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Animal Crossing Mafia |OT| - Making Animal Friends Is Awesome!


if it's a cross i just got told that i wasn't surprised they were evicted. there is no range. there's no anything other than that


It's obviously the reason why bridges in the game exist. Why gossip groups exist (I didn't want to bring it up earlier cuz Razmos and Timeaisis would start to doubt me), but no non-HHA would ever use a gossip group otherwise. Why Hobohodo was in my gossip group as well (when I entered I told Raz it was best not to invite him. We got lucky).
If you're telling the truth, it can only be Retro

Squidy didn't react to franconp because franconp had already been evicted => nin could not be reacting to Ouro as Ouro had already been evicted. Only person could be Retro


Don't have time for a full discussion on this just now, have to take the wife to work.

Razmos, is all this consistent with what you've been told in Gossip chat?


Wait, you got that message when Nin was evicted? Please confirm, because RNH is right - that could only have been me. And it wasn't me, so you are either lying or wrong.



I'm an idiot, but at least I'm not alone.

Nin was evicted by town, people. And yes, I voted for him. It just happened.




Razmos voted for Timeaisis but he has a blue tick

Coppanuva has a blue tick and he's next to Franconp
EzekelRAGE went out after Ouro and he has an X. (Which puts suspicion on me again.)
Ourobolus has an X, and he was HHA. Same with Hobohodo.

Either we're not reading this right, or there are some major flaws in this map. I think maybe you drew it too fast, Darryl. Providing a night-by-night list would make your case a lot more sure. (Even though it would be more trouble.)

I also don't really get why this info exists for Town evictions. If he's seriously being told if there's HHA in his direct vicinity whenever someone dies, that's a huge advantage for town.

Finally, why is this just coming out now? Darryl, I can see why you would hide this information for a lot of the game, but we've been floundering in the dark for two days since the roomies got evicted. Where was this information then? When you and I were hashing over Toma during the last day, why did you not say then, "I have a role that proves Toma might be HHA?"

This whole thing stinks to me. I'm not going to say for sure that it's a fake roleclaim, but I'm leaning.
If you're telling the truth, it can only be Retro

Squidy didn't react to franconp because franconp had already been evicted => nin could not be reacting to Ouro as Ouro had already been evicted. Only person could be Retro

Except if it's Retro, why the hell has Tom being lying about night activity?

What's interesting about the time this has come out is that if we believe Darryl and he's HHA, he's won. We kill Tom, turns out villager, Darryl kills me or Razmos in the night, then says "Oh ok, must be Retro then". At which point it's 1v1.

Also a minor point that I noticed, and could possibly not mean much of anything: his claimed role name is remarkably similar to Ouro's claimed role name. Nosy Neighbour vs Vengeful Villager.

Also, out of interest, when did Darryl claim this role in the chat? What night phase?
It just seems weird for a role you've had through out the game and you'd most likely need to explain at some point, that you wouldn't keep a solid record of each eviction report, especially since it's been going into a gossip chat.

It might be short sighted (based on roles rather than all the discussion, vote history..), but since I had no activity on the night squidy died, I'm still looking at Darryl and Razmos as the vote choices for today.

Scenarios remaining

1 HHA left

Vote Town tonight
Town killed tonight

Left: 2 Town, 1 HHA
Vote HHA tonight

Town win

2 HHA left

Vote Town tonight
Town killed tonight

HHA win

Vote HHA tonight
Town killed tonight

Left: 2 Town, 1 HHA

I am slightly worried there's two left and that's why I haven't had any activity, with Darryl/Razmos being able to perform the action from way over there, but I'm sticking with my gut saying 1 HHA left? :/



Everything Darryl has said here has been consistent with what he said in the gossip chat.

Has he reported each day the results of his ability, like Toma did in the in-game chat? If so, can you provide it? Darryl's chart is... unhelpful.

Except if it's Retro, why the hell has Tom being lying about night activity?

And if he has been, how has no one else caught that? The only time that anyone has questioned his report is when he says he got bad info. (Given that Kark came in and confirmed that he had made a correction for someone, I think we can safely assume this is what happened.)

What's interesting about the time this has come out is that if we believe Darryl and he's HHA, he's won. We kill Tom, turns out villager, Darryl kills me or Razmos in the night, then says "Oh ok, must be Retro then". At which point it's 1v1.

This assumes that whoever remains automatically sides with Darryl against me. I would call it 50/50. But you still have a valid point.

