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Angry Video Game Nerd


It was a pretty good episode. Fights ran a bit long.

EdgecrusherLSU said:
Does anyone else cringe when he gets really rough with the game cartridges or gets stuff like that fake blood and pie on his posters? I feel like he is defacing national treasures even though most of em are just shitty games and fold-out posters of shitty games from magazines.
I do. Hope his posters are okay after being pied so hard...


Kyle Justin was awesome in this as well, love his random cameos! Also, did anyone notice the intro theme was done in the same style of the older episodes?

GavinGT said:
Am I the only one that wishes he would focus more on the games and less on crazy theatrics?

To be fair, this is the first one in a while that's had such focus on theatrics. The ones of recent memory have a strong focus on the games.
Not a great episode, he didn't talk enough about the actual games and the fight scenes were too drawn-out and repetitive, although the occasional Looney Tunes references were hilarious.
Jazzem said:
Haha, wow :lol I've been watching a lot of classic Looney Tunes recently, loved all the references scattered through that episode.

The amount of Crazy Castle sequels wasn't a surprise to me as I remember reading about them in Game Boy Color magazines. I got the impression they were fairly decent puzzlers? I don't know if we needed five of 'em though!

I think they are fairly decent puzzle-action games, he just wanted an excuse to do some more fighting with Bugs Bunny... though some other more recent Bugs games are probably worse, so I don't know why he chose those, other than that one was on the NES and NES games are what he most likes to review.

I mean, I think they all got decent reviews and obviously did well on handhelds, given that there were five of them. And note that he doesn't actually say much negative except for "they're boring"... doesn't spend much time talking about the games at all, really. It's a long video, but it's mostly taken up with the fights. I will admit, though, that being a rabbit it's kind of odd Bugs Bunny can't jump... :) but really, they are decent games. Somewhat slow paced, but not bad. Quite decent as far as handheld platform-puzzle games go, really... nothing amazing, but nothing awful either. I remember wanting some of them back when my only console was a Game Boy... they looked pretty good. Still do.

Some stuff he doesn't mention about the series:

As someone said the original version was actually a FDS Roger Rabbit game, ported to the US as Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle for the NES. The first game did also have a Game Boy port, which in Japan was "Mickey Mouse" and starred, well, Mickey Mouse. The second game was a Mickey Mouse game as well in Japan. The third and fourth ones were Bugs Bunny everywhere, and the fifth was Woody Woodpecker everywhere, though.

Also, the third game is a black-cart game, as you can see in the video, so it actually has a colorized mode; in the footage he's playing it on Super Game Boy (it's easy to tell, in the footage the games use the SGB's default palette for non-SGB enhanced titles) so it's in B&W, not color. Play it on a GBC or GBA (such as that SP there in the video) and it'd be in color.

Am I the only one that wishes he would focus more on the games and less on crazy theatrics?

Actually, yes, I do like it more when he focuses more on the games than the theater... that Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout one was actually one of my less favorite episodes for example, because of how much of it was taken up by the fight. This one, yeah, it'd have been nice... but as about the only bad thing about these games is the slow pace and potential boredom factor, it's not THAT bad, and the fight was very well done, particularly those Looney Tunes refences, I agree (those were pretty funny... :)). Still, yes, more about the games themselves would be great, even if they are all pretty much the same in gameplay. I guess that's the problem though, they aren't actually bad games, so how do you justify such a massive fight scene (centered around the Nerd's hate for the games) if you admit that? So spend as little time on the gameplay as possible I guess and just focus on the fights...

I mean, I liked the episode overall for sure. It just wasn't one of my favorites of his... but he obviously likes these fight scenes, so they happen every so often. Given that the last few before this have been heavily focused on the games in question, which HAVE actually been awful games, a change of pace for one episode isn't so bad. :)
GavinGT said:
Am I the only one that wishes he would focus more on the games and less on crazy theatrics?
No shit? The last one was one of his best because it had none of that. Th first Bugs Bunny episode fight was the moment he jumped the shark. Does anyone want to rename it "kicking Bugs Bunny's ass"?


I've accused him of reaching for bad things in games before, but this one pretty much takes the cake. Really? They're a bit challenging and not action packed so they're deserving of a 17 minute episode? Bleh.

Hate when he does these episodes.


maharg said:
I've accused him of reaching for bad things in games before, but this one pretty much takes the cake. Really? They're a bit challenging and not action packed so they're deserving of a 17 minute episode? Bleh.

Hate when he does these episodes.
He always reaches for bad things. Isn't that pretty much the joke?


Afaik, the joke is supposed to be the shitty game. Every now and then he shits on a decent or mediocre game and it just doesn't resonate with me at all. Most of the games he reviews are genuinely crap, though.

Were you under the impression that he's been reviewing gems all this time and the joke is that he's finding bad things to say about them?
I definitely hate the theatric-heavy videos like this. I want to watch him rip apart the game, not all this drawn out fight shit.

Thumbs down.
AnEternalEnigma said:
I definitely hate the theatric-heavy videos like this. I want to watch him rip apart the game, not all this drawn out fight shit.

Thumbs down.

