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Angry Video Game Nerd


Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
From what I've noticed from the few videos I've watched, he's not exactly the greatest gamer in the world.

If it's true that he actually plays through all the games (though in this one he admits it didn't start off that way), he's clearly a pretty good gamer. But it's also obvious that he rags on difficulty disproportionately to other negative aspects of games. It's a low hanging fruit for him.
evilromero said:
I love seeing all the Dracula's Curse fans get their panties in a twist. Remember just because a game is balls hard doesn't mean it's the best by any stretch. Let me put it this way- those who like to play games for entertainment would not enjoy CIII. Those who like to play games as forms of torture would like III. The game is a train wreck in terms of difficulty and fortunately we got IV, which improved the series in every way.

CV3 was a trainwreck in terms of difficulty?


Besides, I remember you once took interest in the G'n'G games that were on Virtual Console. Nothing is harder than those.

evilromero said:
And then Konami finally reached a balance with IV. You know, that state between easy and hard?

Rondo of Blood was the game to do that, not the too easy SCV4.

andymcc said:
and i don't think CVIII is the best because of it's difficulty, it's the branching paths, multiple characters, creative level design and music that do it for me. it has better difficulty than SCVIV, but harder doesn't mean better. if that were the case, the original X68000 Akumajou Dracula would be my favorite. :lol


I don't like my games to be stupidly difficult either (see: the G'n'G games), but I don't like them easy to the point where there isn't any real reward or sense of engagement (see: the main levels of Super Mario World). Castlevania 3 was hard, but not too hard.


Arpharmd B said:
And the monkey on the wall here, the big fat purple elephant in the room is that Castlevania 1 is much harder than 3. It's about half the length but easily twice as hard. The later boards are just insane, and it doesn't have the crutch of Alucard or Grant who can cheat like crazy through tougher parts.
Indeed. I definitely shaved a few years off of my life playing through the last 2 stages.

Davey Cakes

While we're on the subject of Castlevania 3, what are your favorite ways to get through the game, guys?

My preferred method has always been to get Grant at the Clock Tower and then proceed through the upper path (with the ship, tower, etc.). I never really enjoyed using Sypha.

To mix things up, the secondary way I'd choose is to skip the Clock Tower, take the swamp path, get Alucard, and then proceed to the Sunken City.


cartman414 said:
I don't like my games to be stupidly difficult either (see: the G'n'G games), but I don't like them easy to the point where there isn't any real reward or sense of engagement (see: the main levels of Super Mario World). Castlevania 3 was hard, but not too hard.

i think Ghouls n Ghosts difficulty is pretty okay, permitting you're not aiming to get the best ending. :lol Super Ghouls n Ghosts is just downright nasty, and isn't nearly as fun as Ghouls n Ghosts.

I think Ghosts n Goblins and Super Ghouls and Ghosts are the only ones in the series that are unplayable due to difficulty... and that's half of the mainline series. :lol
The Crimson Blur said:
I get that. I understand that most of what he says is hyperbole.

Its just that whenever he does a review of a game which is actually good, he usually clarifies his criticisms a little. I don't think he did that much for CV III. AVGN is not only meant to be funny but also informative; I usually learn a lot about obscure games from the series. AVGN knows this and usually tries to temper his entertainment with a basis on reality; he doesn't overly criticize good games. The trouble with this review is that it would make uninformed gamers believe that CV III is very bad, when most consider it a classic.




So I decided to download CVII on VC :p

So far, it's not bad, though the design of the first castle could've been a bit tighter. I think I'll have a good time with this game, definitely has a great atmosphere to it. Just have to play it with a guide handy!


Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)
Shoogoo said:
Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)

I never got the love for Castlevania IV, either. It's a good game, sure, and it showed off some Mode 7, but it was essentially a remake of the first game.


Shoogoo said:
Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)
Cause it's easy enough for the average player to beat it...That's my theory anyway. It is a great game though.


Axel Hertz
Shoogoo said:
Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)
Because the US never saw the release of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood for the PCEngine. That's the best classic Castlevania.

