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Angry Video Game Nerd

I really wonder what happened during the development of Action 52...

None of these games look like they were made by the same people... It's like someone programmed some sort of shitty all-purpose game engine/editor, and then passed it off to a bunch of various people to make their own script/art/design for it.

Then at some point, long before the expected deadline, told them "Okay time's up, whatever you've got done so far, send it to me or it won't make it into the game and you won't get paid", and quickly crammed it all into the cart.
AtomicShroom said:
I really wonder what happened during the development of Action 52...

None of these games look like they were made by the same people... It's like someone programmed some sort of shitty all-purpose game engine/editor, and then passed it off to a bunch of various people to make their own script/art/design for it.

Then at some point, long before the expected deadline, told them "Okay time's up, whatever you've got done so far, send it to me or it won't make it into the game and you won't get paid", and quickly crammed it all into the cart.
Given what we actually know, that's probably stunningly close to the truth.


AtomicShroom said:
I really wonder what happened during the development of Action 52...

None of these games look like they were made by the same people... It's like someone programmed some sort of shitty all-purpose game engine/editor, and then passed it off to a bunch of various people to make their own script/art/design for it.

Then at some point, long before the expected deadline, told them "Okay time's up, whatever you've got done so far, send it to me or it won't make it into the game and you won't get paid", and quickly crammed it all into the cart.
Looks like two of them called the bluff, submitted nothing and got paid anyway :lol
ZAK said:
Looks like two of them called the bluff, submitted nothing and got paid anyway :lol

Alfredo/ALFRED N THE FETTUC and Jigsaw apparently "work" on most carts, so the games actually do exist. They just, you know, crash on start sometimes.


That was kind of a long drawn out so-so episode vs. most others ive seen.

A damn shame they sold that crap for $199 tho lol. I wonder how many people bought it.


lopaz said:
Wha? Didn't he review this like, a year ago? I distinctly remember watching this review before, but now he's posting it as new? Very confused

I remember watching an "Action 52" review somewhere. Dunno if that was a review by AVGN, but definitely by someone who reviews bad video games like him.


I wish he would have showed us the last game!

AtomicShroom said:
I really wonder what happened during the development of Action 52...

None of these games look like they were made by the same people... It's like someone programmed some sort of shitty all-purpose game engine/editor, and then passed it off to a bunch of various people to make their own script/art/design for it.

Then at some point, long before the expected deadline, told them "Okay time's up, whatever you've got done so far, send it to me or it won't make it into the game and you won't get paid", and quickly crammed it all into the cart.

Here's your answer:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_52 said:
Vince Perri of Miami, Florida created Action 52. He showcased the game at the International Winter Consumer Electronics Show.[4] The breakthrough came by accident. "I happened to see my son playing an illegal product made in Taiwan that had 40 games on it. The whole neighborhood went crazy over it," Perri said. "I figured I'd do it legally. It's obvious when you see something like that, you know there's something there." [5]

For the original NES collection, Perri raised $5 million from private backers in Europe and Saudi Arabia. He employed college students to do the programming, and contracted out technical work to Cronos Engineering Inc., a Boca Raton company that had done work for IBM.[6] Action 52 may have originally been designed to include 60 games, as evidenced by eight menu templates present in the ROM, as well as many unused tiles.[7] The extra eight games may have been cut due to the large size of the cartridge (two megabytes), and a probable increased production cost.

The Sega Genesis version, released two years later, was developed by FarSight Studios, who had also developed Color a Dinosaur for the NES. Plans for a Super NES version of the cartridge were announced, but Active Enterprises withdrew from the video game industry shortly thereafter, and no copies are known to exist.
It's like an ode to glitchy pirated software! :lol


Does anybody remember a game that was available for download that ran in a java applet that utilized the Cheetahmen theme but was more like a mario-esque game? I forgot for the life of me but it was posted on GAF awhile back
Medalion said:
Does anybody remember a game that was available for download that ran in a java applet that utilized the Cheetahmen theme but was more like a mario-esque game? I forgot for the life of me but it was posted on GAF awhile back

You mean the one in ASCII art that was ridiculously hard and unforgiving?

This? http://king-soukutu.com/flash/owata.html

Strangely it doesn't have the Cheetahmen music anymore...
I still love the videos, but I do wish he'd get back to the games. It seems like he's just expanding too much in the basement moments, when I'd really just like to see more of the game and not him interacting with some costumed asshole.


intangibles, motherfucker

The best/worst part is, many of the almost "tolerable" games look like they were clearly ripped off from other titles.

-The woman in Haunted Hill/Halls looks like a sprite edit of Simon Belmont.
-The ninja in Ninja Assault is clearly some college kid trying to draw Ryu Hayabusa from memory.
-Billy Bob's jumping animation looks straight-up lifted from Prince of Persia (I wouldn't be surprised if you overlaid them and they matched up almost exactly)
-Sharks is the diving portion from the NES Jaws.

I'm sure there's more.
The one where you just move around praying not to blow up hand me in stiches. I saw that, had my mouth open in horror and then they show him doing the same thing.
Two things are certain: the games are shitty on every aspect and Mr.Perri didn´t lose any money on this scam "project".

This video brought back some bad memories from the Atari and 8-Bit era. There was no Internet, no magazines (game magazines only started here in Braziloland on the 16-Bit era, and their "reviews" left a lot to be desired).
You had only a crappy/unreal description on the back cover. If you were lucky, the salesman would let you test the game for a few minutes before purchasing it.
You could end with Megaman, Zelda, Alex Kidd, Contra or with Silver Surfer, Ghostbusters, some terrible shooter etc.
And try telling your parents that the expensive game they just paid for is a piece of shit. Yeah, good luck with that.
Luckily, I´ve never saw this abomination around here, but then we have the Zeebo, today. *Sigh*



joetachi said:
What crawled up your ass most of the people that lived in the 8 bit generation didn't get to see most of the games that where released much less the bad games and how bad they where. Nobody putting a gun on your head you don't have to watch it.

oooohh and someone isn't allowed to criticize the guy? How dare I have a different opinion then everybody else? Everyone should just join hands and have the same opinion right.


darkwings said:
oooohh and someone isn't allowed to criticize the guy? How dare I have a different opinion then everybody else? Everyone should just join hands and have the same opinion right.

I think it's more how you came off.

darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
I love AVGN, been watching him for years. Brings back nostalgia of the NES era along with humor. Not to mention the other videoes he does tend to be insightful and highly entertaining.


darkwings said:
oooohh and someone isn't allowed to criticize the guy? How dare I have a different opinion then everybody else? Everyone should just join hands and have the same opinion right.
Lol It was my opinion about your opinion,how dare I have a different opinion then you? Everyone should just join hands and have the same opinion as you.See what i did there.
darkwings said:
Seriously aren't people getting tired of his act? I had a blast playing NES games when I was a kid and the games were fun because there were simply no better games on the market. It is kinda lame making fun of those games 20-30 years later and he is making a living on this.
Well what do we have here some one doesn't like AVGN's opinion on crappy 8bit games. What should we do about this darkwings
maharg said:
I really hate the guy who does some of these other videos with. He just seems so uncomfortable and douchy.

Yeah, although he wasn't 100% horrible in the bucket video.

Also, what's up with his hair? It looks like it wants to be the next Marge Simpson.
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