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Angry Video Game Nerd

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about his Nintoaster. I hope he'll stick with that bad boy from now on instead of the old top loader.


Video got posted a week or so early, next episode in June.


AVGN said:
This video was supposed to come out in the beginning of May. I finished the video Thursday morning and sent it to GT. By late night, it went live! Little miscommunication, but oh well, the new AVGN is up! I just want to make perfectly clear that THIS is the “May” video and the next one will be June. From now on, the plan is for there to be a new AVGN video the first Wednesday of each month.
Great review as usual. I remember seeing the ads for this in gamepro or something and even as a kid knowing this was a piece of shit. Can't wait to see the Cheetamen review.


Subete no aware
Cow Mengde said:
I'm surprised more people aren't talking about his Nintoaster. I hope he'll stick with that bad boy from now on instead of the old top loader.

He sort of brought it up in that Jaguar CD episode.

Also, one a month... well, can't complain too much. Maybe the videos will be longer to compensate.


It just clicked... that must be the Cheetah man on Action 52's title screen!!!

So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.


Subete no aware
BobTheFork said:
So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.

Maybe you just had a lot of time or something... I know as a kid I played and finished shitty games mostly because I didn't know any better and had nothing better to do.

God knows I would never put in the time now to figure out how to land on the carrier in Top Gun.
BobTheFork said:
So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.

firehawk12 said:
Maybe you just had a lot of time or something... I know as a kid I played and finished shitty games mostly because I didn't know any better and had nothing better to do.

God knows I would never put in the time now to figure out how to land on the carrier in Top Gun.
Maybe I did have too much time, but I would play something until I beat it and not move from game to game. The landing on top gun was never a huge issue for me. After playing it a few times I had it down. CAstlevania complaints seems more valid to me. I beat it because I got Nintendo Power and I read about the twister in a howard and Nester comic. Even if he thought TMNT was too hard, I always had it at the top of my list of great NES games. It was hard as hell and that's what I liked, I felt great when I finally beat it.\

BigJonsson said:
What's the joke? That there's nothing wrong with any of these games and he just sucks?
I get bitching about how these older games were made (often like shit) but I'm just saying I don't agree with many of his complaints (big shock)
BobTheFork said:
So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.
I don't even care about whether he's good or not, to me the humor is in reliving these games which had just some insanely hillarious design choices, glitches, and weirdness that are fun to look back on
GitarooMan said:
I don't even care about whether he's good or not, to me the humor is in reliving these games which had just some insanely hillarious design choices, glitches, and weirdness that are fun to look back on
Yeah,well that's what I like about these vids and why I'm going to keep watching them. Keep in mind I only made it through the 04-06 eps last night, where he has been beating down some of the worst game designs ever. I thought the NG ep was outstanding and very true. IT was never made bad, just insanely hard


BobTheFork said:
What's the joke? That there's nothing wrong with any of these games and he just sucks?
I get bitching about how these older games were made (often like shit) but I'm just saying I don't agree with many of his complaints (big shock)

It's an exaggeration for a comical effect. People who haven't played the games go "wow that's hard :lol" and people who have usually go "haha yeah that part was troublesome".
Those Action 52 games are the kind of thing that created the video game crash. Awful stuff. I feel sorry for any kid that was saddled with that bag of crap.
Air Zombie Meat said:
Those Action 52 games are the kind of thing that created the video game crash. Awful stuff. I feel sorry for any kid that was saddled with that bag of crap.
I can't imagine any willing parent shelled out 199.99 when that came out. My god that was awful, unless you love space shooters. The funny/sad thing is that the games were not meant to be beaten, or played for longer than 10 minutes total ever.

edit: I actually loved the game McKids. It had cool crazy gameplay, but specifically remember that part at the end where you just died and there's nothing else there to jump to. I thought I just screwed it up when I was younger.


BobTheFork said:
So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.

He's beat some pretty hard games on the epispdes... if that's "sucking at games"... uh.


The only one he was really wrong about, like REALLY wrong about, was Ninja Gaiden. Those games are hard, but he made them out to be impossible, which they aren't.
Bitmap Frogs said:
By the way, the wiki entry on action 52 is golden.

They raised 5 million dollars to make it and only hired college students.

Active Enterprises advertised a competition in which anyone who could complete level 5 of the NES version of Ooze would be entered into a prize draw to win $104,000. Ooze actually crashed on level 3, making this prize impossible to win
BobTheFork said:
So After my first one I started watching all of these last night. I still think it's funny, but it really comes across like the guy sucks at games. Most of his complaints seem to boil down to "this is too hard!" when it was never a problem for me. I beat Tmnt, Castlevania 2 (BTW I thought it was easily the best of the first three), Karate Kid, top gun and lots of other stuff he whined about being impossible for kids. This is still really funny though.

Have you seen Plumbers don't wear ties?
GitarooMan said:
I don't even care about whether he's good or not, to me the humor is in reliving these games which had just some insanely hillarious design choices, glitches, and weirdness that are fun to look back on

ya this is what i like about him too - could care less if hes a good player or not


Oh man that was like a marathon of shit. It was as hard to sit through all those terrible games as it must have been to play them.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Gravijah said:
He's beat some pretty hard games on the epispdes... if that's "sucking at games"... uh.