US audiences only got Castlevania: Dracula X, a butchered port/sequel/whatever for SNes, and that sucks ass.

Good thing we can all play the original Dracula X on the PSP, since it was remade in 2.5d and released as Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, which also contain the original unaltered version AND Symphony of the Night.


Shoogoo said:
Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)

ask evilromero to explain to you the intricacies of it's atmosphere, and how leaf monsters and floating hands can be equated to a bone-chilling romp through the transylvanian countryside.
Shoogoo said:
Why is CVIV considered one of the best CV? I'm about to buy it on VC because I never had the chance to play the game (I saw it at a friend's house years ago but that's it)
Baroque and dark jazz-infused soundtrack (the best in the classic series), brilliant atmosphere that really instills a sense of dread- like a dark disease eating away at your flesh. Then there's the awesome gameplay mechanics- 8-way whipping, crouching crawling, whip swinging, moon walking on the stairs, jumping on the stairs just to name a few conventions that have all been REMOVED from the series since.

Just watch the intro. And yes, it's a dreary trip through the Transylvania countryside. A trip that makes you feel ill from the darkness that constantly looms throughout. No crappy techno-rock here.


evilromero said:
Baroque and dark jazz-infused soundtrack (the best in the classic series), brilliant atmosphere that really instills a sense of dread- like a dark disease eating away at your flesh. Then there's the awesome gameplay mechanics- 8-way whipping, crouching crawling, whip swinging, moon walking on the stairs, jumping on the stairs just to name a few conventions that have all been REMOVED from the series since.

Just watch the intro. And yes, it's a dreary trip through the Transylvania countryside. A trip that makes you feel ill from the darkness that constantly looms throughout. No crappy techno-rock here.

exactly. SCIV is my favorite one.
evilromero said:
Baroque and dark jazz-infused soundtrack (the best in the classic series), brilliant atmosphere that really instills a sense of dread- like a dark disease eating away at your flesh. Then there's the awesome gameplay mechanics- 8-way whipping, crouching crawling, whip swinging, moon walking on the stairs, jumping on the stairs just to name a few conventions that have all been REMOVED from the series since.

Just watch the intro. And yes, it's a dreary trip through the Transylvania countryside. A trip that makes you feel ill from the darkness that constantly looms throughout. No crappy techno-rock here.

So "crappy techno rock" is out of place in the CV series, yet jazz (which isn't all that dark) isn't?

Not to mention the 8-way whipping, not to mention the shrunken depth of field, only neutered the difficulty. And the stair jumping returned in Rondo of Blood.

It took away the IMO much more vital branching paths and multiple characters of Dracula's Curse and Rondo of Blood.


evilromero said:
Baroque and dark jazz-infused soundtrack (the best in the classic series), brilliant atmosphere that really instills a sense of dread- like a dark disease eating away at your flesh. Then there's the awesome gameplay mechanics- 8-way whipping, crouching crawling, whip swinging, moon walking on the stairs, jumping on the stairs just to name a few conventions that have all been REMOVED from the series since.

Just watch the intro. And yes, it's a dreary trip through the Transylvania countryside. A trip that makes you feel ill from the darkness that constantly looms throughout. No crappy techno-rock here.

:lol :lol :lol
i'd address some of the gameplay issues you're wrong about, but i can't stop laughing.
evilromero said:
Baroque and dark jazz-infused soundtrack (the best in the classic series), brilliant atmosphere that really instills a sense of dread- like a dark disease eating away at your flesh. Then there's the awesome gameplay mechanics- 8-way whipping, crouching crawling, whip swinging, moon walking on the stairs, jumping on the stairs just to name a few conventions that have all been REMOVED from the series since.

Just watch the intro. And yes, it's a dreary trip through the Transylvania countryside. A trip that makes you feel ill from the darkness that constantly looms throughout. No crappy techno-rock here.
cant help it but iam seeing the goth guy from it crowd before me staring at the wall with this strange distant look :lol
but i agree i love 8-way whipping and whirling the whip around and the level design and the music is great


drizzle said:
Good thing we can all play the original Dracula X on the PSP, since it was remade in 2.5d and released as Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, which also contain the original unaltered version AND Symphony of the Night.
That's the first ClassicVania i played.