Agreed. Same thing happened with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre video. Just isn't worth watching.

On the other hand, look at the Plumbers Don't Wear Ties video, that was amazing, and it pretty much was all about the game. Good stuff.
I usually prefer the game reviews over his little skits and all, but this time it was the opposite. I thought it was hilarious, especially seeing nerd get tossed around like a rag-doll and his room being trashed. Not to mention being pelted with rabbit crap. :lol

As for the game, I found just the fact that there are 5 Crazy Castle games to be funny by itself. Nerd didn't have much to say probably because they are so damn similar. Almost the damn same game for all 5. Can't wait for the next AVGN.


AnEternalEnigma said:
I definitely hate the theatric-heavy videos like this. I want to watch him rip apart the game, not all this drawn out fight shit.

Thumbs down.

Ya I normally love these videos but this one wasnt his best.. The fighting was boring and unfunny.


Corporate Apologist
maharg said:
Afaik, the joke is supposed to be the shitty game. Every now and then he shits on a decent or mediocre game and it just doesn't resonate with me at all. Most of the games he reviews are genuinely crap, though.

Were you under the impression that he's been reviewing gems all this time and the joke is that he's finding bad things to say about them?
He did do that once off the top of my head.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand you guys. He went into enough depth during the first crazy castle (let's be honest, let's not blame him, the game itself was shit). Then it was pure fighting and short clips of the sequels BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL THE SAME SHIT. You want him to reiterate the same crap over again? At CC3/4, you knew the games were cookie cutter pieces of shit and that was the gag itself.


i used to play the shit out of crazy castle 2. i had no idea there was a pt 3.
:lol @ the rabbit shit

edit: whoa.. pt 4?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
A Black Falcon said:
Castlevania II?

His complaints about Castlevania II were legit, though.

Moonwalker was a decent game and his review of it was pretty weak.


Some things he missed:

1) The Game Boy version of Crazy Castle 1, which was a direct port of the NES version.
2) Crazy Castle 1 was a localization of a Roger Rabbit Famicom Disk System game. He probably could've at least done a Roger Rabbit callback there. Youtube Link
Kuro Madoushi said:
I don't understand you guys. He went into enough depth during the first crazy castle (let's be honest, let's not blame him, the game itself was shit). Then it was pure fighting and short clips of the sequels BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL THE SAME SHIT. You want him to reiterate the same crap over again? At CC3/4, you knew the games were cookie cutter pieces of shit and that was the gag itself.

But that's the whole point, they aren't bad games. Not at all. Not the best games ever, but certainly not bad. They're all average to good games. It is true that they're all extremely similar, though.

ZealousD said:
His complaints about Castlevania II were legit, though.

Moonwalker was a decent game and his review of it was pretty weak.

Oh, absolutely, his complaints were definitely valid... but I think most people agree that hte game on the whole is great. Including him I'd guess, outside of the 'Nerd' persona. The point in that one was pointing out the flaws in a good game... different from this one, where the point was an excuse for epic fight scenes.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
A Black Falcon said:
But that's the whole point, they aren't bad games. Not at all. Not the best games ever, but certainly not bad. They're all average to good games. It is true that they're all extremely similar, though.

If you say so...I've never played this myself. And after watching 3 levels of virtually the same crappy gameplay over and over again on Youbute, I wonder how ANYONE could've beaten all 80 levels
EdgecrusherLSU said:
Does anyone else cringe when he gets really rough with the game cartridges or gets stuff like that fake blood and pie on his posters? I feel like he is defacing national treasures even though most of em are just shitty games and fold-out posters of shitty games from magazines.

I sat there the entire time going "Please don't bleed on that poster. Please don't bleed on that poster. Please don't bleed on that poster." I thought I was alone. :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I would have lol'd harder at the Kyle Justin couch gag if they wouldn't have used it already in an earlier episode. (Battletoads)
I watch the AVGN for the shitty games, not the skits, but I still found this entertaining. I probably laughed the hardest when he was handed Crazy Castle 2, there was like 14 minutes left to go, and you just knew there would end up being a bunch more sequels to follow. Anyway, it's not like he's stopped making episodes that were solely focused on the game. He mixes it up and I can't begrudge him for that.


A Black Falcon said:
But that's the whole point, they aren't bad games. Not at all. Not the best games ever, but certainly not bad. They're all average to good games. It is true that they're all extremely similar, though.

Yeah, CC2 was actually really good.




Is it bad that I found these two signs to be really funny?

Ok episode though, not as bad as the last Bugs Bunny one.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GREAT fucking episode :D


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Link1110 said:
1) The Game Boy version of Crazy Castle 1, which was a direct port of the NES version.
I used to own it. I'm too lazy to check release dates, but I'm pretty sure the NES version was the port: the sprites look basically the same as the GameBoy version, they're also monochrome and greenish.


AVGN needs some guy to edit his shit down. The bugs fighting would be pretty awesome if there wasn't so much of it.


chibay said:
I miss his earlier episodes... nowadays he's more into the crazy antics than the "reviews".:D
Lately he's been doing many episodes with pretty much no crazy skits at all. This is more of an exception to the rule than a norm.
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