AVGN, a chance to shine it never had before. This was the first time I put a big story arch into it, and thought of it as a season, as whole.

On top of that, I squeezed in 5 AVGN episodes, my favorite being the Seaman episode which may have broken the record for the most hours ever spent on the gameplay portion. There was also, of course, the 25 Bad Game Cover Art videos which were surprisingly much more time-consuming than they seemed.

There was the traditional Monster Madness, though 20 of them (of the 31 total) were the standard scripted format. I can’t forget that making 10 Friday the 13th reviews early in the year, set me behind schedule.

We kept James & Mike Mondays going, making time to play 52 games for every Monday of the year. On top of that, there were many other gaming videos, including ones with Bootsy, Doug and others.

There were lots of miscellaneous movie reviews, the Batman 66 tribute, the Turner Classic Movies tribute, spontaneous movie reviews like Jurassic World, Creed, Star Wars, the Back to the Future 2 future date, and my own retrospective on my own film A Night of Total Terror (1996), and others.

I made time for a few convention appearances, such as PAX East for the first time, TooManyGames, Comic Con, RetroCon PA, Retro Gaming Con NY.

In addition, there was lots of technical maintenance this year, behind-the-scenes. I learned lots of new software, with lots of frustrations coming with it.

I’m happy with everything I did, but with a personal note to myself, I must be reminded that it was a big sacrifice to my own personal time with my daughter and family, and I don’t want to run into that problem ever again. In order to get the videos done timely, I had to work without ever stopping or communicating much with the outside world. My new year’s resolution is to find balance, while still keeping the Cinemassacre machine going strong in 2016.


Mike already hates on the game before playing it.

Does Mike need to be in the majority of Cinemassacre videos? I have gone from being a big fan to now disliking their content because of Mike. He is the most cookie cutter person out there that lacks any form of unique opinion. He just says the same old comments in every video, and rushes to make any dick or fart joke.

"Why can't this game be like Burnout?" Because, it's not.

"Shadow Complex is just like Super Metroid" Is that the game you need to compare to every side scroller?

"Why make Splatoon when they should just make another Mario or Zelda game" ... no comment


oh , because the game is not "Original" its a negative things ?
come on

but i like when they said what the last innovating game released ?

i think it's DMC with hack and slash genre.

but that mean bayonetta is not a perfect game and not original and some people is going to bash it because of that.
i mean , demon and angels ? DMC did it beofre
but , there is many games that have demon and angels
so , DMC is not so innovating.


Mike already hates on the game before playing it.

Does Mike need to be in the majority of Cinemassacre videos? I have gone from being a big fan to now disliking their content because of Mike. He is the most cookie cutter person out there that lacks any form of unique opinion. He just says the same old comments in every video, and rushes to make any dick or fart joke.

"Why can't this game be like Burnout?" Because, it's not.

"Shadow Complex is just like Super Metroid" Is that the game you need to compare to every side scroller?

"Why make Splatoon when they should just make another Mario or Zelda game" ... no comment

oh , because the game is not "Original" its a negative things ?
come on

but i like when they said what the last innovating game released ?

i think it's DMC with hack and slash genre.


He did terribly in Mega Man Game Boy, hell he even said it was harder than the 1st Mega Man game.=O Though I believe he's still good in the NES ones.

This was kind of strange to me. The only Mega Man games I've ever really been good at were the gameboy ones, so it'd be surprising if they were harder than their NES/SNES counterparts.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The first Gameboy MM, Dr. Wily's Revenge, is brutally difficult. Enemies do a ton of damage and it can be very tricky to avoid taking damage. I'd say its about as hard as the original MM.


The first Gameboy MM, Dr. Wily's Revenge, is brutally difficult. Enemies do a ton of damage and it can be very tricky to avoid taking damage. I'd say its about as hard as the original MM.
It's tough, but only having four stages (Gutsman and Bombman get cut) and then a single Dr Wily stage make it slightly easier to memorise and get through than MM1 on NES for me.

I played all the Gameboy ones, and remember they were really patchy in difficulty and quality. The first is tough but short, the second ridiculously easy, and the third quite hard. The fourth was easy again and MMV is just right.

The lower jump arc on all the Gb games means you can't jump over bosses easily and so yeah, they crash into you a lot. You get the slide from MMII onwards which helps a bit, but it's murder trying to avoid taking damage when fighting elecman in MMI. Fireman and Iceman just throw an easy projectile pattern at you, but elecman and cutman are battles of attrition as far as I remember. Admittedly, I always find Quickman in MM2 on NeS a battle of attrition when doing a buster-only run too.
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