Now i have to choose:
- Wait for Castlevania Adventure WiiWare
- Castlevania III NES
- Castlevania IV SNES

... as for 1&2 i don't want to play those.

I also played basically everyone of the MetroidVania games, but those are not the matter here.


Superr CV IV, ahh the memories of my 1st snes game (got it with super mario world pack in).
What makes it great?

1. The soundtrack. To this day when I hear that intro music I think to myself, "damn they don't make em like this anymore"
2. The graphics (still pretty damn good even now)
3. The whip mechanic. To me the whips WERE castlevania, you weren't a belmon dragon slayer unless you had a whip. Why the hell they stopping making CV games with them is beyond me, but up to that point in my eyes the whip was one of the trademarks of castelvania (Think if they removed the mushroom from Mario). The fact that you could control the whip and 'make it dance' at the time was just F__KING awesome!
4. The levels. Yes, now we've all now gotten used to "Metroidvania". But were linear levels SO bad? IMO CV IV had some great levels!

I could go on, but you get the picture. CV IV for ME, ties with SOTN as my most memorable castlevania experiences.
andymcc said:
:lol :lol :lol
i'd address some of the gameplay issues you're wrong about, but i can't stop laughing.

Or his views on the music in contrast to Rondo of Blood.

Wizpig said:
That's the first ClassicVania i played.

Now i have to choose:
- Wait for Castlevania Adventure WiiWare
- Castlevania III NES
- Castlevania IV SNES

... as for 1&2 i don't want to play those.

I also played basically everyone of the MetroidVania games, but those are not the matter here.

Which Classicvania was the first?

Anyways, check out the Japanese version of CV3 if you possibly can.


Man, I feel the need to play Super Castlevania. Although seeing all that N64 shit.......god. I can't believed I played those.


Cow Mengde said:
It's amazing that 5 years later, there are still people who just doesn't get it.

Same goes for Yahtzee on Zero Punctuation. I asked him in person whether he actually feels the way he says he does about the games he talks about in his reviews, but he said he really just harps on whatever is funny, whether or not it actually annoys him.


for a guy that trolls even the littlest problems he has with most games, he sure lets the shit that hampers super castevania iv slide. sounds like nostalgia finally gets the best of him. :lol
That was great. Got a total nostalgia trip when he started talking about CV IV having the classic Castlevania musical themes. Such an amazing game. Its ridiculous how much effort Konami spent fooling around with the capabilities of the snes so early in its life. CV IV, Contra III, Mystical Ninja, Axelay. They really made it feel like you were playing something advanced.

Anyway I guess he is right about the N64 ones. I kind of have some nostalgia for them, and the whole nitro bit was one of my favorite gaming memories IIRC. I felt so accomplished when I managed to do that part. Then I got to that tower with all the platforms and I recall literally throwing my controller in rage. I can only imagine how James would have reacted to that shit. Can't wait to see part IV. I am guessing it's going to be Bloodlines, which I can't imagine him not liking.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
He shits on N64 castlevania :(

I am so sad :(

such an awesome game :(((

omg he shits on the Castle Center wall puzzle. wtf. that was so awesome. you couldn't jump at all. it was amazing.

That game had real puzzles. And real adventure. And yes, it had awful graphics and controls, but it was the N64. I was used to that.
brandonh83 said:
word. Castlevania 64 fucking rules, just from the atmosphere alone. creepiest Castlevania game ever.

I'll give you that much...that atmosphere was top notch. The controls made me wanna pour water on my N64.


Red Scarlet said:
So how do you get past the part he was stuck at?

By the looks of things, it wouldn't have really mattered anyways. In the video, it looked like he was on easy mode. Now, to my recollection, the game on easy ends pretty much right after the nitro fetch quest, and it forces you to start the game again on normal or higher.
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