Not to mention he is right about about bad design decisions even in games people like, such as Simon's Quest, that have nothing to do with skill.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So good to see a new AVGN episode and it was 26 minutes long. I still wish he would do at least two videos a month like he used to. I can't believe they sold that crap for $200.00.


HK-47 said:
Not to mention he is right about about bad design decisions even in games people like, such as Simon's Quest, that have nothing to do with skill.

This, when he cites something as overly oppressively difficult it's not usually because it's impossible, it's because it's a ridiculous design that is unfair towards the player. I think the only game they legitimately couldn't beat that I recall him mentioning was Ninja Gaiden, pretty sure he said try as they might he couldn't get that finished, but did manage 2 and 3 or something.

I don't think he's as hardcore on a lot of gaming stuff as people here at Gaf may be, but he's certainly not bad at them. So when you see him getting game over and bitching that a game is unfair, sure you probably CAN beat it, but 10 bucks says everyone who played it had the exact same frustrations and basically only kept going because you had no choice, and that's the nostalgic nail he's looking to hit.
TheYanger said:
This, when he cites something as overly oppressively difficult it's not usually because it's impossible, it's because it's a ridiculous design that is unfair towards the player. I think the only game they legitimately couldn't beat that I recall him mentioning was Ninja Gaiden, pretty sure he said try as they might he couldn't get that finished, but did manage 2 and 3 or something.

I don't think he's as hardcore on a lot of gaming stuff as people here at Gaf may be, but he's certainly not bad at them. So when you see him getting game over and bitching that a game is unfair, sure you probably CAN beat it, but 10 bucks says everyone who played it had the exact same frustrations and basically only kept going because you had no choice, and that's the nostalgic nail he's looking to hit.

I don't think I ever beat level 2 of Ninja Gaiden. I could tell right off the game was simply unfair, and gave up.
Great episode. I'm glad I didn't play shit like this as a kid, it would have scarred me and I would probably not appreciate games as much. Shitty games made without care and meant to play for like tops 5 minutes each.
Yeah, AVGN is on record saying he exaggerates difficulty for comic effect, but there's always at least a grain of truth in what he's saying. He's good at picking apart bad design decisions that were prevalent the 8 bit generation.
SlipperySlope said:
I don't think I ever beat level 2 of Ninja Gaiden. I could tell right off the game was simply unfair, and gave up.
The first 5 stages in Ninja Gaiden weren't all that hard, it wasn't until level 6 that the game starts throwing in bullshit enemy placements that are almost impossible to avoid even if you know they're coming. If you never got past stage 2 then you probably weren't even trying.


nincompoop said:
The first 5 stages in Ninja Gaiden weren't all that hard, it wasn't until level 6 that the game starts throwing in bullshit enemy placements that are almost impossible to avoid even if you know they're coming. If you never got past stage 2 then you probably weren't even trying.

Well, the thing that's hard is going back to the beginning of 6-1 after dying during the boss gauntlet.


I love the one space game where as soon as you start up, you crash into an oncoming obstacle, if you didn't know it was there from previous plays, you are essentially losing 1 life no matter what at least :lol
This game is a scourge on humanity.

Terminator is one the I remember being very very bad all around but it was still a game. A horrible licensed POS but that is a videogame none the less. 52 is just painful to watch. I hope Cheetah Man can save this vs just twisting the knife.


Wha? Didn't he review this like, a year ago? I distinctly remember watching this review before, but now he's posting it as new? Very confused


lopaz said:
Wha? Didn't he review this like, a year ago? I remember distinctly watching this review before, but now he's posting it as new? Very confused
I'd like some of the stuff you took


Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.

I see his videos as a loving tribute to that era. His videos bring back a lot of found memories for me.
PopcornMegaphone said:
I see his videos as a loving tribute to that era. His videos bring back a lot of found memories for me.

Yes. You're not meant to take the reviews 100% seriously (not all of em at least). He constantly references better games of the era, and I see his videos both because of hilarity and because of nostalgia which indeed he probably has in mind as well. They are more like tributes, yes.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
I disagree with him on some of his things, but he's usually pretty spot on about these games. Seriously, there were some horrible games that even for that time were a head scratcher. There's no excuse. Fortunately, quality compared with the times now has gotten a lot better.


darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
What crawled up your ass most of the people that lived in the 8 bit generation didn't get to see most of the games that where released much less the bad games and how bad they where. Nobody putting a gun on your head you don't have to watch it.
darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.

I enjoy looking back on the early days of gaming and the games of my childhood through the eyes of an adult. It's fun to analyze the game design of that era. I think you're missing the point if you think it's done just to mock older games for poor design.


Eh, like I posted above his crap can get old. He's hit/miss.

That said, his new Action 52 episode is great. Unbelievable that this game actually came out. What a glitchy piece of crap.

Wikipedia has some great info on this trainwreck of a game:
Active Enterprises advertised a competition in which anyone who could complete level 5 of the NES version of Ooze would be entered into a prize draw to win $104,000. Ooze actually crashed on level 3, making this prize impossible to win.[9]

:lol :lol :lol


darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
What difference does it make that he makes a living on it? Writing that just makes you sound bitter. What's lame is lame; the consequences of it don't affect it at all.

I will say that I admire him in a way. It seems like he's making his living doing stuff he really loves. That's the life, isn't it?
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