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Angry Video Game Nerd


Neo Member
Just saw the TMNT review and think the person is just whining as it's an easy target . I actually played this more than any other game on the NES.

All the things that made it unnecessarily difficult made the game for me. Like jumps that couldn't be made, skimming through the pink reeds and pixel perfect jumps + attacks, the latter of which kind-of reminds me of street fighter, only TMNT is better. Megaman is just as frustrating but since it's not based on a franchise it gets the gamers seal of approval, when in fact it's just repetitively boring and plus he (what's his name?) cheats by having a gun....


Really Really Exciting Member!
I remember watching the tape of one of those concerts when i was really young. That's when i said one of my first english words(english isn't my first language). If i remember right, Shredder yelled "SHUT UP" at the Turtles.

Then i said those words in front of my mother without knowing what it meant. She wasn't really happy. :(


Rash said:
I will admit, I had the cassette tape as a kid.
Me too, I think you had to order delivery (not pick up in store, delivery) from Pizza Hut to get it. I must've argued with my mom for hours about why it HAD to be delivery that night.
oxtailsoup said:
I haven't seen that error before...
I was getting that error as well, but it's back now.

I like the Nerd and the Critic, so I enjoyed the video quite a bit. The Slayer and Bass parts are definitely the high points though.
Not feeling the Nerd + Critic chemistry. Rolfe is funnier on his own. Critic's voice is grating.

That was certainly a hilarious blast from the past though.
Overture said:
Just saw the TMNT review and think the person is just whining as it's an easy target . I actually played this more than any other game on the NES.

All the things that made it unnecessarily difficult made the game for me. Like jumps that couldn't be made, skimming through the pink reeds and pixel perfect jumps + attacks, the latter of which kind-of reminds me of street fighter, only TMNT is better. Megaman is just as frustrating but since it's not based on a franchise it gets the gamers seal of approval, when in fact it's just repetitively boring and plus he (what's his name?) cheats by having a gun....

:lol :lol :lol

You'd think after 3 years, people would get it by now.


Fourth Storm said:
Not feeling the Nerd + Critic chemistry. Rolfe is funnier on his own. Critic's voice is grating.

That was certainly a hilarious blast from the past though.

I don't think they really allow themselves time enough to establish any sort of real chemistry, which isn't shocking considering that they are two reviewers who don't really team up with anyone on a regular basis, hence it is not surprising the they are better off reviewing things on their own.
I've never seen Nostalgia Critic. This video didn't make me regret it. The guy sounds fucking annoying. Everytime he does one of his grating screams, it makes my speakers crackle. No thanks. As someone said earlier, Nerd is a lot better on his own. Nostalgia Critic sounds like he's trying to be the geek Lewis Black or something with all the yelling.

But Nerd contributed to shittyness in this video as well. All 1,000 of the parts where they said the same line in unison were just as hokey as the shit they were making fun of.

This would have been so much better if Nerd did this on his own without that idiot beside him screaming all the time.
I use to like Nostalgia Critic but IMO I think most of it was due to me being hungry for "bad review satire" against movies. Nostalgia Critic can be funny at times, he really can, but he just trys way way way too hard. Just keep it to the basics of pointing out strange and random funny shit and keep the funny one liners going and you have some decent comedy.

You can also tell in this video of the parts Critic directed and scripted and what Nerd directed and scripted.
Really, fuck the Critic haters. The guy rocks.

That said, he doesn't mesh so well with the Nerd. They have very different styles. And being with the nerd seems to make the Critic scream too much which is never a good thing. Critic is at his best being satirical and witty and using careful edits to make fun of shit.

But yeah, Critic still rocks.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, that's the only thing I noticed. Critic DOESN'T scream in his own vids unless it has something irritating in it (Bat-Credit Card, etc.). But hey, a lot of the people here are Nerd fanboys so yeah...

Davey Cakes

See, I enjoy both the Nerd and the Critic.

But, if there's one thing that bothers me, it's that, when the two are in a video together, it really sounds like they're trying too hard.

These guys are at their best when they sound naturally angry. And, really, their combined review just seemed completely unnatural and forced. A decent idea on paper, but that's it.

Their review wasn't bad or anything. It was enjoyable. But, after having watched so much of Doug and James with their videos, it sticks out like a sore thumb when there's any moment in a video where it seems like either of them are trying too hard.


The TMNT concert is such awesome material for AVGN, but the "nostalgia critic", whoever this unfunny hack is, totally sours it. I couldn't even make it halfway through.

Also, the audio is horrible in this video.

edit: Not the TMNT audio, which is unarguably horrible, but the quality of the AVGN and that douchebag's newly-recorded audio.
Ookami-kun said:
Yeah, that's the only thing I noticed. Critic DOESN'T scream in his own vids unless it has something irritating in it (Bat-Credit Card, etc.). But hey, a lot of the people here are Nerd fanboys so yeah...