Also a minor point that I noticed, and could possibly not mean much of anything: his claimed role name is remarkably similar to Ouro's claimed role name. Nosy Neighbour vs Vengeful Villager.

Maybe, yes or no. When Ouro claimed, I looked up that role in a mafia wiki online. It did exist, but had some key differences to what Ouro claimed. It wasn't enough to completely doubt Ouro, but along with other differences, I felt safe in ignoring his roleclaim.

I also looked up Darryl's roleclaim, and only found one role with that name, but it's apparently only for live games, and is not anything like what Darryl is claiming.

Now, none of this confirms anything, because Kark's been pretty creative, so he could have made up this role.

Ultimately, though, I have trouble believing that Kark made this role, which effectively makes the Light Sleeper kind of useless.

Also, out of interest, when did Darryl claim this role in the chat? What night phase?
It's also notable that if he is HHA, this is all information he'd have access to anyway

Also all of this.


Has he reported each day the results of his ability, like Toma did in the in-game chat? If so, can you provide it? Darryl's chart is... unhelpful.
No, he didn't. He mentioned once that he got a red flag from someone in the bottom left of the map or something, but that's about it.


It just seems weird for a role you've had through out the game and you'd most likely need to explain at some point, that you wouldn't keep a solid record of each eviction report, especially since it's been going into a gossip chat.

It might be short sighted (based on roles rather than all the discussion, vote history..), but since I had no activity on the night squidy died, I'm still looking at Darryl and Razmos as the vote choices for today.


I am slightly worried there's two left and that's why I haven't had any activity, with Darryl/Razmos being able to perform the action from way over there, but I'm sticking with my gut saying 1 HHA left? :/

OK, I'm attaching this as a second post because I feel like it's important that this be addressed separately.

Here is the bottom line: Either Toma or Darryl is lying. They cannot both be telling the truth. Toma says that there has been no activity on his side of the map, which, if true, clears him, me, and RNH. Darryl says he can confirm activity on this side of the map, which clears him and Razmos.

If Darryl is lying, I do not think there can be two HHA left. That would mean that three of the four people in Razmos' gossip group are HHA. This seems unlikely.

If Toma is lying, then, yes, there could be two HHA. Hell, there could be three. Why not?

I'm voting for Darryl. Sure, this is partially self-preservation. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. Darryl's info puts me right in the crosshairs, but I know that I'm innocent.

But beyond that, Toma's been providing information all game, and no one has managed to refute it. People have tried. Franconp tried. (And if Toma were HHA, why would Franconp do that?) Is it possible that he's gotten away with lying the whole game? Sure, but it's unlikely.
Darryl's info, on the other hand, has been kept the entire game to a small group, and even then, he gave them virtually no information. Hard to contradict a lie when you have no details. He has even held it back when it would have been to his advantage to present it. (When arguing about Toma during the last day, for example.)

Vote: Darryl

If I'm wrong, I really hope the HHA takes me out. But I don't think I'm wrong.


Okay, I accept that.

You've got a red X on EzekelRAGE. If I understand what you are saying, (and I think I do,) you're saying that when someone is evicted by the HHA, you get a message saying whether or not someone in the eight squares direct around them, (three in Zeke's case,) is HHA. So in this case, Ouro was already dead, Nin has been cleared since then, and that just leaves me.

I've been very upfront about who I am. I'm a town-aligned gossip. But folks have been arguing whether or not a gossip could be HHA. Well, Mazre wasn't. I'm not. I don't think Razmos is either. But you're willing to play the odds, and I respect that.

However, if you somehow lead an eviction against me, (and please go right ahead,) the good people of Devilage Ass are going to see that I am exactly what I've been saying since I showed up. And then, when they see that there was no possible other person who could have evicted Zeke in the immediate area, they are going to realize that you have lied to them.

So please, go right ahead and evict me. I dare you.
Okay, I accept that.

You've got a red X on EzekelRAGE. If I understand what you are saying, (and I think I do,) you're saying that when someone is evicted by the HHA, you get a message saying whether or not someone in the eight squares direct around them, (three in Zeke's case,) is HHA. So in this case, Ouro was already dead, Nin has been cleared since then, and that just leaves me.

I've been very upfront about who I am. I'm a town-aligned gossip. But folks have been arguing whether or not a gossip could be HHA. Well, Mazre wasn't. I'm not. I don't think Razmos is either. But you're willing to play the odds, and I respect that.

However, if you somehow lead an eviction against me, (and please go right ahead,) the good people of Devilage Ass are going to see that I am exactly what I've been saying since I showed up. And then, when they see that there was no possible other person who could have evicted Zeke in the immediate area, they are going to realize that you have lied to them.

So please, go right ahead and evict me. I dare you.

I read it more as when someone gets evicted by anyone, day or night, he gets a report about whether anyone around whoever was evicted was HHA.


I read it more as when someone gets evicted by anyone, day or night, he gets a report about whether anyone around whoever was evicted was HHA.

Yeah, I was just simplifying it for the sake of the argument. He's clearly saying that it's related to any eviction. And although he did not say this, one would assume that it's in the squares directly adjacent to the evictee, because otherwise it's pretty useless as a way to determine suspects.

So my point still stands.

Honestly, if we assume that there is only one HHA left, (which I do, but I know others are less convinced,) evicting me might be the best possible move this turn. If I'm town, (spoiler alert: I am) then Darryl is lying. If I'm HHA, then you've caught the last one, and also Toma is lying, because he's been reporting no movement in his area since before the last HHA was evicted.

I'd rather stick around until the end of the game, but I'm willing to sacrifice myself if it's necessary. The HHA have been throwing each other under the bus all game. Maybe if I throw myself, we'll win.


Yeah, I was just simplifying it for the sake of the argument. He's clearly saying that it's related to any eviction. And although he did not say this, one would assume that it's in the squares directly adjacent to the evictee, because otherwise it's pretty useless as a way to determine suspects.

To clarify, I mean it doesn't go more than one row beyond the spot where the eviction occured, which is the only way that anyone other than me or Nin could have been triggered as a suspect for Ezekel's eviction.

If Darryl is telling the truth, I'm definitely HHA. If I'm not HHA, Darryl is definitely lying, and is probably HHA.


One more thing, and then I promise I'll shut up for a while. Please do not wait long to vote. No matter who you vote for, the worst possible thing that can happen is that we end the day in a Tie/No evict. Then the HHA gets to move freely.
One more thing, and then I promise I'll shut up for a while. Please do not wait long to vote. No matter who you vote for, the worst possible thing that can happen is that we end the day in a Tie/No evict. Then the HHA gets to move freely.

I'll vote in the morning

I want to vote for Darryl, but I need to think about the evict you first plan


I'll vote in the morning

I want to vote for Darryl, but I need to think about the evict you first plan

That's fair. I'd much rather evict Darryl too, but evicting me is a safe way to break the stalemate between the two sides of the map, so if that's what happens, I'm good with it.


I'll vote in the morning

I want to vote for Darryl, but I need to think about the evict you first plan

If you evict me then even if it proves my role, if there are 2 remaining HHA then it is gg. I'm passing the buck. I'm done. There is no way for me to calculate any better eviction targets.


I'm convinced it is Retro. It has to be. Evict him. If it's not him. Evict me after. We have the turns. Either I pulled the most amazing long con or I'm being completely honest. Dig as far into my history as you can and you can tell I've done nothing but fight for town, and that everything I've done aligns with this role that I'm claiming.


Darryl, since we're both convinced that evicting me is a good decision, perhaps you'll be kind enough to clarify a few points concerning my "guilt."

1. Your role, to your knowledge, detects everyone in a one square radius around the evictee, and tells you if one of those people wanted that person evicted. Is this correct?

2. When Ezekel was evicted, was an alert triggered? If so, it would have had to be me or Nin that did it, correct?


Darryl, since we're both convinced that evicting me is a good decision, perhaps you'll be kind enough to clarify a few points concerning my "guilt."

1. Your role, to your knowledge, detects everyone in a one square radius around the evictee, and tells you if one of those people wanted that person evicted. Is this correct?

2. When Ezekel was evicted, was an alert triggered? If so, it would have had to be me or Nin that did it, correct?

1. Yes
2. Yes
I don't think I'm voting Retro today, here's why:

I didn't have any activity on the night squidy died so (ignoring the possibility HHA have a blocker or another HHA role that can't be detected)

If there's 1 HHA, the HHA is either Darryl or Razmos. If we get the wrong one, it must be the other?

If there's 2 HHA, it can't be RNH and Retro, so one of them is either Darryl or Razmos and the other could be anyone.


That's majority.

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you. Once Kark says that I am town, you know what to do.

Boy, I hope I'm right about there only being one HHA left.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I only count 3 votes on Retrogamer - he needs one more for majority.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Welp. That kind of puts a damper on my heroic self-sacrifice.

You can self-vote.

Note that as an impartial moderator, this doesn't mean I am telling you this is a good idea (or a bad one), I am just informing you it is possible to do.
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