Critic gets so much unwarranted hate here , whilst the Nerd gets a constant love-in. That's not to say I don't like the Nerd - I think he's great - but man the Critic is underappreciated;.

Which is a bit odd actually because I thought given their contrasting styles - the Critic simply sits down and satirically analyses a movie whilst the Nerd often puts on these big shows with plots and special effects - GAF would actually show some love for the Critic because he is quite reminiscent of the old Nerd (though James has gotten a lot better lately with not having so much narrative fluff).

The screaming is pretty bad yes but like you said he barely ever uses it in his own videos. And if he does, it's pretty much always warranted and rarely painful on the ears. Whereas in the videos he does with the Nerd (which seem to be the only ones that the majority of GAF seems to watch), he tries to match the Nerd's unique style and ends up screaming too much. He's so much better in his own videos.

Seriously, take a look at the Sonic The Hedgehog review or the Moonwalker review or the Mortal Kombat reviews, or the Jingle All The Way review or the TMNT reviews or whatever. The guy has some serious editing talent and he's actually a pretty good actor who can talk in front of a camera pretty damn well.

<3 The Nerd
but also
<3 Critic too


_Alkaline_ said:
Critic gets so much unwarranted hate here , whilst the Nerd gets a constant love-in. That's not to say I don't like the Nerd - I think he's great - but man the Critic is underappreciated;.

Which is a bit odd actually because I thought given their contrasting styles - the Critic simply sits down and satirically analyses a movie whilst the Nerd often puts on these big shows with plots and special effects - GAF would actually show some love for the Critic because he is quite reminiscent of the old Nerd (though James has gotten a lot better lately with not having so much narrative fluff).

The screaming is pretty bad yes but like you said he barely ever uses it in his own videos. And if he does, it's pretty much always warranted and rarely painful on the ears. Whereas in the videos he does with the Nerd (which seem to be the only ones that the majority of GAF seems to watch), he tries to match the Nerd's unique style and ends up screaming too much. He's so much better in his own videos.

Seriously, take a look at the Sonic The Hedgehog review or the Moonwalker review or the Mortal Kombat reviews, or the Jingle All The Way review or the TMNT reviews or whatever. The guy has some serious editing talent and he's actually a pretty good actor who can talk in front of a camera pretty damn well.

<3 The Nerd
but also
<3 Critic too

Yeah I agree with all of this I enjoy them both.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, I <3 his Titanic, Tom and Jerry, and Sonic reviews. Especially the WTF stuff like blowing your hand which turned into a pumpkin.

And his Top 11 is actually nice as far as his opinions goes - I love his 11 Mindfucks, 11 underrated Nostalgia shows, and 11 shows that made you cry.


Ravager61 said:
I had the cassette, the live convert video, this behind the scenes video, AND my parents took me to see the tour live. Yeah, I loved turtles.
Me too. The TMNT concert was so awesome when I was 8. :lol


It was better than the fucking Captain N crossover a Christmas or two ago.

I love the Critic, but yeah, this video seemed a little forced. It'd be sweet if these two actually developed some kind of chemistry together, and I'd be way into watching videos with the Nerd and Critic both in it.

It might be a little too hard for them to play off eachother, though. The styles are currently a little too mismatched.


Striker said:

Alas, poor Tom and Jerry! I knew them: two fellows of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: they hath made me laugh a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rims at it, whatever the hell that means. Here hung those sketches that I have enjoyed I know not how oft. Where be your jokes now? Your gambols? Your infinite cartooned violence? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? Quite chap-fallen? Now get you to the people of this world, and tell them, at theese skethes they must laugh;
Let them laugh at them.


I rewatched this yesterday and actually enjoyed it a lot more than the first time... it's certainly a little different since it's a hybrid of both their styles but I think it actually works pretty well.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Flying_Phoenix said:
I use to like Nostalgia Critic but IMO I think most of it was due to me being hungry for "bad review satire" against movies. Nostalgia Critic can be funny at times, he really can, but he just trys way way way too hard. Just keep it to the basics of pointing out strange and random funny shit and keep the funny one liners going and you have some decent comedy.

You can also tell in this video of the parts Critic directed and scripted and what Nerd directed and scripted.

Oh please. NC's complaints are always well founded, while at times Nerd seem to stretch it a bit.

Personally, I'm more fond of Linkara and Spoony right now.


Confirmed Asshole
HK-47 said:
Oh please. NC's complaints are always well founded, while at times Nerd seem to stretch it a bit.

Personally, I'm more fond of Linkara and Spoony right now.
Yeah, especially Spoony is really funny, albeit kind of a hyper-nerd. My sister doesn't get many many jokes while I laugh my ass off.
I just wish he'd pump out more content, although I understand why he doesn't.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The only people I watch in TGWTG is Critic/Bum/That Guy, Linkara, and Chick...

Oooh Chick... you rarely see hot female nerds.
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